What are some games that will teach me how to be a social person?

What are some games that will teach me how to be a social person?

the game of life

The "getting dopamine by conversing with people inatead of watching porn and playing videogames" game

stop replying with this

You could become my personal slut in Elder Scrolls Online on the EU server and I'd pass you around between guild mates a bit so you can't withdraw into your shy self and have to interact with each one and please them or run at risk of us ganging up on you and harass you until you cry. There won't be a better offer, think about it before it's too late.

Any game with multiplayer that has a decent community. Basically impossible in this day and age.

But it's true

>tfw introverted and don't get dopamine from conversing with people
Feels bad, man

None. To get good at socially you have to talk to an actual human bean. Games can't replicate human interaction, but it can get pretty close but its not better than the real thing.

You can talk to people and not get any better at it. IRL, people won't tell you where you went wrong in talking to them or what you should have done instead, so it's possible to never really learn anything. People won't even tell you if you fucked up, either.
So I need something that will do all those things.

>Le dopamine meme
You want lower blood pressure or what? Because that's what dopamine does. Cut the bullshit.

>it's not better than the real thing
>All that people do is shitpost aloud
You're fucking kidding, right.

>people won't tell you where you went wrong in talking to them or what you should have done instead
If you don't straight up tell them that you are trying to improve your social skills then of course they won't. Becoming better at socializing isn't something that is easily obtainable. YOU have to put the effort, make out a goal to try and keep a conversation, with whomever you have nearby, for as long as possible. It's also not something you can pick up overnight. It takes months and some would say years to improve socially. It took pretty much all 4 years of highschool until I could confidently talk to people for about 3 or 4 minutes, even if I don't know them personally, and I still got a ways to go.

Don't just go with what seems comfortable, to have a conversation you have you make yourself vulnerable and open to have a conversation.

>All people do is shitpost aloud
If you see anything and everything anybody ever says as "shitposting", you have to get your head out of your own ass. I hope you aren't imply that most people aren't worth talking to because their opinions don't line up with yours.

> I hope you aren't imply that most people aren't worth talking to because their opinions don't line up with yours.

I don't see what you mean with any of that. Literally, all that people do, is shitpost aloud. They don't make any kind of arguments about anything, all they do is comment inane shit you can only respond with "yeah, uhuh." or saying more inane shit of your own but that's a waste of time.

Tell me then, where are the discussions? Where are the arguments? Where are the interesting conversations?

I miss Brigand.

Stop having conversations with the 13 year olds you want to fuck.

I wish that were the case.

If the quality of conversations with the normal people you talk to is that, start talking to 14 year olds, you get the same vapid conversation and also nice pussy.

To all that, I'd say its dependent on where and what kind of people you are talking to. You can't necessarily have a good conversation with people who can't argue or discuss themselves, which I'd say is a large amount of people, if Sup Forums is any indication. Indeed, it is hard to find people who want to discuss but there are people out there. Again, you have to put yourself out there and look for them. You got my attention and I'd say this is one of the better discussions I've had on here in a while.

What kind of doll is that? Volks? Is that the dollfie size? I want one like that. She can be my girlfriend

Shitposts are interesting, though, because they're fun.

Arguments and rational discourse can't change people's opinions anyway, even though that's precisely what they're supposed to do. So really the only form of communication that's truly worth having is small talk.

Dolls can't be girlfriends

i wanna fuck that tiny doll

GTA San Andreas. Teach you how to Gangbang

you're just agreeing with what he's saying without providing real insight, though.

You're pretty much just responding "yeah, uhuh" to his inane shit.


>Expecting what made you asocial in the first place to make you social
It's like smoking to cure cancer

Love plus is the only one
Don't listen to anyone else op

>At convenience store to buy some Advil for my Dad
>Meet Childhood classmate at the checkout
>Spaghetti all over

I can't talk to girls for shit. I always look away and end up talking very quietly. I talk to guys fine all the time.

Dunno, I saved it a while back from a doll thread on /jp/ when I was considering taking up dolls as a hobby but it turned out to be way more expensive and meticulous than I thought.

Glad I'm not the only one who thought that.

What a waste of time.

I'd rather play waifu simulators if that's the case.

Wow. I think games got you into this mess.

Go out on dates. Something's to help be not socially weird.

