>that kid who made a presentation about video games in school
it was you, wasn't it?
hard mode: tell us about it
>that kid who made a presentation about video games in school
it was you, wasn't it?
hard mode: tell us about it
Wasn't me, but the turbo autist girl that had no friends made a presentation about Guild Wars 2 in the english class
how did it go?
>advanced brony
jesus christ
i did this...7th grade about the N64.
What the fuck was I thinking?
Did you ask her out?
Nope but this one kid was obsessed with kingdom hearts and he had used it in several projects.
>Guild Wars 2
How young are you?
>that vietnam vet teacher in the background just wondering how he ended up here
I did a presentation on jojo in a free community college class
No one really cared, I got a couple of questions from weebs asking what hamon was
an autistic kid at my school made a geography presentation with sonic sprites. like those shitty newgrounds sprite cartoons you'd blam if you saw
Could be worse. In 7th grade there was one kid who did a speech about why weed is harmless and should be legalized.
>Those adult teachers who had to sit there listening to a 7th grader talk about weed
It was 5th grade. We were having an end of the year party and I begged my teacher to let me do a presentation on the history of video games. I made sure to add epic memes like Nyan cat in it too.
What the fuck was wrong with me.
i used the wii photo plaza instead of powerpoint for a presentation on history once
it worked perfectly and i got a good applause at the end
the teacher was kind of shocked, especially when someone yelled to push the fun button at the end, which i did
No, I did one on scientology
I always made sure i never had a presentation.
I never had a wii. What does the fun button do?
my senior presentation was about piracy, but i think i mostly talked about music and movies.
>think it'll be over with outside of highschool
>Speech course someone does a cringy speech about competitive Overwatch
I don't know, after she started talking about her in-game midget character i stopped listening
She had no friends for a reason, anons
I'm 20. This happened 2 years ago
For an engineering essay I took a quote out of the deus ex human revolution trailer.
>senior year college
>400-level organizational strategy capstone
>final presentation that's worth like 20+% of the final grade
>present to real executives from mid-level companies about business strategy
>somehow convinced my group to go along with this
>make a presentation saying that (X company) should invest in the E-Sports market because of its growth potential and the fact that it's largely untapped
>execs asked me what e-sports was
>had to explain the concept of watching other people play video games to 50+ year old adults
>all of them said "oh yeah my son/nephew/grandson watches that stuff on youtube all the time!"
>got a 98
nailed it
we didn't have those.
What the fuck was that kid thinking? I wonder if he was severely bullied because of this.
I did one in a Grade 10 French class. The class itself was a joke, and the project was just do a presentation w/ an activity afterwards. Rock Band had just came out, so I did that and we played it afterwards.
it basically turned it into a jigsaw puzzle. i was on my last frame which was some bourne commentary on eastern european architechure and i toyed around with it while giving my concluding statement
My friend said he did a presentation about runescape. He's pretty alpha and has a gf so...
If I did, I can't remember.
In highschool I made a slide deck about Secret of Mana and how in Japan there was a third one called Seiken Densetsu 3.
I remember the teacher was impressed because I exported the deck as a website.
I also remember noone in the class really cared, and I regretted not making it about Chrono Trigger
This is that cultural marxism everyone is pushing. Liking mlp as a man SHOULD get you ostracized, but it doesn't anymore because everyone is "special". No wonder society is decaying. We spend all of our resources supporting those who generate no resources.
i did a presentation on violence in video games
i was supposed to take a side on the issue but my presentation was basically a big ?
i said no obviously video games can't inspire violence, you have to be a violent person first
then i cited multiple "video game" inspired violent crimes and sat down
got an A for making a kick ass powerpoint. i always blew away teachers with my powerpoint skills
Is this really common in America? I don't get it. Please explain why do you do presentations with no topic restrictions
>the fact that it's largely untapped
this alone is enough reason to go into any market
I did, it was about the evolution of videogames, and wether or not it could be considered ART, the conclusion I came to is maybe in the future, got an A-, help's that I play videogames with my teacher
It's basically an excuse for the teacher to have some free time when they should be teaching.
