How do you climb?

How do you climb?

You play, you play, you play. And maybe you might make it.

hold space next to a wall

Play Hanzo or Genji, only they can climb walls.

carry your team. If you're doing it solo that's the only thing you can do.

You single handedly have to do everything otherwise you'll be stuck in 50/50 hell for life.

If you do climb out of gold solo, you are worthwhile

play only dps
its the easiest way to carry and also nets you the most SR per win
its fucking stupid

Did you get 4 or 5 golds at the end of the game? No? Gotta get better.

Git gud.

Seriously though if you play solo get good with an offense character that can carry. Was stuck in high plat for months until I got good with a few offense characters. Usually played Tracer on KOTH and McMeme everywhere else. I would usually play tanks anytime I was not a DPS. Roadhog can work well in many team comps solo, would also play a lot of Reinhardt but if my team wasn't communicating or staying with me I would switch since he really needs people that play as a team. Its still a good idea to be able to fill all roles and be at least have basic knowledge of all characters. I would pick at least one per role that your confident you can play very well.

Biggest thing is communicate though use your mic like seriously fucking use it. You will be surprised how many people actually start talking or coordinating when you do, take advantage of in-game calls outs like "group up".

Lastly if your playing solo avoid support until your in a higher rank especially those like Lucio, Mercy with little offensive power since your at the mercy of your team to win. I had no issues using Zen in plat since he has good offensive power and I can still get some kills while helping out the team. Once you reach higher ranks and you start getting competent people consistently you can really pick whoever, I generally just fill for whoever fits a team comp since I can play all roles.

>Play someone who gets fire easy
You on fire percentage directly reflects your SR gain/loss
>Don't play support
Since you'll be on fire much less, You won't get much SR
>Try to keep your states low in your role
You'll be expected to compensate for a bad teammate if you get, on average, better states than him.
>Main a role
Like above, If OW puts you into a game thinking you're gonna play DPS and you go tank you now have some potential shittes filling your role.

Unfortunately that is the best way to break Blizz's system.

>"group up"
I spam that shit as Reinhardt and nobody stays behind the shield.

Low states?

>Play someone who gets fire easy
>You on fire percentage directly reflects your SR gain/loss

is this true? it would explain alot

No golds.


How do you stay on fire then? Games where I'm on fire the whole match are usually the ones where I'm tripling golds.

>taking OW seriously enough to care about your rank

Some games shouldn't have ranked modes.

Solo qued to grandmasters from plat with 100% only mercy

Honestly, theres no fucking excuse in this game. If youre not diamond minimum just find a different game to play man

this desu, just play the game and have fun with a side of casual competition

if you calibrate
don't die
don't take risks
you might win you might lose
but you inflate your score by not dying

This game was fun before people started taking it seriously

>don't die
>don't take risks
proof of why ranked ruins fun

Sup Forums really must suck these days if people are actually playing this shit

Soldier 76

Seriously. Along with having some basement dweller screaming and blaming the team for losses. This game should have never gone competitive.

get screwed by guy "practicing" Hanzo because "where else am I supposed to go". Really though just play TF2 or get 5 buddies, even if they're not as good as you I always do better with someone I know and can talk with and can actually communicate

>currently play around 3800-3900 sr

> every other game someone is flat out throwing the game

I don't mean making bad character choices, i mean FLAT out throwing, jumping off cliffs, running straight into the enemy and feeding, etc.

People have realized they can get away with it now with no repercussions. I was close to breaking into Grandmaster this season but I'm definitely done with competitive for a while.This is probably the most toxic game I've played since L4D2 online.

these are the most important
if you don't have a solid foothold you can be left clinging by your handgrips
you need to be able to pull yourself up, obviously
it's not worth it to get crippled or killed on a climb

Play a carry hero (Pharah, Zarya, Tracer) and hope that it's enough OR get lucky enough to have a really decent team who works together well.

since everyone that mains support are either brain dead with mercy or a dps lucio please for the love of god learn how to play ana. Completely changes the game with the raw amount of healing she can do and the utility of bio grenade that blocks healing for other team and increases healing for your team. Sleep dart is fantastic because if someone tries to flank you if you hit your shot you can call out and have your team help you (probably won't but better to be safe than sorry). Her ult is also fantastic for pushes and can get it really easily by sticking to tanks for heals. The only problem is she is probably the highest learning curve hero because of you are not consistent with your heals lucio will out heal you with his 10 meter aoe. Just learn how to aim and know when the right time to use your abilities are and you can carry your team through whatever rank you are

Yeah, it's been broken since like season 2 and blizzard refuses to fix it. If you play DPS/Tank you'll get a higher SR than if you heal, since doing damage is the only way to get on fire, dps gets rewarded more than healers, especially mercy since she never does any damage. You can carry a shitty team with a mercy and win, and the dps/tanks will get 35 SR while you get only 18 SR. That's why I don't play healers anymore, I only do DPS.

No game should. E-sports mentality is a disease.

I've learned that you just gotta say fuck Rein when your team is retarded weebs and tracer mains.

Play something that gets the job done alone, like Hog or Winston. Don't defend idiot teammates.

>mfw support main
why blizz hate us so much?

If you complain about communities being 'toxic' you're a faggot.

Sorry that I want to play one fucking round of Overwatch without someone LITERALLY trying to lose and admitting to it in chat.

if that's not fucking toxic behavior i dont know what is, sorry i hurt your fucking feelings

>Mechanical ability
>Stop dying

'toxic' is just a weak ass blanket term for 'they were mean to me on the internet, waaah'

Nobody gives a fuck about your rank bitch. You don't belong on Sup Forums.

>Not at the top of my game
>Make a couple bad plays
>Some faggot who's playing Lucio pretending he's actually doing anything other than gliding on a wall and letting the rest of the team do the hard job ask me to change
>"Wow so fucking toxic"

And that's the part where I usually throw the game. I've exceeded my expectations this season with a whooping 3300 on the ladder by myself, I don't give a fuck if I drop a couple hundreds points down.

If you don't play with premades don't complain about your team

of course randos are going to fuck with you and play shitty what the fuck do you expect