Don't watch cartoons

Don't play videogames all the fucking time

Don't collect toys/figurines/dolls

Don't out posters of cartoons or games on your walls

Don't buy game/cartoon merch

Don't talk about games and cartoons to other people unless you know they enjoy those things. Even then limit the conversation about it.

Get in shape if you aren't. You don't have to be Chad but no one likes a slob

Fix appearance if need be. Take pride in how you look. If you look like shit people will not want to talk to you.

Be varied in many things. The more diverse you are the more likely you will find a common subject with someone else

Don't belittle people, lose the idea of superiority to others if you feel that way. A lot of non social people tend to feel superior to their peers and most of the time that isn't even close to true.

Humor is huge. If you aren't funny you better be cool as fuck but I doubt your cool as fuck so get gud at humor.

It's kind of easy but most of these skills should have been developed in your teenage years. Good luck.

mmm doll joints

>Watch the game bruhhh, stop liking things you like and like things I like instead.

As always, you normalshits can't speak anything but bullshit. Fuck yourself.

So, basically, turn yourself into a complete tool.

Try Date Ariane. Maybe it can help you talk to girls

Oh fuck.... That broke my heart bro

Stop playing games for a month or so (if this idea worries you then that's even more reason to stop) and make yourself find new pasttimes.
You get better at socializing by socializing, it's a trial and error thing. People obviously don't review your social skills or whatever the fuck you want them to do, you pick up new skills and improvements subconsciously as time goes on.

Also,not all convos have to be deep intellectual debates. Shooting the shit is a key conversational skill. I have friends who I can have fun memorable conversations with and I have friends who are nice to just babble on about whatever with. Life is about balance, balance between vidya and other pasttimes, balance between autistic conversations about what you like and mundane shit etc. Variety is the spice of life.

I really want to fuck that doll.

>say something smart
>say something funny
If I could do that, I wouldn't play a fucking dating sim

That's literally what a boyfriend, husband, friend is. If your friends don't help you what are they there for right?

He asked how to learn to be sociable. If he wants to die alone then he should by all means continie to collect toys and shit if he enjoys it. The problem with watching cartoons or anime is you really are perpetual fucking child in an adult's body. I recently tried to watch a child hood favorite cartoon recently only to realize holy fuck this shit is horrible and I can't believe I used to love it. I grew the fuck up is what happened.

Op do what you want but if your goal is to be sociable in this world you have to change your mind set. Conversations about cartoons and videogame don't go far in the real world.

Except being a tool, or even having the qualities of a good friend, doesn't actually get you friends.

People seek to be fooled, they're cattle as you could expect.

>you make yourself vulnerable
that sounds great for normies who only have minor flaws but awful for me, who is just a fuckup in everything at life
inB4 just BEE urself :^)

This guy takes the normie stuff a little too far. and I just wanna add that you can continue watching your Chinese cartoons and stuff as long as you aren't a fag about it. I know people who are chads and also happen to be bigger weaboos than I am.
Take a step back, cut the nerdy things out of your routine for a bit and make a new healthier balanced routine and then find a place for the nerd stuff in it. Nothing wrong with defragging after a day of practicing an instrument and working out or whatever you do with some animu or geimu but save it all for after you are done "detoxing"

It's really not that hard to find people who are nerds like you and are also socially functional. I met a normie grill who had the same favorite obscure band as me and gets autistic weeb humor within like a week of trying to talk to girls more.

>The problem with watching cartoons or anime is you really are perpetual fucking child in an adult's body.
Do you imply it's a lot whole better to be a horny teen in an adults body? At one point you'll find out judging people for their "maturity" is worthless because all are equally immature.

> you have to change your mind set
>What you have to do is completely change the person you are
>While at the same time, you try to be yourself :^)
The problem with OP is that he's being buying into the social meme too much. Knowing how to small talk comes in handy sometimes, but it's foolish to think there's an ideal lifestyle surrounding socialization that everyone should strive for. It's all bullshit in the end.

Just be yourself bro, it's easy.

Where do I go to meet girls?

I never leave my house.

Uh, what about networking?

How man relationships have you been in and I mean sexual relationships?

