No Black Manta in Injustice 2

>No Black Manta in Injustice 2
Fuck off NRS

Litteraly who

Literally (You)

You're literally fucking retarded.

This is the only thing I think of when I see the OP.


We won't get Patrick either sadly

Or Koriand'r

>Amanda Waller invites Manta to work for her
>he agreeds as long as his helmet receives a very specific modification
>everytime he is killing someone he will see Aquaman
>now he can kill his arch nemesis over and over and over again
He is pretty awesome

Game should really have Karate Kid.

I was pissed about this at first, too, but what would his moveset even be? The same as Scorpion?

That's obsession if I've ever heard it. Maybe he really is autistic

The second best supervillain.

The first is doctor doom

The dude has dual blades, super strength, laser eyes and a shit ton of other tech and water based moves. He'd be fine

And he doesn't even have a reason for it

>The first is doctor doom
Dr. Sivana is the best.

Literally the best of DC's Golden Age library, but they don't recognize him or Shazam.

I thought he originally wanted a black-ruled kingdom under the sea, and after aqua man stopped him he just took a personal interest in hating him.

Billy is literally in the first game tho and he'll be in 2 right?

Also I love Batman The Brave and the Bold because they call him Captain Marvel

He's "Aquaman sucks" made flesh

>still no Static
Better be DLC

>tfw plastic man would be a great fighter character but he's buried in obscurity and placed under 8 batman characters and other duplicates

He won't be in the second game since he's supposed to be dead. They're also bringing back Joker and Green Arrow.

>Drop Captain Cold for Black Manta, make Captain Cold DLC
>Drop Cheetah entirely for Plastic Man
>Drop some ponce like Green Arrow for Static

Would have been much better.

>8 batman characters
>Dead shot over Deathstroke
>Harley over Joker
>Harley being in in the first place
>super girl and superman
>poison ivy and swamp thing
>No manta, plastic, shazam, etrigan, gentleman ghost, red tornado, or a plethora of other cool viable characters
I hate WB for jewing up the roster

This man gets it.

Don't forget how NRS recycles moves from MK and vice versa.

The whole thing that set this game off was Supes killing Joker, so theres no real way for him to be in that's not retarded. You're right about the other stuff though.

>no watchmen character
Why live

why does he compare himself to the whale? i don't understand.

The Joker died in injustice 1 and he's still in that game.

Also it's like you don't read comics. Characters die and come back every day. DC usually uses the go to "multiverse" explanation

Didn't DC make Watchmen a part of the main continuity? That's kinda dumb.

I don't read comics, you're right. Have you seen most of that shit? Why would anyone?

And the point is that Joker was dead /by the end of/ Injustice 1, so sure he can be in during, but not in after. And resorting to multiverse bullshit at only the second game is not a good look.

He pretended to once. He just hates Aquaman.

Are Mantafags the most annoying fanboys? They bitch and moan every thread about their shitty edgy negro not being in anything of revelancy because no one gives a shit about him. Yes we get it, he has a huge hate boner for Aquafag and is an autist. In the end he's just a shittier version of Zoom anyways.

Manta literally have pretended to be autistic and advanced black right just to fuck with Aquaman

>No manta, plastic, shazam, etrigan, gentleman ghost, red tornado, or a plethora of other cool viable characters
Like this guy?

I liked the idea of the armors, game looks better than the first one.

>8 Batman characters
>normies are clamoring for Red Hood to be DLC
>Boon is probably listening

I really hate NRS sometimes

You'd think a villain that purely hates the hero would be dumb and cliché but it somehow works for him

>t. Edgelord

He really made it work.

I like Doctor DOOM but the crown holder is Professor Zoom.
Professor Zoom > Doctor Doom > Black Manta

>tfw I complained about all that Batman characters until I saw Scarecrow. We still don't need Ivy though.

Currently no, it's just that Doctor Manhattan is an outside presence responsible for the New 52.

>no constatine
>but blue beettle,fireboy for diversity points

jesus stupids

There's a point you think he'd stop but he just doesn't He's just flat crazy enough to make Joker piss himself.

I would say it used to be cliche but it's so rare nowadays. That's why I love him, Sabertooth and Professor Zoom.

The lack of Aquaman's wife and villains is appalling.

God, I want this motherfucker in so badly, along with Mera and Zatanna as DLC.

t. Dumb mantafag
Enjoy the stage transition

>tfw Zatanna will never be in because she was DLC before

There's always that one character everyone bitches about not being in. No one even talked about Black Manta back during the first game.

