Why is nobody talking about this?

Why is nobody talking about this?

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First I've heard of it

Is this the new saints row dlc?


no its a full game and isn't saints row more like a spinoff

Because they've said neither hide nor hair of it since the initial reveal trailer, same reason most people try not to talkin about Cyberpunk 2077, unless it's to shitpost.

>take Saints Row
>remove the best parts
>new game

no thanks

i only even recognize it because of the dude with a spear has a pretty cool design. until i glanced at him i was like what even is this

they just streamed alot of gameplay footage recently


>another moba
No thanks. Also

It looks like a bad borderlands clone.

It's not a spin-off though. It's the follow-up to the canon ending of Gat out of Hell

Saints was basically dying anyway. They fucked up the core gameplay and it just felt awful to play.

IIRC this doesn't even have co-op, which is pretty much fucking up one of the good things Saints always kept.

>built like brick shithouse
>tiny woman


>Le Black man with an eyepatch, beard, and a cap on

I want this to stop. I've seen this so many places before.

call me when it's out

The series sucked since the superpower bullshit

>heavy weapons gal

muh dick

looks like an overwatch clone

it has borderlands character and weapon artstyle but the maps look like they're copy pasted from borderlands.
its weird.

copied from ow even even eve

It looks pretty bad

Because it panders to the sjw. Look at the chars. A female and a negro? Begging to cuck you

>borderlands art style
it's saint row 3+4 art style. not all cel shaded le cartoon is borderland.

No one cares just make a new saints row game already, this is just some shit tier meme game that's dickriding saints row

This, but the lighting and shading is modified.

looks like broaderlands to me desu

When's character customisation coming back? They've been stripping and stripping it to the point where it's just a few clothes that you can change the colours of slightly, in the latest saints row game you have to mod it in and mess around with it to get it to work

cause it looks like shit

>IIRC this doesn't even have co-op
There goes my interest.

It's not Saint's Row 5

because its not saints row 5 and no one cares about whatever garbage this "experiment" from the studio is

>no coop

They made the same mistake gtav sp made, have multiple characters but don't implement coop.


it's not a moba.
because it's a volition game that isn't saint's row.

Pretty much the only thing even tying it to the saints is a purple fleur-de-lis, and it dropped the saints row name. Which is exactly what SR3 and 4 should have done.

The only people who consider 1 above anything other than 3 are nostalgia fags.
Great game, but 2 is GOAT and 4 is amazing as a crackdown game/fan tribute to the series.

Gaming is dead

I'd agree, except 4 didn't feel anything like a saints row game other than being set in the same universe. So for me it's more like 2>1>3>4. Great game, but not a saints row game.

Fair enough, I still really liked one, but people overrate its multiplayer because cod/halo weren't out yet, and people were desperate for anything multiplayer. Plus the game was fairly buggy, and many activities were redundant or had too many levels.
3 was the game that made me give up on preordering video games forever. FUCK the third.

Because we want Saint's Row V.