>Nyan cat
>5th grade
Literally underaged.
You have to be 18 to post here user.
When I was in highschool we had to do a project while reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I made a CD/soundtrack for it that consisted of alot of vidya music. Mostly shit from Bastion.
I did that for a paper on human augmentation in psychology.
Failed that class.
Not video games, but in my high school government class we had to present fake bills so mine was to replace MBTs with mobile suits. I think most people just kinda spaced out once I started saying tech specs for the Abrams from memory.
Somehow that one doesn't keep me up at night.
>be 10 or so years old me
>lived in tiny ass 50000 population city
>went to a private school
>it has branches all over the state including the capital
>they do this once a year book thing
>students have to do redactions or poems and apply to get into the book
>write a very cringy poem about "surfing the net" and playing vidya
>somehow it gets in
>tfw a bunch of smarter and older student's text get rejected but this young fucker in some backwater town gets published in the book
probably my biggest achievement in school desu but now it sort of haunts me
>Tries to be funny at the start
>Speaks too fast so no one knows whats happening
I like presentations, helps me deal with my fear of public speaking
The market for restaurants that serve shit on a plate is largely untapped. Should I open a restaurant where you can order shit on a plate?
Post the poem or book it was in
I did a uni project about how narrative was used in a medium like video games.
Used Metal Gear Solid and Halo CE as case studies. Everyone liked it for the most part.
Guild Wars 2 came out in 2012 user. Almost 5 years ago.
bitch, come to north dakota where the LARGEST cities barely exceed that
if it was a market then yes.
It's not a market until you tap into it.
Made a presentation about the differences between WRPGs and JRPGs in like 7th grade. It actually went pretty well, my friends and some other students told me they liked it, but my teacher absolutely didn't like it that much. Still got an 85% though.
Also once did a presentation about how videogames could be considered art, and that didn't really go over so well, no one liked it, and I got a 78%
This one is even worse
I had a fat girl do a presentation about FFXIV last year. It was pretty interesting to hear about how the game was fucked at its core and then they reboot it and it became a huge success.
thanks for the lesson Sup Forums
>we have to make a presentation on people we look up to
>autistic chink girl makes one about the guy from Tokyo ghoul
>stuttering and a lisp
Love it.
I kind of understand what you're saying. Whereas there would have been better social mechanisms in place before for discouraging this kind of behavior, everyone is walking on eggshells around each other now.
Still, primary school is a pretty raw environment and the kids are still a little too young to have completely assumed rigid societal and behavioral roles.
Same logic can be applied to liking moeshit or even e-rated video games. Blow me.
Was she cute?
>MFW I almost did a presentation on that shit
>Didn't do it because I knew it was cringy
>Decided to do the presentation on comics
>MFW it still was cringy
>no topic restrictions
It should be obvious. students pick a subject that they know a lot about, and they are judged on how well rounded they're on it. It also offers a diversity (Sup Forums memes aside) of views into other subjects, as opposed to a restricted topic would. In a nutshell, it's just testing students on how well they can research by doing it the easiest way possible.
I've done it in various forms.
I presented a sociology paper on the gaming community as a subculture.
I did a presentation for a speech class on different video game genres and the way they overlap.
I designed a working database for a fictional video game retail business.
I did a report on a study investigating possible forms of physical sports with video game elements added.
I wrote a paper about game-to-film adaptations
I made one about Richard Matthew Stallman.
Surprisingly, I haven't. Thank god I dodged the bullet there
I want to hear more about the cutie whose boyfriend made a presentation about how tight his boypuss was.
I did that in like 4th grade, except at least 5 other people did it on videogames too.
It ended up being mostly console war of "mine is better/which next gen to buy"
It being a persuassive presentation didnt help.
