YOU are now a GOD!
What's the first thing YOU will change in gaming?
YOU are now a GOD!
What's the first thing YOU will change in gaming?
Publishers can no longer give reviewing platforms perks and money in the form of ad space. It is all regulated. And every reviewer on big name sites will need to have a minimum of 15 years experience playing video games.
Make Ape Escape 4, the first game for the PlayStation 4
Destroy Sup Forums
Destroy it, so people play sports, TG, and even read books
I bring back brushed based mapping and mod tools. Dedicated servers come back and allow for people to download mods by connecting to servers.
Bring back gamergate in full force
Recall niggers
I'd delete PC gaming for the Tower of Babel that it is.
>"a" god
>being a pagan in 2017
No more would-be failed blockbusters with no gameplay
Games now have one difficulty mode: Extreme.
Permadeath is always enabled.
What's with the increased amount of racism on Sup Forums lately? Did something happen?
End all american video game companies
End all japanese video game companies
15 years experience playing video games on Hard mode or higher. They must also beat every game they review without cheating like the cucks they are*
Fixed that for you.
switch cartridges now have fruit flavors
every female character will now be thicc
Fuck off reddit coon
i swear im starting to think newfags are truly retarded
I get 10%.
Ban all the games that have sex scenes that are not eroge.
Every SJW, feminist, nu-male ally, 16-bit "artist", and proclaimer of all things problematic are now dead. All at the same time.
Gaming is saved, that's all it took.
Oh, and Gearbox HQ explodes as well.
Yes. Niggers from other sites started visiting.
>this happens
>Sup Forums becomes the slowest board in the site
1. Eliminate the FPS Genre
2. Eliminate the MOBA Genre
3. Eliminate all Western Games
4. Eliminate all forms of online gaming
People now gain superpowers relating to their Positions of power. The President gets a giant robot. People who are heads of civil engineering get traffic powers, ect.
Send all nigs and muslims to a cold planet on a different galaxy so they'll evolve fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes.
Thank you my god.
go back in time and delete world of warcraft
I fucking smite it, and anyone who calls themselves a gamer
the humble will be spared
Sounds pretty Radical.
Release Half-Life 3
I, a white female, once posted a picture of my black husband reading the paper. Almost every single comment on the thread was racist and, for a few hours, at least, had tons of (you)s. This was over a year ago. Sup Forums has had racists for a while now.
I make PC the primarily development platform, consoles only get ports (which are better than their normal games, as a result).
And I curse Anthony Burch to have every system he buys be taken away from him within two days from purchase.
Everybody is back living in caves without technology, except niggers, koreans and spurdos.
>I, a white female
The only reason I believe you is because white females are physically unable to not mention that they are white females every few seconds even though it will never, ever be relevant to anything.
Gaming? I'm a fucking god, gaming is far from the first thing I'd bother with.
I make it as easy as cooking. Anyone can do it at home with thing you can buy for cheap right down your street. No learning code or 3D, not 300 epople team, no high end computer and 2000h rendering. ANYONE CAN COOK
Like good food you can instantly copy, sell/share over the internet
I'm fine with your lifestyle, but I'd never marry or date a woman who has been with a nigger.
I'm aware Sup Forums is already full of racists as I've been here since 2006 but I've noticed that the N word being unironically used more within the past few days.
Nobody is allowed to play games on a PC ever again. Everyone will now own a Mac and use it strictly for professional purposes. Each individual person may select one gaming console to use for the next ten years and may then change their choice. Each person selects one game to play until completion to play on their console, and may exchange it for a new game upon completion. Each person is only allowed to play video games from the hours of 6pm to 9pm, at which point mandatory sleep will kick in.
No more PlayStation 2 like games gust will destroyed
make a new AoM game
That's a dictator thing, not a god thing.
If I were a god, I would cause electrical fires in the server rooms of companies that start overstepping their bounds. The rule of god will become known in the industry and anti-consumer shit I will literally smite out of existence. Companies that will be affected immediately include Valve, Activision, EA, Humblebundle, Sony, Nintendo, and CON. Randy Pitchford gets zero-summed from existence.
As I am merciful, I will not destroy everything. These companies should be allowed to attempt to redeem themselves. If they fuck up, it's over.
Gods are dictators.
I will bring the arcades back to their former glory as technological showcase machines and unique experiences that cannot be easily replicated with a home console.
Then I will re-invigorate Sega back into its Dreamcast era self, and change history so that the Saturn was never a complete failure and Sega of America and Japan acted as a wholesome unit throughout. Sonic X-treme would exist, developed by Sonic team, and be pretty decent addition to the library. Their new Dreamcast would be based of their best arcade hardware of that timeline.
