What would you like to see in Bloodborne 2?

What would you like to see in Bloodborne 2?

>not 60fps reply


Nothing, because Fromsoft are terrible at sequels. BB is already perfect as a self-contained story. So is DeS. DaS used to be, until the DLC and sequels, and now it's a trainwreck.

Warping between bonfires, more Covenants, All weapons are placed in the early game, spawning with 7 bullets and 5 bloodvials, longer game, more fashion souls, more creepy eldritch horror style music, more ambient music like in upper cathedral ward, more variation in visiting areas, like a really overgrown sprawl of fields, make Molotov cocktails work with bullets, more insight based enemy progression, hunter tools are based on an mp bar, while we're at it weapon arts, more stuff as well designed as rom, pc port and a plot line that ends up happy somehow

>more stuff as well designed as rom

I don't want to see Bloodborne 2. I want to see Armored Core for VR

>das used to be
yea i loved the second part of the game
so much epicness! best game ever

A decent pc port.

Rom was cool because he wasn't a fuckin alien, he had the best arena and cutscene in all of the souls games too

An easy mode so that it is more accessible to more than 1% of gamers.

Auto-pilot function so that if I can beat a certain part the game will do it for me.

More dialog instead of combat(some people would rather have story than combat)

Romancable characters for both Heterosexual and gender non conforming people

More diverse characters

Yaaaaaassss this please omg

Are you sure you're not confused? Rom is the spider bitch that's just a pain in the ass.


>More diverse characters

Industrial revolution based areas.

Would be like the Silent Hill otherworld.

Funny enough, tumblrinas and feminists would actually agree with this. Even the autopilot part.

nice bait

Inb4 10 day plat user

I wouldn't like to see BB get a sequel, but if it does end up getting one I'd have them scrap chalice dungeons, diversify the color palette and sprinkling the weapons out a bit more early.

What's wrong with tumblr and feminism? Oh god don't tell me your a alt right neo nazi troll

I wouldn't like to see it at all.
BB is fine as it is, it's nice and self contained. It explained enough and left enough mysterious, I don't think a sequel would work.

As long as the autopilot is exclusive to easy mode and never comes up in proper difficulties, what's the issue?

Because it makes saying that you beat the game mean nothing.

Who fucking cares if some kid says he beat Bloodborne 2 and he actually didn't?

They could make prequel about Loran
It's not like we had many desert areas in the osuls games...

gb2 neogaf faggot

it matters to me

same reason I think summoning should be removed

Then maybe you should stop being autistic. The other kids don't need to play the exact way you like to play. If they want to use handicaps, let them.

Boss battle against grown-up slug Hunter, with Doll healing/buffing him from elsewhere

Same "all weapons upgrade from the same materials"
Same gem socket system
To not know it's Bloodborne 2 until near the very end of the game

60fps or at the very least non shitty frame pacing and issues, and definitely no chromatic aberration.
Also I understand it's a part of the game's atmosphere, but personally I would like to see a bit more colours, and less of the washed out greys that dominate the first game.

Also from a gameplay point, I'd like to see the lantern system reworked. The way the lanterns only port you back to Hunters Dream, and you can't just choose to reawaken at the lantern or travel to another lantern without going through Hunter's Dream and long loading screens every time is quite frankly a bad mechanic that would profit from a touch up.

Not that I expect them to make a Bloodborne 2, they'll probably come up with an entirely new IP.

>weapon arts
Bloodborne's movesets are flashy enough that we don't need this. There's three melee attack buttons already and transformation attacks. That's all we need.

Its been said repeatedly before but part of what makes these games what they are is their punishing nature. If you make the game easy, you lose almost all complexity and strategy there is in the gameplay.

Try, for instance, going back to a starting stage when you get to the end of a dark souls game. You kill everything with one hit and don't even have to dodge or block or anything. A dark souls game with easy mode would literally be "Walk forward and press r1" There would be literally nothing to it.

