Night In The Woods

Is Night In The Woods worth 20 dollars? Thoughts on this game?

it's a walking simulator except with lazy 2D graphics and a bad story (that comes down to "capitalism bad, socialism good, fuck old people"

It's good but not $20 good. The story and characters could have been better but they all serve their purpose reasonably.

Oh and you'll never get to talk about it here because people bitch and complain about the dev's political views and the minor allusions that the game contains to them.

>that comes down to "capitalism bad, socialism good, fuck old people

Apart from the fact that the people who hold those beliefs in the game are supposed to be seen as embarrassing and somewhat pathetic.


case in point

>lazy 2D graphics

I like the game AND the way it looks.
But the 14+gb size is unacceptable.
Also wait for sale.

Don't you know, if you write a character that says or does a certain thing, that means you say/do those things!

>and a bad story (that comes down to "capitalism bad, socialism good, fuck old people"

Clearly didn't play the game. Like this is almost the exact opposite of what the game is on about.

Every time you post it you prove just how true it is

it's just life is strange with furfags

Characters are nice. The overarching story of the spooky thing in the woods just kinda happens without much impact, but that's also like the least focused on aspect of the game. The world is detailed and fun to explore. Audio is 10/10.

If you're unsure, pirate it or wait for a sale. It certainly lasts long enough, but I know a lot of people hate story based games. I wouldn't ask Sup Forums. This game is a meme excuse to discuss Sup Forums because of a couple out of context lines and a video the guy who does the art did.

It's pretty neat, real mild platforming but mostly a comfy slice of life simulator with relatable characters. Also cthulhu. You'll probably find one one of the characters is very much like yourself or one of your friends. It's kinda neat.

>didn't play the game
I remember the same exact kind of argument from Undertale, so I guess you're just butthurt.

Sorry, yeah, I forgot this is Sup Forums.

Yeah I can't believe people like this game and undertale. It's like people like narratives of homosexuality and friendship being pushed down their throat all the time. I mean why does EVERY character have to be gay or some other type of snowflake?

is the main character a lesbian?

she's bi

She's bi, but honestly it has very little to do with her interactions with other characters. I think it only ever comes up twice.

she's "pansexual" according to the dev

If you like the idea of playing an adventure game that controls like a platformer and are okay with a story about a college dropout who's a total mess going back to her flyover state small town where all her old friends have grown up more then she has, then you'll probably like it.

It hit a little too close to home for me desu.

What is it called when most of this crap isn't true but they are >implying that it is ?

I thought the writer said bi. Not that it matters given they're the exact same fuckin thing.

Anyways. It's brought up once when talking about embarrassing stories at the graveyard and she mentions a girl being cute at the rave if you go take Bea's path.


Not gonna lie, the fucking loading screens were the fucking worst. Not even installing this shit in a SSD helped.

The game itself was quite bad. It needed 4 hours to get going and the ending is extremely underwhelming.

I like Gregg. He's cute.

Gregg is best boy ok

yeah he best

Strawmanning, sort of.

Buy Rain World instead.

It's a cool game. i prated it but i think i will buy it when it goes for around $6
Is it possible to not go through every scene in one playthrough? When I replay it I'm definitely going to focus on completing stuff in the town that I didn't finish because the ending came so quickly
And do all the Bea stuff. probably didn't finish that either

>Nearly finished with Mae plush doll
>Slugcat is next on my todo list
Both are good. Shame Rain World is getting slammed critically, but I suppose that's inevitable when you go for a style and don't want to compromise. I didn't find it nearly as cryptic as some seem to, and they're actually pretty generous when it comes to ways to juke enemies. I spent most of the game in survivor rank. Partly thanks to those glowing plants that protect you from ranking down on death.


where the mega at

the matrix is a fun flick

I'm in love with mae borowski

The dream sequences, the underlying occult references, the setting, the base story, and the music are all excellent.

The dialogue writing is pitiful. Most characters are two dimensional and come off as just a list of tropes thrown together. The pandering to pretty much every niche group is annoying and comes off as a "please play this game, these characters are just like you!"

Oh, and there's virtually no gameplay.

I think it fits into the "It's good but not $20 good" for me too. Get it when it goes half off, or is included in a bundle. $20 is a lot to pay for a book that isn't all that great. Might feel the game and soundtrack together for $20 would be worth it, but oh well.