I agree I may be overstating it but in general no one wants to talk to a 1 deminsional person. Someone who can only talk about childish shit will definitely get on most people's nerves. I have a friend friend who's brother is socially fucked due to games. All he does plays games. He has friends but I think are all online people. Dude died his minimal job goes home plays games. What a fucking life. No desire to do anything with his life. It's fucking sad man. Then again if he is content and happy at 30 living with his parents, having a teenagers job, and playing videogames who the fuck am I to judge. But op asked how to get better at life so he apparently wants more than a relationship with games and cartoons.

My girlfriend makes fun of me for like animated movies. She doesn't care I play games but I better not show a game more attention than her. She doesn't want to talk about games so I better be able to talk about normal shit. Definitely wouldn't be able to discuss a cartoon. And btw if you collect toys and a normie as you call them comes over sees your collection...Well you will be the talk of the water cooler. It's a fucking gag in some movies. If none of this makes sense then I dunno man. Good luck none the less.

What about it?

It's nepotism, what else is to be said about it?

It's a pretty good reason to "buy into the social meme".

I remember when bisho shinkis were all the rage.


>Then again if he is content and happy at 30 living with his parents, having a teenagers job, and playing videogames who the fuck am I to judge
you're judging him right there

Small talk you mean, but no reason to obsess about being socially successful or whatever. It's attitudes like those that end up causing people depression.

Captcha: Close Vigne

Vigne a shit.

I'm not actually even kidding, the game puts some fundamentals of it in a way that even a pseudo-aspergers patient like the average Sup Forums user can understand if they're not mexicans.

>Expecting normalshits to not spout senseless bullshit

I have no friends, and I'm always tired.

My childhood friend grew up to be a bipolar narcissist.

My one girlfriend ignored me for ages, then disappeared.

I am surrounded by literal cud-chewing idiots (at work).

Life has cucked me out of happiness.

*Drops the mic, moonwalks off the fucking stage*

I'm not trying to be mean to you guys but good luck being both socially normal and doing the things I was pointing out. It doesn't work so well in our society. If you are happy the way your life is then you should totally ignore me. Most normie people are dicks anyway and I promise no matter what you have built in your head to what sex is its not as great as you think. Good luck to all you guys.


dating sims

also, having a social life is overrated
I got a job and suddenly people won't stop talking to me. I wish they'd go away.

There are none, even games with elements of social engagement almost always have autistic writing, imply because autists are the type of people to make those games.

It could be worse. At least you had a friend at some point. At least you had a girlfriend once. I literally never connected with another human being, nor have I ever fit into a group.


it really is.
i'm a complete fuck up, from head to toe, but i took a few jobs here and there, and some of them literally forced me to interact with people, at first it was awkward as fuck, mostly because people talks about places you don't go, and stuff you never do. but as time goes, you learn to play that game, and you can actually get good at it.

One could argue that having friends in the past is worse, you can't miss something you've never had.

Yeah so what. So does his brother. His brother thought about getting him a prostitute just so he can say he had some pussy. Only reason he didn't was afraid he would get an std.

Again if watching cartoons, playing with ninja swords, collecting dolls and toys is what you like I say go for it but don't expect people to understand it and most likely laugh a little. Also that superiority thing you fuckers have WTF is that about.

I'm out. Got some normal people shot to go do. Again, Good luck to all.

Dating Sims.
Not even Joking.

this advice doesn't work just like that.
you need to learn how much of yourself you can be when you talk to others, and in the end of the day, you need to look really deep inside of you, so you can see how much of yourself is actually wrong.
and i'm not gonna lie to you, that's hard as hell.

You have a warped view of what people here do in their spare time. You're talking to people on Sup Forums, not /jp/.

Dating sims such as

>I'll judge this guy whose mindset is completely different to mine, and which i don't want to try to understand, with my own standards!

I am now living, waiting to die.

Same as me, and i have no regrets.

Op wants to play a videogame to learn how to interact with real world people. So....I stick to my advice.

OP if you really want to learn to be a sociable person the only thing you can do is talk to the people that are already in your life and begin using them to network.

You're a kissless virgin, yeah? Consider reading Shyness and Love, it may help you to better understand how you got into this situation and what you can do about it.

>you can't miss something you've never had.
This is the reason I'm not bitter about being a virgin. Feels good man.

Get the fuck out and never come back you goddamn normalshit. Hope you and all the women you've fucked die from cervix cancer (which will likely happen)

Was he the tripfag that posted all those doll photos?
I actually kind of like them. They're hot in a way.

