Who are the vegans of gaming?
Who are the vegans of gaming?
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nintendo babies and pokemon players above the age of 12
pc gamers
Indie devs.
Loud, obnoxious, and have to let you know what creed they live.
How did that egg come out of the chicken?
neogaf and sjws in general.
People who say fun games are bad
People like Jonathan McIntosh
Anyone who limits themselves to 1 platform only instead of playing everything they want.
Nintendo exclusive users, they can't handle the real thing but still think they can be arrogant for some reason.
Sometimes i feel like Japan was turned into an island for human experiments after ww2 ended
holy fuck, that actually makes sense
>think they're superior
>has to tell everybody else what they're consuming is wrong if it's not the same as them
>complains about things not suiting their wants
Honestly could be mustard race, but there are probably worse offenders.
Wrong. McFatties are the ones who don't eat anything else but McShit. You have to be open to everything to be vegan
What do these taste like?
I play Dwarf Fortress.
Vegans have the moral high ground so maybe people who don't pirate games despite all their friends doing it?
This, always obnoxious, autistic, and overthinking it
the answer is definitely indie devs
>open to everything
exclusive pc gamers. they think their shit doesn't stink
Damn, that's a cute boy!
slimy boiled eggs I reckon
Hard work and dedication
Mac/iOS gamers, obviously.
>Vegans pretend to have the moral high ground
So more like people who take pride in not pirating games even though they don't buy them either.
open to everything except the things vegans say they don't eat/drink
>playing games which are distinctly unhealthy for you
>blatant disregard for any sense of variety and taste
>blatantly not understanding where the stuff you are consuming is coming from
>insisting that everyone should behave like you
Twitter retards who only play Angry Birds/Bejeweled on their phones, but common about problems with the video game industry.
Note: do not watch if you plan on eating eggs anytime soon.
PC owners
They have the potential to be great but instead shit themselves talking up about how great PC is before spending all their money and resources attempting to emulate the console games they're mocking.
Why are vegetarians okay people but vegens fulfill the stereotype to a T?
>>playing games which are distinctly unhealthy for you
Why do vegans live longer?
People have a lot of different reasons for being vegetarians, and so you are much more likely to run into a non-retarded one in real life. Plus, they can be doing it for reasonable reasons (health, opposition to megafarms) and still maintain their health and sanity off stuff like eggs, milk, and so on.
Vegans pretty much only go vegan as a way to oppose all meat-eating, which leads to some very stupid decisions. They also frequently need to take protein supplements, which (surprise!) come from the stuff they are trying to avoid, which means they are frequently completely oblivious to what they are even talking about.
People that play exclusively one console. I know a guy that plays PS4 and thinks that's where the real gamers are, and PC players are just try hards.
He bought a gaming PC recently so he could stream Overwatch, and wants to get an adapter for his PS4 controller so he can use it on PC.
Because there's no fucking reason to be a vegan beyond "nature needs to be FREE, maaaaaaaaan, you can't like, own a chicken".
I'm not vegetarian, but I can respect vegetarianism. Factory farming is horrible for the environment and not much fun for the animals, yeah.
For vegans, though? Dairy cows have to be treated well, and if you buy free-range eggs, there's no issue.
They just need something to feel superior about.
>Because there's no fucking reason to be a vegan beyond "nature needs to be FREE, maaaaaaaaan, you can't like, own a chicken".
Anti-piracy fags
Are we still talking about vegans?
>playing games which are distinctly unhealthy for you
Plant based food is unhealthy? Good one.
>blatant disregard for any sense of variety and taste
There are at least hundreds of vegan dishes you can make at home. Removing meat and other animal products doesn't mean you can only eat salad.
>blatantly not understanding where the stuff you are consuming is coming from
People become vegans because they understand it. Not the other way around.
What's morally wrong about collecting eggs and milk?
Because vegetarians aren't the insufferable faggots who shun people who eat meat. Most of the time it's an actual health-issue or just some random guy.
Vegans are the ones who go around making those images of chicks being turned onto my 20 piece McNuggets as if that would dissuade me from ordering two with guac.
>getting the worst version of preexisting series
3DS-exclusive players.
