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I can't wait for china to kick america' fat ass
Makes me feel like talking about video games
Trump will save them.
Don't joke about that man. I live in Japan. How would you feel if I died?
He can't even build a rocket with nuclear payload. Kinda missing the nuclear part.
>Not sucking American cock due to trade
>Shitty soviet-era military kicking the strongest nation in the world
Await your next semen ration, yuropoor.
America already overtook the loli industry, so we'll all be fine.
Doesnt North Korea have dirty bombs at most? They've been making toothless threats for ages, too.
>forgeting that america is literally run by a retard
They've conducted like at least 10 test in the last decade. Their rocket cannot fly to Japan, but they can use it to nuke Seoul
>normalization of anime
>massive amount of trapfag culture because of anime
>low test males
Japan is cancer and needs purged
Japan only started making animu after the 2 nukes. Maybe they will make even better animu after another one?
>America being led by someone who isn't a limp-wristed faggot wimp
I look forward to seeing this fat gook eat a gallon of shit.
Japan needs to delete all anime period, and go back to warring states times
>Shitty soviet-era military
Havent they been upgrading shit for a while
I'm not American. What is this Easter Egg Roll and why is it bad that Trump is shit at it?
I like this thread.
Based /ourguy/ Kim Jong-un nuking the biggest cancer to gaming.
Preferably they stop making them all together.
>Any of those
It's the opposite: anime became bland when it started pandering to otaku instead of normal kids and teenagers.
NEET faggots killed anime.
>What is this Easter Egg Roll
A White House tradition where you just get a bunch of eggs, a ramp, and roll the eggs up the ramp.
>and why is it bad that Trump is shit at it?
If he can't manage something simple like an egg roll, how do you think he'll manage a fucking world war?
>no more anime
Based on estimated power - they are definitely not dirty bombs.
Anime was a gigantic fucking mistake and is responsible for large amounts of weak degenerate men in Japan, the U.K. and the U.S.
It also introduced more and more female protagonists which led to more effeminate role models, it is cancer and needs purged
>it literally took 2 fatass nukes for japan to get this degenerate
So what's Merica's excuse?
What are some games that take place in North Korea?
I dunno, George Bush has trouble with a rain poncho and he did fine when he was president :P
It's some shitty yearly event where they roll thousands of eggs and invite school children from all around the country and mostly the DC area to participate. It's a fun Easter holiday, and I think Michelle Obama got like 45k people the last time she did it.
Trump doesn't give half a shit about Easter egg rolling and obviously didn't plan for it because he's kind of busy trying to start/prevent WWIII. Melania is a fucking idiot and shouldn't be trusted to do anything, let alone trusted with organizing a major event.
Pretty good. Only good gook zipperhead chinkshits and weebs are dead gook zipperhead chinkshits and weebs.
They took two ancient soviet rust buckets and made "carriers", China would still gets clock fucking cleaned by a NATO country.
This. Japan are literally the original SJWs. Note the staggering amount of female leads in their work in the 90s and 2000s.
Fuck off
>it's a "redditor accidentally got lost again" episode
Anime is why Japan won't fight back and are a bunch of weak faggots. They've created a carefree culture with no honor.
My games don't come from North Korea though
Good kill all gooks and shitskins the more are dead the happier i'll be. It'll improve the board too which is a win win for me.
>Anime is bad
>Weeb games are good
Is that a Protestant thing? Because American Protestants are retards who made most of the religion look anti-science.
Like he's going to be ousted by his military before it even happens. Now back to videogames.
please just go back to pol
i'm so tired
>did fine when he was president
Except for 9/11, Iraq 2.0, and crashing the economy.
You mean use a hand grenade to disperse some shitilly refined nuclear material around one city block...
an event nobody give two shits about but will use as an excuse to go MUH DRUMPF
You okay there?
>implying wapanese ever had a shred of honor to begin with
His main target right now is America, not Japan.
God bless Kim Jong
Literally who?
Happy. One less weebfag on this earth.
Technically, the first Japanese anime was created for WWII propaganda and was screened about three months before the nukes were dropped.
Anime is shit
Anime games are shit
Men who watch anime are usually weak beta male faggots who want to be transgender
How do we stop this?
>ever having honor
Read a history book
So it's universally agreed then.
Where were you when Sup Forums came to its senses and cheered for the actual good guys.
Denialfag weeb.
Actually we fucking hate both.
It's an American thing. European Protestants are basically Chatolics without the paedophilia part.
>can't beat vietnam or some goat fuckers in the desert
>expect to beat a country of 1.3 billion
1. Stop racemixing/culturemixing
Japan is pure and the women shouldn't be defiled. Infact, you are taking the Japanese women away from these Japanese men who desperately need them. They are becoming boyband otaku faggots more and more every day because of yellow fever, stress, and lack of options. Japan really needs to go back to being Xenophobic and needs to go back to the warring states way of doing things.
2. Civil War
Peace breeds weak feminine & sterile men.
You must create war to save Japan. As insane as it seems, there are benefits from war. It is a nessecary evil. Japan is too small to declare war against the UN or other countries by itself. But it needs some sort of internal or smaller struggle to whip its weak younger generation into shape. Whether it be civil conflict between ancient clans, or people finally rising up against the all powerful Yakuza clans. War is something that needs to happen, to save the men of the country.
3. Anarchy
Japan is poor yet produces most of the electronics and innovative technology in the world. Why is this? The filthy Yakuza, they run the cops, they run the government, they run everyone, and they are basically slave owners killing their own nation. The only option for Japanese men is to be trapped in a cubicle and forced to work day after day after day with very little reward.
"Japan has the lowest crime rates, and the lowest homicide rates of any country" they say...
This is a gross fabrication, many many homicides are staged as suicides by the Yakuza, most arent even investigated, or aren't even reported whatsoever because the Yakuza pay off the cops. The entirety of Japan's heirarchy is corrupt and I wish so badly that the younger generation would step up and kill the old fools in power, but no, they are weak, they are dsitracted by idols, anime, and videogames. They are blind to what is going on. It's all an elaborate scheme to keep the fat yakuza in power and it must end.
Rise up young men of Japan!
They don't posses ICBMs to target even Japan, let alone something like Hawaii or east coast. They certainly cannot carry a nuke into US either. Kim is not stupid enough to escalate the relationship, but he can be paranoid. And being paranoid makes him dangerous, at least to SK.
yeah bro trump is gonna fuck up the gooks and build that wall any day now dude we just have to be patient
And he has no way of striking it. The Nork's military strategy basically amounts to "blow up Seoul, then kiss our ass goodbye "
Can he please just nuke California instead?
I think you go into NK in the first Mercenaries at some point.
Fuck off OP
The cock sucking is the other way around. Any other perspective is denial
China's actually on board with Trump in BTFOing Kim.
Also NK's "nukes" are a joke. They'll be shot out of the sky before anything happens or more likely backfire spectacularly and they'll just accidentally nuke Pyongyang.
>stormcucks trying to invade Sup Forums
>redditors leaking on Sup Forums
T-thanks trump.
pretty good
Feels good man. Anime and weeaboo trash should be wiped away with a good nuke.
That fat nork needs a better haircut though.
>America is getting better by the day
>libcuck STILL can't handle it.
California First
U.K. Second
Japan Third