Easy mode dark souls is called watching an LP of it.

Hey asshole maybe some of us just want the story?

I know I'm replaying to bait, but it's pretty well accepted that AotA is the best part of DaS bar none.

Sony can develop it internally, no need to have Fromsoft involved

You literally don't. You don't play these games for story. You would be bored out of your fucking mind.

If bloodbourne 2 would bore people if it were story based then maybe they shouldn't make a sequel? They're obviously incompetent writers.

Saying pc port just proves that you havent played the game.
Every one of those suggestions would ruin the game, or take away from another element of the game that makes it good
And no faggot, there are 2 happy endings already
>B-but Vaati!
Fuck off you mental 12 year old

More than 5 weapons.

PC version so both PS4 and PC fags would shut up already about that trash game

>Take bloodbornes gameplay
>remove stats
>take notes from Nioh with stances
>make it faster
>do an all new game not related to Bloodborne

Framepacing that doesn't make me want to kill myself

I would like to see it in a case like this.

>remove stats
you what?

Would rather just see Demons Souls released on the Playstation store already.

windows version

more boobs

Not "cinematic" frame rate drops, no 5 minutes load screen.

I don't trust from to make a direct sequel. So despite BB being one of my favourite games of all time I think I'll pass.

A connection to your BB character. And some extra shit for having the Yharnam stone.

I would like a different city.

We've seen London with Yharnam.

Set it in the New World.

It's called making the game better.

All you're saying is that you prefer action games to arpgs. Which is fine, but they're fairly different things.

And what I'm implying is that Souls are better action games than they are RPGs, so they should stop pretending to be the latter.

>get told its going to be Vanhelsing Souls where I can turn into a werewolf and invade peoples worlds
>Instead I get meme aliens and I never get to be a proper fucking were wolf

Just give me the original idea please.

I personally play them as action games too. But a large portion of the audience plays them as RPGs. Do you not hear all the people talking about builds this and build diversity that?

One of the main complaints about BB was lack of build diversity despite a "build" in a souls game just being pick 3 stats and pump them.

Id like to see it made more difficult. I platinumed it in 10 days, went in blind, never played a Souls game before.

It was very easy. I dont know why you all think it's hard?

No, if they can't play the right way then they don't deserve to play at all

Did you not play the expansion?

>Haha guys this game is so totally easy like I wish they would make it harder because its so easy. Did I tell you I think its easy? Because its easy

There is always a few of you

The one where once you complete all the content in the entire game you get a rune that makes you look kinda fuzzy?

No, I dropped blood borne within a month of picking it up for false advertising


Makes you look like a beast and changes the moveset of the beast claws. What false advertising?

Is this a furry thing? Are you a furry?

60 FPS. Do what Nioh did and have an option that lowers graphical fidelity since Bloodborne 2 will absolutely be PS4 exclusive if it happens, unless From decide to make a multiplat spinoff series like they did with Demons to Dark Souls.

I just like werewolves. Altered Beast and a few old CRPGs are the only place I can go to get my monster itch

I would like to know what the fuck happened to the Choir. They weren't conquered like the Vilebloods or sacrified like the school of Mensis, they're still a threat to the entire world.

> run past every enemy if required
> up to 24 vials to give you circa 12 extra lives at any point
> you can summon 2x people to do anything remotely hard
> spectres and notes every step of the way to show and tell you what to do
> dodging makes you almost invincible
> if you lock on it auto aims for you

The game holds your hand every step of the way.

The beautiful part is that you think I'm denying your claims instead of mocking for you thinking you are hardcore because you beat the game

Sounds like they all just scattered and did their own thing. You got the one chick and Bergenweth protecting Willem and then the other one trying to get preggos. Its just a mercenary operation.

Are the legends true? Am I witnessing the 10 day user? I heard he platinumed the game in only 10 days!

I heard he beat ninja gaiden on master ninja in 5 hours.... with one hand!

