What is your favorite old strategy game?
What is your favorite old strategy game?
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Warcraft 3
Crusader Kings 2
MoM definately or MOO2
Warlords Battlecry 3.
MoM or the first Warlords.
Okay fampie
> "What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into a war which has decimated a million worlds. The CORE and the ARM have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair, the remnants of their armies continue to battle on ravaged planets, their hatred fueled by over four thousand years of total war. This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other."
I still get goosebumps whenever I hear that intro. Best strategy game of the '90s, hands down.
goddamn forgot about that game
Best old strategy game that nobody ever heard of: The Perfect General
Imagine Advance Wars, only ten years earlier and without the cutesy graphics and animation.
There's a few games like Advanced Wars, Steel Panthers for one is extremely easy to get into if you've played AW before.
>12 replies
>no HoMM3
Sid Meier games are always solid.
mom or ta are definitely the best
this game was pretty cool if a little buggy
Tied between three games.
Master of Magic
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
>master of fucking magic
mah nigga. Wish they made a modern remake without fucking it up in some obvious way.
I dont know if it count for old but I like warzone 2100 the only flaw is the bullshit tech tree.
What's the full name of the game?
he said old
Civ II
>fight massive battles
>the battles are only fights of remnants rather than the actual full scale battles due total war for over a thousand years
this should be some kind of movie. Like MD geist
Populous 3: The beginning
remember, no russians.
glhf :)
Yeah, pretty old
Master of Magic.
Jagged Alliance 2
My favorite is still Outpost 2. I liked the balance of building a space colony and managing the colonists vs. building and commanding your fleet of tanks.
Battle for Wesnoth easily. Love playing it on my iPad in long flights or whatever, comfy as fuck
Do you really consider games from 2012 old?
To me an 'old game would be pre-2004
It's 15 years old. How old does it have to be to be considered old?
>Battle for Wesnoth came out 14 years ago.
Where has the time gone.
pic related
My nigga. Played the shit out of that back in the day. I've been looking for something to play on mobile that isn't modern money milking shit and this will definitely it.
Pod crawl is fun but whats even more fun is a 14+ pop base where you crawl the food and have a bunch of specialists that generate insane amount of tech
Stronghold Crusader
there is not one game out there that can scratch the same itch
at least 16, kid
My brother form another mother, been playing this for the last few days.
I can't beat the last fucking level of the South Watch, fucking Elves keep spawning.
Why do you say 2004? Is there a certain game or hardware release that made games before and after radically different?
>WC3 is 15 years old
Nah that's just how I view things. What do you consider an old game?
Not that old but Advance Wars for gba was my first and I've loved the genre since
Is it just a shitty Battle Isle knock-off?
HoMM2 or 3
If someone said HoMM4 or Age of Wonders Shadow Magic nobody would have bat an eye. Stop being a stupid nigger that doesn't know how time works.
For me, earlier than DirectX9 counts as an "old" game. Even though graphics have vastly improved since then, games from this past year seem more similar to those of ten years ago than games from 2000 do to those of 2005, in terms of how the gameplay is handled.
>16 years
>"not that old"
If it was released in the 2000s it's not that old.
With the strategy games genre being nearly 40 years old, 16 years counts as "not that old"
My nigga!
Red Alert 1
StarWars Rebellion
Battle Realms
>16 years
Has it...really been that long?
>this UI
I came
Anyway, Heroes of Might and Magic 3. I still play it from time to time.
Majora's Mask is pretty old dude.