Hire someone who is open advocating children's pornography
Game company censor polygons/sprites
>nose ring
Sorry but Sup Forums is not hiring.
She was the only one who didn't want the censorship in the company.
>likes /ss/
>anti censorship
Literally /ourgirl/ but the reditfags and their "call out culture" have to do a raid agasint her.
to think we'd live to see the day when Sup Forums is against child pornography. i guess the majority of current users are just reddit and 9gag multisiters.
>Nintendo hired a literal prostitute named Maria Mint/Alison rapp
Sup Forums was pro anime loli not real child porn. In fact if you are pro child porn you might get a permaban because it's illegal under united states law.
>implying i give a fuck
Cry me a river fagget.
jailbait and child model threads were commonplace until august 2006. you'd know this if you weren't a newfag.
Snacks says hi
Just like to remind you that even if you have hentai with child naked you might get a nice jail time and registered as sex offender for the rest of your life. Enjoy the next 40 years of working at McDonalds.
nice reddit spacing faggot
>buttmad GGers raided her and had her lose her job because she advocated for young boys to get some lovin early in their life, thing that GGers never had the pleasure to receive
That's the story
You're thinking of Canada and Australia you 1/10 baiting nigger
This happens in Sup Forums everyday
Let's imagine they track your Sup Forums browsing history and discover you made a comment about real child porn/sex... the fact you have shit in your PC is going to look bad to the judge. I've read many legal cases(In united states) where the person got a nice 3 year conviction just for expressing loli desires. That could go to 10 or more if you have loli material.
Obviously that depends of the state but you might get your white ass raped in prison and spend the rest of your life with a child molester stamp in the federal database.
Link some cases or shut up
Nice bait, she was a whore who charges around 250 per fucking hour
but that is because the people who post are FBI/CIA or Interpol. At least most of the time. I'm not sure why you think those agencies are affected by Sup Forums ban.
real gangster talk who here would be okay with having their underage son get sum fuck from this girl
This. Newfags should educate themselves about the Sup Forumsday and its aftermath. Most of the site's original user base moved on to other chans after that event. The people who stayed were mostly underaged retards to begin with.
Nintendo of America runs a tight ship.
thanks Reggie.