I don't. That's my entire point. It's easy.

The fact that you have to stand up and declare to the world thank you think the game is easy, is just a grab for attention

Strictly speaking it actually went into 11 days, but i was just messing about for the first few in chalice dungeons, so you could argue it took less.

Welcome to Sup Forums faggot, based 10 days user is a local hero.

I heard he was the champion of EVO 6 years running.

thank you.

I came here to say Nothing.
Leave the best Souls game be.

This, he alone forever proved Bloodborne is easy by beating it in 10 days. Truly amazing

That's unbelievable, it should have taken you at least 12 days and you did in a mere 11. Please share your secrets, how did you do it?

what's with all the Rom hate I see on Sup Forums?

It's a great fight due to the spiders respawning, otherwise have fun trying to bum rush Rom and fend them off.
It's a great twist on 4 Kings/Nito respawn format thanks to the lore being implemented into the bossfight.

And the lore in general is why Rom is awesome anyways.

oh my.

I didn't know how much I wanted this until just now. And I don't even play Armored Core.

>not an alien
>best arena
>best cutscene
i dont know where to begin

Oh look, it's the photoshop fag.

Photoshop? Go to my profile and check yourself. Cloud__ffvii

Are you going to post this in EVERY fucking thread, I've seen you like 20 times this week.

You're worse than Barneyfag,

holy shit user, thank you for your input on why Bloodborne is WAAYYY too easy!

Boy and I thought I had plenty of trouble with adjusting to a faster combat pace than Dark Souls, non automatic replenishing estus/blood vials, and playing offline and not pussying out and running past shit.

I must've missed when from straight up hijacks the game and tell you to play like you played in order to beat the game in 10 days!
What shitty hand holding!

Please let me suck your cock, 10 day god!

Emphasize the sci-if, with a pulpy feel.
Re-Animator for example.

I try to imagine what a sperg you are. Please let me know before you start your cinema shooting.

That shitty skybox always triggers me. The game is all about the Moon but they made the Moon look like total ass. FTFY.

Customizable NG+ (carrying only weapons over, carrying level and difficulty increase, etc).

Send me a friend request and real name request and you can see for yourself.

Just because i call a game easy, you think im likely to be a killer? Thats fukt up brother

Switch exclusive with HD rumble for maximum triggering potential

You are in every thread, may dude.

>hahah wtf if you play the game correctly you will do well in it

> you can summon 2x people to do anything remotely hard

If you are a fucking pussy faggot, sure you can.

The direct sequels for these games barely ever amount to anything as good as the ones that are just barely their own thing.

If I had to pick:
PC port for the options menus and the 60 FPS and the everything.
Not the same soulsborne gameplay for a sixth game.
Not the same warp to everything all-in-one fast travel system that kind of plagues these games and nothing quite as disruptive as being forced to go through several loading screens to go from one area to the next if that is included.
Some real proper jank to make the game feel like a world that is in a game, not a game world. I don't want to go through an area with the game tapping me on the shoulder and saying that "Hey. This is a level 4-6 weapon area, it'd be really swell if you upgraded your weapon to level 4-6 with all these designated upgrade materials for the only upgrade path this game has that I've been incessantly handing you. Your upgrade bench/solitary blacksmith even already lets you upgrade that far so you didn't miss anything.".
Proper non-linear world design. I'm a real soulsborne pleb with shit taste so I'm on the shitty metroidvania train.
Hacking stuff off of creatures.
Good Camera and AI though 5 games in is probably when you should give up hope on that.
New area, probably new time period and a resulting new aesthetic.

Weapon arts weren't a good addition and are pretty redundant for the weapons in Bloodborne anyway.

Artorias of the abyss was great though

Artorias was good but you're correct, FROM are at their best when they make one-off games.

Could it be?! You're that guy that proved Bloodborne was easy, I believe they call you the 10 day user!
