NES Classic is getting replaced, set of games also as a collection pack on Switch

>NES Classic gets discontinued.
>Gets replaced with a new plug & play system with 150 games on it.
>All the games are first party published.
>Contains games from the NES, Super NES, N64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and (for the first time) the Virtual Boy.
>Made by Nintendo NERD like the NES Classic.
>Very little changes between the Japanese & western releases this time around.
>Contains WiFi for firmware updates and other features & Bluetooth to use Switch controllers.
>4 wired controller ports.
>$100 for the plug & play, $60 for the Switch version to avoid another NES Classic issue and to take care of the 1st party VC releases right off the bat.
>Revealed at E3 2017.


Other urls found in this thread:

emulators still exist

Yes, as this does use them.

>Source: Ass


>Source: NeoGaf.

>STILL no GameCube games and n VC

Jesus Christ Nintendo, and we all know this is because they are massive retards who are trying to figure out how to emulate analog triggers instead of just having them in the console like everyone else in the 21st century

>gamecube support with actual gamecube controllers and vibration
>wii support with wii controllers with vibration and controller emulation
>can't even put gamecube games on VC

top jej


People who believe this must be underage and autistic

Because of the power needed for that that will be Switch VC only.

And like the last 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 TIMES we told you emulator idiots

They're not easy to set up and don't look accurate to the originals


>Hey guys lets git rid of the hardware that is still selling fine and includes 30 games and replace it with a new piece of hardware we have to spend money to develop and get this... it'll have 150 games on it! You know, the games we sell on VC for 5-15 dollars each


If you honestly believe the NES Classic looks anything like the original you may just wanna neck yourself.

Think again.

The games on the new plug & play will be on a $60 compilation pack on the Switch.

>he didn't check the options for scanlines 8:7 mode

go back to /vg emugen/

>wew I have to download a file and put it in emulator to play it instead of going to shop waiting in line buying a system coming home reading instruction manual unplugging buncha shit from tv, plugging it in, putting controller in, this is so complicated compared to NES mini
>wew this tiny detail is out of place my immersion is ruined!!!

go fuck yourself turboautist.

Looks pretty similar to me

Part of the reason the NES Classic worked so well was it was a small version of something people owned in their childhoods. While this machine seems interesting, it should seriously just be the Switch's VC

>have to download a file off a shady site
>have to download it ILLEGALLY
>have to look through 100s of different emulators to see which one works
>all the UIs are different with tons of menus
>some emulators are flat out shit
>have to spend hours to setup an emulator and play it
>even then it's not accurate to the orignals at all


>go to best buy
>get NES classic
>go home
>plug into TV
>enjoy games that you legally purchased

SNES classic system when?

I mean
>Download emulator
>Download rom
>Load rom through emulator
>go to settings
>change aspect ratio


SNES games are part of this new plug & play.

can you please show in which post this info is been confirmed?

we are NOT gonna search your thread.

>new imaginary plug & play

>shady websites

We have anons this dumb in this board

The plug & play is real, Gaf said so and that it will be shown at E3 this year.

user, there are more people who don't get computers than you may realize, now if someone doesn't know how to get email on their PC going to set up an emulator?

The things run retroarch now so it's objectively cooler than a pi purely because it's not encased in etsy tier garbage. Only if you can nab it at msrp of course.

That's what he said.


no post, no truth.

Yeah, hold your breath for that faggot. I'm just going to hack my NES Classic and get 700 games instead.

i said POST. no thread, nobody is gonna search for that.

>150 VC games in eshop cost 750$
>release them bundled on switch instead of selling them individually
Not gonna happen, fuck off with your fake leaks

So why do people do this instead of just spending $35 on setting up RetroPie and $20 at the most for a couple of NES USB controllers


Great, more fake leaks.

because, despite the cheaapnes and higher overall power of a Raspi, the NESclassic is actually a very well made console, and there will never be, EVER a interface as clean, quick and effective as the one of the NESclassic.

and yes, i know retropi supports the attractmode frontend and it has a decent NESclassic theme, but frontend themes DOESNT count!

welp time to go scam a scalper

Same reason people buy Pepsi instead of RC Cola or buy computers instead of building them from newegg carts.