It is impossible to go through every scene in one playthrough. And with no savestates, that means you get every scene, you have to replay the complete game...and repeat everything except for a few scenes again. It's majorly annoying. Just watch the scenes you missed on youtube unless you're an achievement junkie.

le undertale tryhard

It's pandering. Mainly, when you have a shallow character, you can throw a trope on them, and get people to play your game.


Mae misses her grandfather. This specifically aims at getting people who had also lost a grandparent or other loved one on board and feel a connection to Mae.

Mae dropped out of college. No real reason is ever given, other than maybe "it didn't feel right" or "the scary statue made me want to stay in bed because I'm insane." But it gets all your "I'm too smart for college" crowd.

Mae is often confused for a boy. Get in, transsexuals.

Mae plays in a band, so get in here, musicians.

Mae has a close relationship with her parents, and there's one point where she has a fight with one. So it comes off as a common hook as well, getting people to feel connected to her, because, lo and behold, everyone has a family.

For those who don't have a family, there's this bear over here, who had family issues, so you all can come aboard too.

But all of it comes down to this: the characters are so shallow and have so many hooks scraping the bottom of the river, trying to hook everyone into playing the game, that they lose any kind of voice for themselves. It's all lost in the "I'm gay, act randum, wave my arms around a lot, and crimes lol ok."

I liked the game a lot but it's extremely polarizing so maybe wait for a sale before you pick it up. A single playthrough can only take about six hours but if you like it enough to do multiple playthroughs and search for every piece of content then it'll last you over twenty.

>loading times
Well, that's Unity for you.

> It's like people like narratives of homosexuality and friendship being pushed down their throat all the time.

Seems like a personal problem, get outta the closet faggot

People still think that a short by the art director that's retarded as fuck means the game is bad

>The characters have down to earth issues
>It's pandering
You ever get the feeling you're looking too hard to find the boogyman? That your pure hatred of an ultimately abstract problem is making you despise anything and everything that has any traits of it? You're complaining about motive more than the actual work.

She's an immature socially retarded virginal neet who constantly burdens her friends and disappoints her parents.

Hits way too close to home.

But it's totally accurate

Don't get me wrong I don't entirely disagree with it but it's a terrible piece of animation that was created to perpetuate a circlejerk between the people who agree with it. It doesn't offer any unique perspective or create understanding nor is it particularly well made. Not to mention it's EXTREMELY hyperbolic and also overly simplifies a complex issue.


stop just looking at the surface and then calling them all shallow. Dig just a little bit

No. I don't give a shit about their politics, it's just an unsatisfying, poorly resolved story with "gameplay" ranging from forgettable to irritating.

It helps if you grew up in a dying small town like me

It's crappy. Even as someone who has enjoyed walking simulators like Dear Esther and Gone Home (probably because I didn't pay for them) and doesn't have any kind of grudge against games like this, I found it really tiresome and thin. They made a full platforming system and a "Warioware style" minigame interface with the whole paw thing, but they never use it for anything. There are barely any puzzles and there's no platforming.
You're going to spend most of your time running around the few levels trying to find out what NPC the game wants you to talk to in order to progress. With most walking simulators you can at least take some pleasure in exploring an environment but this game doesn't even have that. I actually felt more railroaded than I did in Dear Esther which was pretty much just a hallway with turns.
Also, ignore all posts from people saying this game is like Undertale. Their input doesn't matter because they didn't play the game. A lot of the people saying this probably didn't even play Undertale.

stop shilling your game.

accept the fact that people already forgot about it, no need to make these threads.

>They made a full platforming system and a "Warioware style" minigame interface with the whole paw thing, but they never use it for anything
Fucking spot on criticism. There's no substance to the game, but there could be, and it really suffers for it.

I'd want to agree, but the co-writer shares all those beliefs to the max. Also I got the impression that Bea, Selmers and some townsfolk weren't exactly supposed to be "wrong" or stupid from his POV (even if he is).

As for Holowka, I'm guessing his focus for the game's narrative is moreso just fear of uncertainty in general.

