Are game journos allowed to have ''preferences'' ?
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>reviewers takes bribes
we all have bias and we can't really avoid that
that being said, our bias against these organizations far damaged them and the only way they can stay afloat now is bribes. sad.
quit being entittled.
Sorry, this isn't relevant to our interests. If you want us to care, you have to make it about women or SJWs.
Is it gamergate 2 time yet?
>being this new
Everything is corrupt.
Nothing you ever do will matter.
Best you can do for yourself is ignore it.
It used to be that journalists tried to pretend they were unbiased and hoisted it as a point of pride how far they could go to appear that way
I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad that we've come to an era where they've dropped that pretense and openly use their writing as a mouthpiece for companies they're either wildly fanatical for or financially indebted to.
Games journos can't avoid having preferences, but they can avoid being literally on the payroll of the company they're supposed to be independent from.
That group of journos makes it impossible to really know if any one of them is writing their own opinion or one greased with cash, so the safe option is to either take a large aggregate of their opinions to try and balance them out, or don't listen to any of them at all.
The advantage of the second option is that you avoid the biases they already have which may not be the same as your own (after all, this is a subjective industry, no two people will feel precisely the same about something), and you avoid the fact that a large number of journalists might all be on the same marketing payroll making it impossible to get a large unbiased consensus.
They don't take bribes, they're just fanboys because they grew up playing video games.
Vidyay journalism integrity just seems irrelevant compared to lack of mainstream media integrity. I don't really care.
Sadly, it's in-vogue these days to be completely transparent about your biases, deals, and collisions, because how else are you going to virtue signal to your fellow internet warriors that you're totally with them in the fight against [insert topical boogeyman here]? The only way you get an invitation to the "cool kids clique" is by being as loud as you can.
I wont talk about bribes because I have no idea how it actually is, but there is certainly preferences.
The sad thing is that these are grown man that still base their preferences with the logic of a 14 year old.
Opinion pieces are perfectly fine. As other user's mentioned though disguising your glorified commercial testimony as your honest opinion is where this shit falls apart.
For instance, no one would care if fils-amie said nintendo has the best console. You know he's on Nintendo's payroll.
The sad part is this is totally nothing new, and has been a problem in video games since the earliest days of magazine publication.
Peter Brown is alright and more like Sup Forums (how Sup Forums used to be) than you probably know. I don't know the context but the things said in the PS podcast that I can be bothered to listen to echo my thoughts. However, console specific podcasts are retarded.
it's shit like this that made me grow out of this as a serious hobby years ago.
People always have and will continue to criticize gaming for being immature, and for children, and this is the reason why.
We can't even get unbiased objective reviews in here. There's always drama, there's always injustice, and it continues to happen, because no one gives enough of a shit to really change it.
Being a kid, no one ever gave a shit about these reviews either, the only thing we cared about was what we thought. You'd hear about that cool cult classic from a friend of a friend, etc. etc. we didn't look to these numale faggots for validation in what we thought was cool.
This is why.
reviews are cancer
what will we do without integrity in video game blogs... this will truly be the end of democracy....
>you're wrong
what the fuck
this was literally the first lesson I learned in high school. I still remember vividly the teacher telling us that journalism should be 100% impartial, and to pay very close attention to the usage of adjectives in articles and titles. She also said that "if there's adjectives, 80% of the time they're trying to force a narrative on you"
You already made this thread.
Shill your shit channel somewhere else.
How is it unreasonable to have a preference for one console? There hasn't ever been a console generation wherein one console isn't objectively superior - either from a hardware or games library point of view.
for some reason this always comes from sony's side.
But that pertains to political, economic and social reporting. You know, stuff that actually matters in the world and can make a tangible difference in people's lives.
Any lifestyle journalism, like cooking or automobiles, is inherently inseparable from a subjective viewpoint. You can hide bias and only report the facts in terms of a crime scene or a gubernatorial candidate, but opinions are 90% of writing about videogames.
Top kek, people literally can't stand sony doing well. Instead of hoping nintendo and MS improve, they instead try to damage control.
>But that pertains to political, economic and social reporting.
It doesn't even apply to those fields. Newspapers and media outlets are rife with opinion pieces.
>Problematic retard acts problematic on Sup Forums because loose moderation lets him get away with it.
This is why I have /r/gaming and /r/starcitizen up on my second monitor.
If you expect any fucking """journalism""" outlet to be neutral nowadays, you're retarded. The only real news outlet I can say that seems pretty neutral is PBS and there are none for gaming.
Yeah. Sony is on the verge of death, but can afford to out bid the competition to their side.
microsoft has already stated that the gaming division is basically a joke to them. They never made money from it, they're only doing it to compete with the living room.
which is pointless now that everyone has a roku box or any other streaming device and everyone gets their entertainment from a computer running on windows anyway.
Is it even possible to be 100% unbaised?
In a review no. In actual news about stuff yes. If you just publish the facts and nothing else it's nonbiased. However when it comes to game reviews of course there's gonna be one due to them being based on how their experience with the product and how it compares to previous products they have consumed/reviewed.
YOU can however be 99% nonbiased
Former gaming journalist here.
They sure as fuck DO take bribes.
Although the bigger problem is editors not being willing to post a negative review for a sponsor's game.
Most of them don't even play games outside of their jobs.
I know this because I used to write about games part time for some of the biggest sites out there.
Consumer advocacy is what gaming journalism should be about. There's no excuse for taking the side of corrupt corporations that screw over gamers.
>ME3 fiasco
>doesn't remember the kane and lynch one
I honestly don't have an issue with a journalist having a slant, but they need to be up front about it. If they "primarily report on Nintendo / Sony / EA / whatever" or they "promote social justice" then that's telling me where they're trying to come from.
The real problem is if they say one thing and do something completely different. If they say they're impartial when they're in Sony or M$' pocket then they need to be dragged out into the street and shot.
I don't know a thing about this literallywho on twitter because I just look at what's coming out on all games delta and form my own opinion. Reviewers are a distraction at best.
So? I've never bought a game based on a game review site or article. If you do you're stupid for not doing your own research.
>it's a "actually, it's about the ethics in game journalism" thread
Reviews aren't just opinions though, they are a professional evaluation of the quality of the product, there are plenty of things you can be objective about and the author should strive to be as objective as possible in their review. Subjectivity of course is unavoidable, but reviews should not be taking personal politics or morality into account at all, as it then becomes about the authors own feelings on that subject matter rather than being about the product in question.
>that Dantes Inferno stunt
I still don't know if it was incredibly based or just too on the nose
>consumer advocacy
>corrupt corporations
You sound like you're talking about lead getting into children's toys or oil spills or something. But you're not. No normal person thinks it's important for hobby journalists to abide by real life journalist standards.
>devs have to sacrifice their vision to port to switch
this pisses me off whenever people say this shit about anything, making a great game doesn't require that you push the limits of the strongest console of whatever gen it might be. Devs didn't magically become incapable of using weaker hardware and not every "vision" is maxing out the ps4s load.
that was just sponsorship/advertising, right?
has any instance of direct bribing ever been leaked to the public?
they stopped?
just stop listening to reviewers already, I swear you guys never learn
Remember comrades, if you see a liberal talking about videogames, playing videogames, or making videogames... REPORT IT to your nearest GG station.
These people do NOT belong in OUR hobby so report all liberal behavior on sight.
Stay strong, we are with you.
but they are abiding by real life journalist standards
those standards fell across the board simultaneously
and that's probably because even as you deride it as "hobby journalism," those people are paid for their work and often went to the same classes as "real life" journalists