Closest thing since was a presentation in uni on why buying a mac/apple in general is a horribly cost inefficient choice compared to simply building a pc.
At least i wasnt the guy who did a presentation about LoL
I had a presentation about copy left and later a presentation about anime
Yeah, the same logic can be applied to moeshit and e-rated games.
I rememberd that me and my friends did a play based on runescape in school. Made our own swords with wood and shit and armor and low lvl helmet. Based the play on pvp stuff and some questing and shit. Was fun but the teachers didnt understand mutch about it but all other kids loved it because everyone played runescape back then.
So basically fuck off, your rhetoric is glorified thought-policing. I enjoy plenty of kiddieshit games and you can't stop me.
Their age and ignorance helped you. Any business exec creams his pants when hearing untapped market that is hip with the young folks.
I did a presentation on Pokemon and even took some physical things with me like flippos. I believe I was ten already at the time so on top of the video game stigma there was the fact I was interested in something I was too old for as well. It went surprisingly well, but then again I wasn't really aware of the reactions of others. And it helped I was already getting bullied anyway.
Ok, manchild.
Two guys in my engineering class who were normie wow and leagu fags did a presentation on how vidya is good as it trains reflexes and creates e sport. Was emberrashing even if they get more pussy than me.
>Tfw you will never do research and give a presentation on a scientific formula for the perfect waifu
I once did a speech in college about Tekken combos but that was just for lack of inspiration, not to be cheeky.
I made sprite comics in high school whenever we were assigned to do a comic project and that was 100% unironic, though.
I had to do a presentation on something (anything) that I made up on the spot when I was asked to stand up in the front of the class. I was glad I brought my contact lenses to present a how to on putting your contacts in.
I did one time. Was demonstrative so I basically talked and played. Shoulda been a Twitch streamer.
>Do presentation
>Going well for the first minute
>Look up at class
>Face starts to twitch
>Jumble words
>Jump to the conclusion way ahead than I was suppose to be
Fuck me
>that laughing of the class
This is just so sad. Why didn't anybody stop him from doing this? Didn't his parents love him?
I've never directly done a presentation on video games, but I did generally give my presentations a video game based aesthetic. Like a American Dream Presentation with a Kirby's adventure theme.
I'd also sprinkle in a bit of on topic vidya humor in despite knowing only my friends would understand it.
>Economics class
>Presentation on calculating income,
expenses, and etc. of your ideal lifestyle
>My Simple lifestyle left me with lots of disposable income
>I-I guess you could call me Kyogre b-b-because I'm making it rain
I want to strangle my past self.
>tfw you feel that second hand cringe come on
>5th grade
>nyan cat
I was in 8th grade when that video came out, and I'm only 19.
Fuck off, atleast try to hide that you're underage.
Christ i'm too old for this shit.
Junior year in high school I did an experiment/presentation in my Psych class about the difference in emotional reactions between non-interactive and interactive media to avoid using the words "video games" as much as possible. I expected it to blow up in my face, but the teacher was head-over-heels for the whole thing and how I presented it. He went on to tell the class that that's how he expected the rest of the presentation to be and that he thinks it could serve as a college thesis.
I didn't actually do the experiment and fabricated all of the data and experiences that my "test subjects" had, no regrets, only reason I passed the class.
Nothing wrong with doing a presentation about vidya.
If you ever even considered doing a presentation on MLP, then literally anything you did would've been cringy anyway because you probably have some form of autism
If I was still in highschool when bloodborne came out I'd probably would've gave that shit a presentation if I ever had a chance.
>People being gay is communism
The Sup Forums delusion, everyone
>few years back in 11th grade
>teacher has class write a paper about video games and violence
>just write some random shit about mental illness for a few pages
It was a team project and I hated that school too much to care what we did. It was embarrassing before we even presented it and I'm positive the other guy in the group has more of the residual shame than I do.