You're playing Dark Souls and you've just landed in Firelink

You're playing Dark Souls and you've just landed in Firelink.

What's the first item you go and get?


Uchigatana for superior nipponese steel.

gravelord gs

drake sword

those humanities by the well

My trusty Zweihander and Long Sword drop.


Grass Crest Shield, then Havel's Ring

Disregarding easy babby items in the shrine itself, Great Scythe.
>5 minute trip to get it
>14 STR / 14 DEX, so it's generally viable unless I wanna get no dex whatsoever
>Makes the journey to my actual build really easy

Suicide by Crestfallen

this is it

Get the sealer set, chloranthy ring, and some other assorted items along the way, but this is the goal.





>Great Scythe
>+15 Ember
>2 Fire Souls
>Max Dex
>Rush forest to get Ninja Ring

Then laugh at all the mad Strength builds fat rolling around

firekeeper soul in New Londo

Channeler's Trident


The Lordvessel

Yes. Doesn't matter if you die, its easy if you move quickly and know the area. Get those estus

How's the greatsword in DS1? I loved it in DS3.

Souls in valley of the drakes.

>chloranthy ring
no such thing

The Darksign

so i can kill myself, uninstall, and play the better game

The humanities.
Next step is turning human going to kill pinwheel.
>Every single time

or dupe it for easy kindling

Yeah there is its in the great hollow

You guys should download the dark souls item randomization mod.

best pve weapon

It's less DUDE GUTS LMAO and just a heavier Claymore with a knockdown thrust attack. I prefer it over the metal popsicle it turned into.

Realistically Zwei is the superior UGS for the reach and less weight, but Greatsword is definitely sexier

if u goin all the way to see pinwheel u best be pickin up that gravelord sword my niqqa

But the darksign doesn't kill you, it's just an expensive homeward bone.

>I checked the wiki-tier





>play warrior
>already have longsword and heater shield
>have no need for literally any weapon from firelink
>grab humanities by the well and move on to undead burg and make a beeline for the claymore

This man knows what's up.

Depends on the build I'm going for.
I autistically played DS1 so much that I would think of a build and run around to build it as quickly as possible. I was very efficient.
Knew where and what every drop was and exactly how many and what soul drops to pick up.

I go down to the New Londo City

Where the Firekeeper Soul lies and the ghosts are pretty

Look at these wrong answers. Firekeeper soul of course.

I'm fucking bad at spelling that word okay?

You don't pick up the dark sign, you have it at the start.

Dragon head stone, every time



fuck off kid i battled skeletons for like an hour before i realized i went the wrong way

gravelord sword > mask of mother > red eye orb

Im dissapointed at you niggas

What the fuck are you going to do, walk right past them?

>first item you go for is a rare drop


New Londo firekeeper soul


Only correct answers.

mura obviously 27/40 baby

>Oh shit I've been invaded, I hope this guy doesn-
>gravelord sword

Claymore is the patrician's weapon choice.

Great Lord Greatsword, so I can dual wield it with the Moonlight Greatsword I had delivered to the Asylum moments earlier.

>he doesn't delete his character and start over if the item he wants doesn't drop

I'm partial to the gravelord sword but it's kind of a meme at low levels

Havel's ring and Grass Crest shield

light role baybee

I used the black knight halberd from the second I got it like halfway through ng to now on like ng+3

Do any of you fresh boys NOT pick master key?

>needs havel to fast roll

armor fag detected

Then Asscrest shield
then I just run as fast as possible to anal rodeo and get myself a silver knight spear

>going through blighttown again
Fuck that man

If you're starting with thief, obviously not

Whats the matter? cant handle a zwi?



Glitch into Sen's Fortress and get the lightning spear and covetous gold serpent ring

>glitch into
is this a real thing? How?

Firekeeper soul at new londo of course

just fucking google man.

Sens fortress skip

I mean that's a stop on any competent DS1 player's fresh start but why on earth would that ever be your first stop?
Can you not make it back alive on your way to the grass crest shield?

Step 1:Spawn, run to undead burg bonfire

Step 2: Summon boyfriend who gives me +5 chaos and lightning weapons and full +10 gearsets

Step 3: use 99 humanity

Step 4: Die to black knight

Step 4: I wrote a blog about why I fucking hate videogames - because this is what it does - it appeals to the male fantasy

>needs more healing

Grass crest shield is never necessary for me, neither is the extra healing but I just collect it then so i can run straight through new londo in one when I return

This nigga knows what's up.
Or just start with the club

red tearstone ring so i can go kill the four kids and so sl1 dickwraithing

My nigga

Grabbing the Grass Crest is just icing on the cake.
It is in the way of the fastest route to the Gargoyles boss and you can skip the Taurus Demon.
Just wondered why you would get that before getting anything else in Firelink.


Grass Crest Shield, Red Tearstone Ring, Power Within in that order.

I go and fight Cthulu at the bottom of Ash Lake.
>Every single time

>picking up something that is already attached to you permanently
>implying the dark sign kills you
Bornefags are completely clueless about any souls game besides their PS4 circlejerk. But that would be implying Bloodborne is an actual souls game.

The party glitch on the stairs

>he doesnt go get the phat club


I'm the only one going for the Morning Star?

>What they did to such a beautiful blade in DaS2
Why? It was so perfect

what the fuck?

>get gs first
Different directions.


copper coin and shrug


>any black knight weapon

Why would you when Vagrant and Pyromancer have a much better points per level ratio?

They are uncommon drops if anything.
The rarity just comes from only getting one chance until much later to farm them.

He clearly has never farmed for the Baller Swag sword before.
I've easily spent over an hour trying to get it to drop.


the 5 humanity of the dead body hanging over the well.

Why the fuck is everyone just skipping this

Composite bow.

that was my experience with all the weapons weapons during DaS2