Has pokemon lost its charm?

Was this the fastest dying Pokemon game?
Its so short and uninteresting.

sun and moon are fucking great

I didn't like it but it wasn't because of stagnation or charm loss. I still feel the Pokemon spirit, but it's just not the kind of game I wanted. I enjoyed X and Y much much more.

Another Pokebarneyfag thread.

GameFreak made it with the intention of killing it fast. Considering there is only one mythical event Pokemon and that it is already being released you can see Gen 7 was just a filler gen until they do the next thing.

I wouldn't say it was short but it definitely killed my interest. I would say X/Y felt the shortest.

I'm convinced that's someone that actually really likes it and wants to make other people's opinions look retarded by falseflagging


No, but the post game is fucking garbage so it has no lasting appeal.

I haven't seen a Pokemon thread since two weeks after release, it just died out here on vee, after all the haha look i can play it on pee see threads.

The game starts off weak as fuck with the very long unskippable cutscenes, not quite mgs4 tier but still bad.

Gen 1 Pokemon are mutilated as fuck.
No memorable Pokemon introduced besides that wanna be pikachu.

Thats my two scents.

Maybe because there's a whole board just for pokemon

GameFreak stopped giving a shit because they know that, no matter what they do, they'll ALWAYS print money.
Even moreso if they jack of Kanto's dick for the sixth time.

Nice try pokebarneyfag, kill yourself faggot.

Please, go shitpost somewhere else.

Yep, that's what I get called every time I say I don't like this entry

>decided to get the game like 4months after release

>start game
>cant skip cutscenes
>cant dialogue
>overall no way to skip the tutorial
>40mins in and im still doing fucking tutorials on how to play pokemon
>turned off and never touched it again

Like why the hell is there no option for skipping tutorials and just let me play the game, its not like this is the first pokemon game ever

>I enjoyed X and Y much much more.
lol, you can't be serious, X and Y are unforgivable hot garbage

I disagree, it felt comfy and made competitive more accessible. Kalos was beautiful and the game's engine didn't feel painfully slow.

Honestly it's all up to taste, Pokemon games are all good and bad in their own right.

It's not the game's fault you have ADHD.

It is the games fault for not adding a option to just skip all the tutorials like every games does. I just want to pick a pokemon and play, I dont care about the story in pokemon overall

lol have fun you autistic faggot
that "tutorial" lasts like 3 hours

Better than any of the DS games

Bet you haven't beaten the Battle Tree either


Same here.

I think I am just not a fan of tropical settings (Hoenn is one of my least favourite regions as well). Also, although the story in SM is pretty nice, it is way too intrusive IMO.

I honestly don't know why so many people hate X and Y.

so edit your save file and add a mon to blaze through the tutorial with

But lets be honest, Pokemon isnt the most complicated shit ever, do we really need tutorials still when large amounts of players know about it?

For me I just got tired of having to sit through uninteresting cut scenes around EVERY FUCKING CORNER.
I only barely got the fly ability. And that took several months of putting it off and comming back.
The excitement just didn't last very long.
Once I realised I can't have the best mons' without either farming relentlessly for the perfect assortment of IVS, EVS, natures, etc. Or just Action Replaying them into the game, it seemed more tedious than necessary for a slow turn based RPG.

>Kalos was beautiful and the game's engine didn't feel painfully slow.
haha, what?
>I disagree, it felt comfy and made competitive more accessible.
haha, what? that doesn't make it good

That was bw and b2/w2


Haha, opinions what?

Yes, a kid's game needs tutorials when kids will play it.

It would also need a "yeah i already know how to play" option, but saying that tutorials are unneeded is fucking retarded. Every Pokemon game is someone's first Pokemon game.

Tutorials are OK

And they SHOULD be in all games, however forcing the players to sit several hours in the tutorial section without giving a option to just skip everything and start the actual game is just bad.


You need a long walk on a short peir if you actually think that.
The tutorial was designed for braindead retards.

Go back to your thread on /vp/, there's no reason to spam both boards with this shit

Niqqa i dont browse veepee
Lurk moar, maybe get an ip fetcher or something idk.

>being a phoneposter
Sure seems like you do since this thread's OP image was copypasted from there.

>I have no arguments: the post.

Don't forget the text is as well.

>Google Pokemon sun moon to get an image for my thread
>Get first result
Get outta here

>Desperately trying to devide people into groups
Lurk more.

>pasting the same OP used for months
>same text
>same typing style
>same posts
>same "I don't browse /vp/ or this is my first post there" shit
Nice try retard.