No game will make you more social based op.

Go out,get a job or something,exercise and socialize with people yourself.

Something to keep in mind is that to some degree almost everyone you talk to is also worried about what others are thinking about them. Most people you talk to will gloss over minor fuck ups because they're too absorbed in making sure no one notices theirs. If they do point out something, or make fun of you in a minor way, just own it and laugh it off. It makes it look like you're too confident to let small errors get in your way, but humble enough to acknowledge them.

People flock to confidence, even if it's false. Projecting it is the most important thing you can learn. Even if you just convince yourself that you just honestly don't care what others think of you, that counts. If they do manage to get you down, don't let em see. Only show vulnerability to friends and family, they'll think it's endearing if done right.



>In order to relate to other people, you need to...

>Drop all your interests, they're weird and people will think you're weird
>Begin meticulous daily exercise and self-care because I assume you're fucking ugly
>Learn to be funny, something you are probably terrible at if you are not socially inclined

Essentially, just b urself OP.
The guy who posted this is a retard. You need to be able to walk the normie walk, yes, but that doesn't mean you have to actually become one of them. You need to do what we call 'hiding your power level.'

Do what I did. Go into real world and socialize. Then realise how awful being around other people feels and shut yourself in your room for next 6 months. Then repeat.
The only thing I hate more than being sad and lonely is actually talking and being around other people.
Not sure how to fix this.

What you and OP both need are someone who can help you who understands your situation.
You should think of it like being an alcoholic and having a guy who's going to make sure you start and follow the steps to recovery.

It's not like I don't have friends and never talk to people, I do everyday.
But whenever I'm in a group I'm the quietest and least talkative person, and it's not really out of stoicism or choice or anything, I just have no clue what to say. I'm a bit better when drunk but I really can't replicate that while sober no matter how hard I try. And it's only a bit better anyway.

Like I'm hardly a complete social autist like that guy earlier seems to think, but I'm not really at the level of what seems like everyone else is.

>inB4 just BEE urself :^)

It literally is the real answer.

If you can't get a girl by just being yourself than it is just Darwinian Law working its magic.

But look on the bright side, you are still contributing to human society by not being a cause for its destruction. :^)

1. Practice talking. Literally look yourself in the eye in the mirror and monologue for five minutes abouy whatever. Move and gesture but try not to break eye contact. Confident body language is more important that what you say. See number 4.

2. Find what other people are interested in. Evesdrop on people in restaurants.

3. Pick someone you know is a good talker, like a co worker or celebrity. Think what they would do, and would not do in your situation.

4. Be a good listener. People's favorite thing is to talk about themselves, so if you can let them do that they will be thrilled. Once you hit minimum passive appeal (hygiene, fashion, style) you can coast on listening. Keep eye contact and try to imagine the person in the best possible light so your body language and eyes become more positive.

5. When speaking, be silent and wait instead of saying "um". It makes you seem more confident and thoughtful. Avoid ending sentences with an upward inflection.

Get a job in a social setting like a bar, and dont act like a fucking miserable misanthrope, dont be afraid to make mistakes and eventually youll pick up how to be socially sucessful.

Then once you are, quit that job and do something else where people dont know how much of a sperg you used to be.

Can /jp/ post more dolls?


Well just fuck off and stop complaining then

Just learn how to hide your fucking power level. Fake it till you make it.

>he browses /r9k/ and internalises anything those spergs say
Well cutting that shit out would be a good first step into integrating with the outside world

>Consider reading Shyness and Love
Honestly, is this a worthwhile book? I tried a workbook for depression in the past and it didn't help me very much

It's not about depression. It's about the socially introverted condition that cripples young men into being kissless virgins. And if you're a kissless virgin, you're almost definitely a social failure as well.

It also has steps you can take to try to fix yourself. It's a free PDF, just google Shyness and Love.

Buy a gamecube controller and join your local melee scene NOW. FGC and smash 4 work as well but the sm4sh scene can get a little autistic and terribly boring if you're not already a fan.The younger you join and hang out with people the better. The only way to socialize is with real people. You won't regret it, find your video game community with something your passionate about

>you will never get an outgoing bf

>And if you're a kissless virgin, you're almost definitely a social failure as well.
What does "social failure" even means?