Nier Automata-CPY when?
yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me
Finally now i can post this faggot
If you ever see a thread with the subject
>_________ WHEN?!
Remember this thread
From experience CPY stays away with games that have problems. Isn't it that Automata can't be completed offline?
In the NFO for 2Dark it says that Neir is next.
i'll pirate nier then if i like it i will buy it for true ending
truly a win/win situation
>implying Sup Forums would ever get sex to stroke their egoes
>Isn't it that Automata can't be completed offline?
That's one ending. And you can still complete it solo if you're gud or just use cheat engine.
CPY also cracked hitman, a game which doesn't let you unlock anything when played offline. Hitman did get a online bypass working, but it only worked for about a week before SE killed it.
Online features won't stop them.
I wish CPY would crack older Denuvo games. There are some games using older Denuvo versions that still haven't been cracked.
Enjoying those crumbs user? Everyone has moved on to newer games.
I think they'll get cracked eventually when they've caught up with new games
I hope you're right, but the problem I see is that unless developers stop using Denuvo completely and Denuvo stops getting revised for each new crack, there will probably always be new games coming out using stronger versions of Denuvo. To that end, older Denuvo games will probably never get cracked.
How come that painting is so inconsistent when it comes to the details? Some things are completely worked out while some other parts just are dots of colors mixed together.
For TW: Warhammer, they're waiting until the last DLC is out. CA is intentionally dragging its feet because they know this.
I mean, the only Denuvo game I'm interested in right now is Unravel. But that game doesn't seem very popular. I was hoping that after CPY cracked Inside, they would also crack Unravel, but that didn't happen, and it doesn't seem likely to happen.
>implying dlc and updates have stopped cpy before
Only if you're absolute plebs.
dude unravel was $5 on origin a month ago
why did some shity indie dev pay so much money for denuvo?
id buy nier in heartbeat user, if i could afford it
i live in poor country and i am a neet, price too steep for me unfortunately
>Denuvoshill will start crying about how CPY is killing PC gaming and devs wont port games in the PC because of this
How can a people be so blind to present events?
Personally, I was waiting for Dishonored 2, because I wanted to see if the game really ran like shit, but then the demo came out and I could confirm that the performance was really inconsistent. Karnaca was shitty as fuck, while Dunwall and Addermire ran just fine.
I loved those threads of NEVEREVERs, We all knew it would be cracked faster each time. I don't understand why game devs even bother..
Yo hoo boys.
Oh, I don't have Origin or Steam. All the PC games I have are pirated.
Post steam ID. I am feeling generous today.
Such as? I'm done with Nier what should I move on to?
Greed they thought having Denuvo = sales. Sadly for them they barely have 2000 sales.
persona, duh
Do you realize Denuvo changes its protection for every single game that is released, right? There's no such "version", there are multiple versions, some easier to crack than others.
>poor country
>games: 224
>13 years on Steam
I don't habeeb you.
oh I thought you mean PC games
couldn't finish 4 not gonna bother with 5
Each crack has to be developed individually, but once you figure out how one version is cracked, you can crack the other ones.
It's only a matter of time.
buy it for me instead plz
when they will learn to keep quiet?
You're doing okay mang.
most of this are humble bundle shit
and yeah, poland is pretty poor compared to UK, we make like 500$ on average pay
thanks for good intentions tho
Actually he was pretty much right, pirating on a console will brick it
Daily reminder that it's only x86 that's been cracked and it's just Reddit dumbshits parading around like some big breakthrough has happened, when CPY themselves have made it clear that x64 is completely different and they don't expect it to be cracked any time soon.
Will you buy me blackwake or squad user?
>when CPY themselves have made it clear that x64 is completely different and they don't expect it to be cracked any time soon.
link to cpy saying this smart ass
You can pirate all the way up to the ps3 man what are you on about also wii u and soon enough as always the NEXT GEN ones
like the dude said, to pirate console games you have to play last year's games for quite a few years into the future
you can't pirate a current gen console game
If you weren't an illiterate Reddit fag, you'd find it in the same place all CPY updates are posted.
S-shut up, p-p-p-poorfag
I'm not the guy who originally offered to buy you a game, just some different user.
I'm from Serbia, and compared to Poland, we're dirt poor, yet we still get charged the same prices as the West.
>no source
As I guessed. Neck yourself shill.
Yeah, so, literally not an argument. And you could pirate on PS3 in 2008, give it a year or 2.
Alsothe PiiU is very easy to do so as is the 3ds
ill go with pc
what do i win?
Link me user, so I can post it whenever these threads come up to laugh at pirates
>you'd find it in the same place all CPY updates are posted
You mean game NFOs?
It is your own fault. You expected too much from a shill
>give it a year or 2
and by that time we will all be playing the new games
pirates get the leftovers lmao and not even that because they can't play multiplayer so it's more like getting the scraps from the leftovers
Please user kun
I-I was just pretending bro, why hasn't your hard drive failed yet....
its amusing actually
the GD-Rom in its most basic capacity is still unbroken so to say
Yes you can dump the contents, downsample/compress/remove dummy files from it to get it to 700mb isos (cdi) but this is to exploit a MIL-CD exploit.
Your best bet at actual GD-Rom dumping and pirating is through something like GDEMU since no way to make a GD-Rom exists outside a Katana Devkit Burner, which requires a Katana Devkit already as well as blank GD-Roms.
Dreamcast never really had it's anti-piracy protection of the storage medium broken, but instead had it worked around due to a completely unrelated issue. In fact, even some games cant make it to the 700mb mark so you need those 99min CD-Rs which are annoyingly expensive and nor really produced anymore
In terms of anti-piracy measures, Dreamcast actually won, despite losing, which is a theme most games without piracy have been able to encounter. Just look at the vita and gamecube. once you were able to start modding and pirating they became worth owning
>Game companies waste millions on these useless DRM protections instead of spending the money to fix bugs
it must suck for them to not get to play multiplayer with fantastic people like you
there is nothing to link, he's talking out of his ass. the latest update said v4 has been cracked. nothing more
we're not that poor, don't believe his lies
And then the pirates can play the new games?
And who gives a shit about MP games honestly. like seriously thats your argument, wow you got me.
Not like i care about your console kiddo, i am on PC and i only pirate old games.
anyways youre as bad as the dude you first linked to, what a fag. Who cares if monkeys and chinks play YOUR GAMES, SAD!
"Little side note about Denuvo versioning. Since there is no official
versioning inside Denuvo protected files (or at least we never found
a trace of it, shame on us) we decided to label this new iteration as
version 4 since it's the fourth time we have to change things
approaching this protection. So, per this logic:
v1 = Lords of the Fallen/Fifa 15/
v2 = Mad Max/Just Cause 3/Metal Gear Solid V/
v3 = Resident Evil 7/Battlefiled 1/Watch Dogs 2/
v4 = 2Dark/Nier Automata/Dead Rising 4/
This is not official nor techinically correct but we like some order
hence this little FYI. Enjoy"
This is what they said. Stop making things up.
>And who gives a shit about MP games honestly
Most people do
stylistic choice and to draw your eyes to certain areas
Who is we and why are they we integral to me playing videogames? Alternatively, do you refuse to play old games you missed out on by that principle?
Yeah sure bud, most of the people who buy consoles to play madden and COD. Jeez. Also MP on the PS3 works you could even play metal gear online even where official servers were down. holy shit this straw grasping, probably a leaf who is mad that he has to pay 80 dollars. Lmao.
I don't think most people care about MP but younger kids eat that shit up like crack. No matter what game they see, they always ask "can I play with other people?"
This GTA was ruined by MP