Pros: artstyle is charming, music is good, writing is surprisingly okay when it doesn't get political

Cons: is not a game, pacing is off in the story (too slow at the start, too rushed at the end), main character is kind of an obnoxious little shit, every major character seems to be gay, and they do that thing where they draw a character as clearly one sex and claim it's the other roughly a hundred times

It's okay if you're ultra liberal and like walking sims. It's humble bundle $1 tier if not. Either way I wouldn't pay twenty for it, half that at most.

It's the art director that shares those beliefs to the max you retard

Said co-writer (Benson) is the art director, nigger.

He was both art director and co-writer.

Are you sure he's the co-writer? The game seems way too subtle for his hyperbolic ass to have anything to do with the writing.

>Sup Forums says the game is shit and shilling don't buy it
>play it
>it's good

Every time.
I can see where it comes from. It's basically just a visual novel and the whole furry characters triggers the closet furfags, but it's not a bad.

It's outright said in the credits (I played the damn game). And it's pretty obvious where his hand helped given the shoehorned idea drops here and there, most infamously Jackie's fascism remarks.

Pretty much what I felt about it too.
Yes it did have problems, but I thought the individual character stories to be a lot better written than the main story.

Shit like the train tracks, miracle rats, and getting the musicians together was some good shit.


I'll be honest and say trying to get Bea's sadsack self to cheer up felt pretty rewarding at the mall fountain sequence.

The lack of resolution at the end of the game just kills a lot of it, it didn't need to solve everybody's issues but it made it feel like they've learned nothing from the plot.

>furfag sjw game

What do you think user

Is this the furry RP thread?

what did it mean by this?

What did you think wasn't resolved? I thought things were wrapped up pretty well.

Imagine being this user
>If it's relatable its pandering
Well shit, I think everything I've ever watched has pandered to someone.
You take yourself, games and Sup Forums way too seriously

>miracle rats

That was about the point where I started to really hate Mae. She creates a huge environmental disaster as not even a prank, but out of complete thoughtlessness and lack of a sense of consequences. Mae is a bag of shit who makes everything worse wherever she goes and should have been shot or tossed in the pit.

>$20 for a pseudo-VN

Nope. Wait for a sale. Also, the game doesn't do much for you unless you are/know a NEET.

Mae is an extremely annoying protagonist and the only joy to be gotten from this game is the guitar hero segments.
In other words, no. It's $20 for an entirely visual experience with some sort of rebellious political view.

In the right contexts sure, but it simplifies the entire conflict down to something inaccurate.

Thus it ends up saying everybody who disagrees with, say, affirmative diversity or unrestricted immigration is also angry over every single thing, job or piece of media any non-white/cis/male has ever gotten, which is grossly untrue outside of Sup Forums-tier bigots and rednecks.

He'd be more correct if the animation continued after "lol matrix" and another Left-guy began putting his name on the machine, taking bites from everybody's ice cream and crying out when one guy says no. It'd still be a simplification but it at least hits both sides (something an SJW would never do).

Not him, but I never saw any real growth in Mae's character. I chose to hang out with Bea because I thought it would end up with Mae becoming more responsible and getting a job/going back to college, but the only real change is Mae's acceptance of her mental disorder thing, which honestly felt pretty half-assed.

Mainly just Mae's character herself, if anything it sounds like she's embracing her NEET-life or utterly confused/dodgy about what to do next in life, other than that journal-entry about being a janitor.

Would've been nice to see Bea at least try to lighten up but that's not a problem you'd fix quickly.

That's on /trash/. There's a general there,
same with Undertale still.

I interpreted her speech to the eldritch horror about wanting to make something of her life so that when she had to eventually let go it would hurt as being a promise that she would strive to better herself, and as such probably either get a job or head back to college, but it was a very vague promise and and considering that the game ends five minutes later it's not like we ever got to see her actually turn her words into actions. So yeah, I can see what you're talking about.

In terms of the supernatural plot, which I was more invested in, I think all of the mysteries brought up throughout the game were given answers.

If this is from the game im not playing it. It takes a seriously retarded person to have so little self awareness.

>She's an immature socially retarded virginal neet who constantly burdens her friends and disappoints her parents.
mmmm, i might have to play it now.

Isn't the ending of the game literally about killing a bunch of old men in an abandoned mineshaft because they wanted to continue with old traditions instead of letting the world move on?