For me though the extra 30 was worth the decent case. Since it's been hacked spread eagle it's basically just another alternative if you can get one at non-rape prices.

you forgot
>never in fucking stock

Or just run retropie on raspberry pi playing any classic console game you can think of

>phone poster

Thats what they said when they released the NES Classic and looked what happened.


Souce: random forum poster's ass

you know, you should check outside your house, i think cops are already coming for you.

you are not fooling anyone, bitch! you also have pirated stuff, people who shitpost in name of 'morality and ethics' are the biggest scum of earth, just as bad as the SJWS!

i see you didnt answered, im sure some people here did believed you, but at the end there will be only one place left for shit like you.

Shikamaru Ninja is a ex-Famitsu staffer who now works for, he does not lie.

show the post then! that thread doesnt say NOTHING about that!

Literally schoolyard recess tier rumormill shit.


>>Made by Nintendo NERD

What were they thinking?

>nintendo killed the NES mini to make a Retro 5
Ridiculously unlikely.

>b-but I have a pi and it works fine for emulating.

They fixed what was wrong with the NES Classic and their DS and Wii efforts on Wii U were solid.

More like a Nintendo Classic 7.

It's real, otherwise Nintendo would of never killed off the NES Classic.

>they're not easy to set up
just go back to facebook or wherever you disgusting normie

Guess my joke was shit.

I was quoting AVGN, which had once been called "Angry Nintendo Nerd".

>trusting gayming "journalists"

>Gets replaced with a new plug & play system with 150 games on it.

you think they'll have more than 30 units for sale at launch?

>don't look accurate to the originals

Neither does the NES Classic

Just need some obsolete cables and a tiny CRT TV

yes goy, people sharing games over the internet are all shady! there's absolutely no way to protect yourself from these vile criminals! oy vey! better go out and buy a NES classic for you and all your friends... goy


Go back to /r9k/ normalfag

I actually hope it's true so they can fail to meet the demand on those too basically driving another nail into the coffin holding what's left of their goodwill.

The only thing here that's even remotely plausible is the $60 VC bundle on the Switch. There's absolutely no way Nintendo is going to sell a $100 piece of hardware with these games when they could instead use them as a selling point to get more people to buy their $300 piece of hardware.

>emulators are not easy to set up
go back to facebook, normie

> but it has what plants crave.

Well if they don't the same batch of game will also be on the Switch as a compilation set, just in case.

>walk into GameStop
>See this
>Buy it

U jelly slow fags

Finding the console is easy. Finding a non 3rd party standalone controller is literally impossible.

Finally the Switch name makes perfect sense.

>3rd party controllers


im considering scalping nintendo stuff now, since they seem the easiest and put out loads of limited time stuff with game content locked onto it. where do i go to find what amiibos are likely to have the most value? this whole switch thing totally opened my eyes to this

Please don't.

>I actually hope it's true so they can fail to meet the demand on those too basically driving another nail into the coffin holding what's left of their goodwill.
>nintendoom post on the same day we found out the switch has sold 2.4 million in fucking march

i wouldnt be able to if nintendo didnt shortstock everything


>NES Classic gets discontinued

Damnit I wanted one of these because I dont want a shitty switch. Now the price will go up even more. Fuck Nintendo

intersted by the virtual boy games.
i want to play that wario land

Oh yes you do, trust me on this.
You will be pleased.

Hopefully they'll make the control cords long enough.

The first one was what, four feet long?

>emulators are too hard to set up

how do you breathe?


I still remember playing FF5 on ZSNES with a keyboard back when underwater sections wouldn't show properly. Ship Graveyard when down under would just show a layer of water. Had to brute-force your way through that section. Did the same to get Gogo. Never a more magical experience as a kid.

Learn the difference between wanting something to happen and saying something is going to happen.

That's even worse.