Complaining about too many Batman characters is legit though, admittedly.

It's implied he died in Injustice: Ground Zero
Fucking why?

He's actually in Injustice 2 as a stage transition, which is fucking stupid.

Scarecrow also died and yet he is playable.
And even in the story.

>Joker (if leak is true)

>cyborg back
>no MMH
>probably will have region lock again

He never died, he just went into a massive coma.

They did multiverse bullshit in the first game. That's how they beat evil Superman. Good Guy Superman came in and defeated him. Hell, multiverse bullshit is how the Joker was in the game to begin with.

>worthless against anyone but aquaman
No thanks

>(if leak is true)
We can honestly count that it is true at this point. I'd have removed catwoman, made ivy a skin for swampy, made scarecrow a fucking skin for sinestro because who the fuck even knows why he got removed or black manta. Also fuck the fact it's not ronnie firestorm.

Blue Beetle's fine since he's had a bunch of comics before diversity was such a meme in comics. Firestorm's pretty pointless though since they use none of his powers, picked the worse version of the character, and turned him into a generic fireguy.

Constantine wouldn't really work as a character though since he doesn't have any special powers or fighting abilities. Unless it's the nu version from the reboot.

Scarecrow looks a lot more fun to play then Sinestro ever did.

Come again?

Goes into a thread about a capeshit game to show ignorance about a capeshit villains and counters with "lol capeshit"

Nice backpedaling faggot.


I'm still pissed Plastic Man didn't make the cut

Black Manta is the Joker to Aquaman.

That would be fun as shit. Also still waiting on my BATB Aquaman skin that sings as he combos.

You have no fucking idea.

Scarecrow's a nice "weird" pick though, despite being another Batman character.

Batman, Robin & Scarecrow would've been fine. Joker too I guess since I guess he has to show up, maybe relegate him to DLC or something.

Harley got in because she is more popular then anyone else in the game and basically the main character.

Poison Ivy got in because she is Harleys lesbian friend.

Blame weirdo normies for this.

I'll be fine with it as long as Ivy and Harley fuck


Too bad theres no really obscure characters in the roster, quite boring picks

Fuck I forgot he was in this game too. What the fuck?

Captain Cold isn't the most well known guy, at least.

Neither is Gorilla Grodd.

They are now because of the CW show.

Look at this smug fucker.

There's still Atrocitus, Dr. Fate, and Black Adam

He's DLC, I've been testing the game for a while.


Yeah, you're right. I'm not well versed in DC, mostly Marvel. I don't even know who Atrocitus is besides the fact that he has a rage ring.

Also, whats this obsession with humanoid characters?
Waste of flesh

He's the founder and leader of the Red Lanterns, who are like the Green Lanterns, but with rage and vomiting literally burning blood.

BA is getting a fucking movie with the rock.

That will go one of two ways, and considering how the Scorpion King went, I'm not terribly optimistic.

I always thought Aquaman caused the death of his father.

Fate is like Dr. Strange right? Don't kill me

It's still more than Atro got, and fate showed up on that teen drama superman show on CW and had a little teaser in Constantine.

Multiverse bullshit was why joker was alive in injustice 1. The evil superman turned his version of joker into a sock puppet

Kinda yeah

Fate predates Strange. He (and she, one time)'s a legacy character with the title going to whoever is wearing the helmet, amulet and cloak. Uses magic, usually white/order magic (except for one version, who uses chaos stuff too).

Cool. Maybe I'll get around to reading some of his stuff since I like Strange.

What's wrong with Swamp Thing?

Nothing. I like swamp thing. I don't like that there's two characters that manipulate nature and plants. I'd rather just ST over Ivy any day

People wanted Black Manta since the first game.

This is what happens when NRS is in charge of these games. Clunky mocap that limits what each character can do and WB for circlejerking Batman. Even other fighters like Tekken use better mocap than this shit. It bugs me that the reveals and how the game moves looks worse than the first one.


Suck ass. Harley is based, as long as you ignore Slutty Quinn. Super Girl needs some love too. Swamp and Ivy need some recognition, mong.

I agree that they need other people, but unless they plan to release all of the better people as DLC, it isn't jewing, just shit priorities.
That isn't how it works.

It's jewing because they're picking the popular characters, and characters that have the spotlight in popular or upcoming movies and TV shows