Half the game needed have Mae doing something else during the daytime-portions before choosing which friend to hang with each day, like a choice between either going out to the woods and exploring the area/abandoned factories (would be a platformer with Lost Constellation rock-throwing and puzzles) or hanging with side characters like Lori and performing different minigames with them instead.

Add to the dream sequences some combat with spectral trippy enemies, and some other games on Mae's computer by Demontower (like a cute Kirby-clone and a top-down shooter, also to replay old songs), and I'd say it's a true game at that point.

>Mae's okay with the idea of bestiality
Best girl.

Holy shit, user. Calm your autismo levels.

I guess in your mind creating relatable characters is "just pandering"? Do you understand every movie, every TV show out there tries to make at least a few characters with emotions, situations you can connect to, to some degree?

A game with "No pandering" would be a game that isn't made for humans, it's just a bunch of stuff happening on a screen that makes no sense and you can't connect to it.

Seriously, I wonder when was the last time you played a game that had any sort of story.

I pirated it a couple months ago and still haven't finished. It's enjoyable in a way but I have to be in the right mood for it and it's certainly not much for gameplay. Also, you can only choose your dialogue occasionally and you're often railroaded into making an ass of yourself anyway.

>Affirmative diversity
The fuck does this even mean?

>Unrestricted immigration
What? Do you think the US has this?

>It takes a seriously retarded person to have so little self awareness.

No kidding, user. No kidding.

It's not from the game you idiot, it's some animation the art director made in the past just for the hell of it.

He means certain businesses having racial/gender quotas for jobs as opposed to qualifications.

And for immigration, no. That would basically be Europe.

Hit the nail on the head. Same for me.

You know what I was doing just now? I was nervously checking the USCIS page for the third time today. Checking on my immigration application.

I have been waiting since early December for just the first step, it's likely I'll have to wait until around the end of 2017 for the whole thing to be done with and actually get CONDITIONAL residence in the US. What have I done? Nothing. I have never committed any crimes, I'm perfectly clean and the US may have an interest in me for the job market.

I'm gonna wait for over a year of legal bureaucracy, shelling out thousands of dollars so I can have the privilege of staying in your country and not being kicked out after 6 months. And while I wait, I keep reading about these retards assuming the US is just "letting everybody in".

This is fucking great lol. Im not thin skinned so I could enjoy it

And not needing something to make fun of the other side I'm not in just so I dont feel bad

Of course he does because he's a fucking idiot who believes whatever dog shit his echo chamber feeds him.

US regulations on AA,
(e) In establishing placement goals, the following principles also apply:

(1) Placement goals may not be rigid and inflexible quotas, which must be met, nor are they to be considered as either a ceiling or a floor for the employment of particular groups. Quotas are expressly forbidden.

(2) In all employment decisions, the contractor must make selections in a nondiscriminatory manner. Placement goals do not provide the contractor with a justification to extend a preference to any individual, select an individual, or adversely affect an individual's employment status, on the basis of that person's race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.

(3) Placement goals do not create set-asides for specific groups, nor are they intended to achieve proportional representation or equal results.

>Thus it ends up saying everybody who disagrees with, say, affirmative diversity or unrestricted immigration is also angry over every single thing, job or piece of media any non-white/cis/male has ever gotten, which is grossly untrue outside of Sup Forums-tier bigots and rednecks.
This has literally nothing to do with the animation

>He'd be more correct if the animation continued after "lol matrix" and another Left-guy began putting his name on the machine
You're turning his animation into yours. The thing he did isnt less correct because the other side has retards as well.

>I don't understand irony: the post

None of those were even saying it's the US (yet at least) and those who do come here tend to be legit good people (I know plenty of Muslims and Indians at my college).

To me the issue is moreso Tumblrites who ignore what consequences Sweden/other European countries have undergone from importing "refugees" to no end, and that Sharia law and such are totally fine.

Where is Sharia law practiced in Sweden and "other European countries"?

I'll wait

The ending of the game is one of the old men trying to kill you even though the rest of the group said to let you go, which causes a cave in.

If anything it's about extremist fucking up everything for everyone.

Enjoying an ignorant animation is easy. Enjoying all the people being convinced by its rhetoric is another issue.

Where is it said in that post that Sharia law in Europe is a thing? I meant there's those who legitimately want it despite its horrible anti-female angle and restrictions.