Then I would subtley push THQ away from licensed games and the uDraw, and give the market a company that could actually publish something half-decent once in a while.
I would then prevent Steam from being a total monopoly. Bringing GOGs existance to fruition several years before it existed in this timeline. Denuvo would never need to exist.
>it also becomes the best board
Gods probably don't give a shit until you start peeling bananas the wrong way. Since you're being a turbocunt, your worshippers will probably either flock to you and make you the new Islamic overlord, or shun you out of existence until there's not enough people worshipping you to continue existing.
Dictators usually call themselves gods, though, before their skulls are impacted by a rebellious officer.
>not including Sup Forums
>remove Marxists
>people can't play games before they have played certain games of my choosing (mostly from before 2004)
>misleading marketing and promises are actually punished
Oh also all "muh horshoe theory"fags disappear on the spot. Gaming saved, thank me later fags.
Purge all poorfags, underages and subhumans!
Remove video games from existance
Make it so the Chinese age of mythology expansion never got released
Do a crash of AAA gaming to get their shit together
You fucking pusy, go kill yourself, nigger.
you are a blessfull god user
I can't circumvent bans so the only time I'll use the N word like the rest of you for teh lulz is when I'm certain a mod won't peer through a thread to ban individual anons instead of just the OP.
I would make a multiplataform server, so no mather whats consoles or means you depend to play a game, you will allway be able to play online with your friends
smite all SJWs
Smite all pirates.
I'll make my own game and go from there
All ingame females now have qt feminine dick
>the N word
That's how I can tell you're a newfag, nigger.
Learn how to read
Sup Forums is a necessary evil, without them no one would fuck with Shia LaBeouf.
>Sup Forums is a necessary evil
>but not SJW
i sense a bias
Make early access to have never existed
SJW's don't fuck with Shia LaBeouf.
but Shia Labeouf is a somewhat SJW
if Sup Forums must exist then the SJW must exists too
it's like the Yin Yang
Force Japan to develop for PC.
make everything cheaper
I'll tell you when I become one
I introduce english and IQ tests that cant be cheated through for every online multiplayer game.
You are not allowed to play teamgames from now on if you cannot speak english or are simply dumb.
All loading screens give advice and stretching tips for reducing carpal tunnel.
HD remakes and a continuation of the Age of Empires/Mythology games.
I really hate not being able to see what my soldiers are carrying in their hands when I play the old games.
I'll make 18+ games section in Steam + console stores and bring games with TITS and ASS to every household.
Firstly, all games are designed for the PC, then ported to consoles, not the way it is now.
Secondly, consoles are no longer allowed to be so expensive for the outdated hardware they are and must always inform the dumbasses of the hardware specs so they can see a PC would be more beneficial.
Thirdly, RPG games will have DECENT FUCKING CUSTOMISATION OPTIONS to Skyrim modding levels of fun where male and female can look as girly, masucline, or androgynous as wanted, everything is customisable
Fourth, car racing and football games are made to never exist, nor will they. Rocket League is the first of its kind ever and deserves the praise it gets.
Fifth, A series of games must have a fleshed out developed story before work can begin upon producing a sequel so devs cannot pull shit out their arses.
Sixth, Steam goes back to having awesome sales, Gabe becomes the company's top dog.
Seventh, pornography and/or sex can be as common as violence and gore.
Eighth, games exist to tell a story and have fun, not push an agenda.
Ninth, Japanese devs will either make their more erotic games with English included and uncensored options available or they don't get to make the game at all. Fuck their traditions of 'fuck outsiders'.
But Tenfth and most importantly, the Oddworld games get true HD remakes and retain their sectioned-screens format, all in glorious 2.5D, and we get Munch's Exoddus.
Make all the good vidya still exist,
But only for me.
Everyone else can only play games vetted by Anita Skarseesian.
Make normies leave. Then make Lara croft a secret futa.
A true savior of vidya
All white males in the vidya industry start rotting on the spot.
As in decomposing, while still living, only to die from septic shock.
i'll do the prostagma
nvr evr pkeks
All video games are fun
Man who gives a shit about gaming, I'm a god now, I've got bigger shit to do.
It's now a long standing tradition that programmers must wear women's clothing (Skirts are mandatory) whenever they are working.
I smite down every company outside of Japan, forcing the industry to follow their lead from scratch.
Destroy it all and let there be a time of rest, then release Legend 3, DMC5, Viewtiful Joe 3, Vanquish 2, Cyberbots 2, and make Spyro great again.
You have to now buy games as DLC in several parts to begin playing them