>Why do vegans live longer?
Just off hand? I'd say it is because the population at large includes the poor and people going to war, and so the average lifespan gets lowered. Vegans tend to entirely be upper-middle class or higher people, insulated in cities, and so have the highest lifespan out of anyone.
There is also the factor that "meat eaters" includes both people with healthy diets, and people who eat McD every day. Yes, eating burgers and fast food is going to tank your health numbers. But there are better ways of avoiding that than eating vegan - like eating sensibly.
They don't treat the animals very well on industrial scale.
Male cows get turned into veal.
They over use antibiotics.
They're less efficient than plant based food.
>Dairy cows have to be treated well, and if you buy free-range eggs, there's no issue.
These are virtually non-existant. Almost all cows, chickens and other animals are treated horribly. And no, the stuff you get from the supermarket is not cruelty free. Even if it says so on the box, i guarantee.
>People who eat mcdonalds only eat mcdonalds
holy shit how delusional can one poster be.
>There is also the factor that "meat eaters" includes both people with healthy diets
And vegans includes people who eat tofu and nothing else every day.
Red meat is not good for you.
The best diets are vegetarian, vegan, and pescetarian.
Who gives a fuck about whether they were treated cruelly anyway.
The only time that would matter is if it makes the meat suddenly not taste good.
>They don't treat animals well
Since when do predators owe anything to prey?
That's a legitimate question, mind you, not just some 'le edge' posting.
>Not a single vegetarian culture was successful in human history
>Meat is the problem
Wew lad.
The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity.
Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality.
So buy from local farms. I live near farms, I see where the milk comes from, the cows seem perfectly happy, they've got tons of space and plenty of food and water. They live comfy lives. Same with the chickens. I buy milk from the grocery store but I make sure to get a brand that uses local milk, and I buy eggs straight from the farmers for significantly cheaper than store bought eggs.
Most vegetarians have a legitimate reason to be vegetarians.
Answer the question instead of trying to deflect with unsupported allusions user.
No previous culture had access to our level of technology, industry, and science.
People in the first world could easily switch off red meat in their diet.
They live longer that people who eat fast food and too much fat meat everyday.
I gurantee you a person with a balanced diet that includes proper amounts of good quality meat and animal products will live longer than someone with a vegan diet.
Humans are not herbivores, we are omnivorous for a reason.
Why would you. Red meat is delicious
Why do meat eaters act all callous about animals but get super butthurt if I want to kill dogs and cats?
Isn't it good to avoid unnecessary suffering?
Your argument would work if we HAD to eat meat or other animal products. But we don't. So all the suffering caused by the animal industry is not necessary.
conscientious people who choose not to pirate because it's inherently exploitative and immoral, even though it might be an inconvenience to them personally and cost them money they could avoid paying if they were willing to act inappropriately
meat was even more expensive and less common back then
I'm Australian, our dairy industry is comparatively very humane.
I've got my own chickens, which roam around the backyard eating bugs and leftovers all day.
Because it's better for you, better for the environment, and more moral.
Sure, so you want to switch everyone over to synthetic + chemical diets? Not sure that's really what you're getting at but that seems like the most reasonable interpretation, and it's a common argument among vegetarians/vegans blind to the issue that producing those goods cost things we cant spare on that scale, and guess what? Animal products are used in their production more often than not, just several steps between the nutrients and the recipient.
Who gives a shit
>tfw everyone thinks I'm an animal rights Nazi when I say I'm trying to follow a vegan diet
I actually don't give a fuck about animals. My body just feels better when I eat plants.
I'll eat that dog and cat if you cook it, faggot.
defintaly pc gamers
they are always pushing their preferred form of gaming like some sort of cult, and look down on people who don't game on the pc
probably because dogs and cats aren't bred to be eaten, if the world was vegan cows would cease to exist because they're worthless
No, pacifist playthroughs.
I have no idea but it's not all vegetarians that are fine. I knew one guy in high school that was vegetarian, had classes with him for all 4 years, didn't find out he was vegetarian til senior year.
Conversely, knew a guy that randomly decided to become vegetarian during one summer, wouldn't shut up about it. First time I saw him after that summer he told me he's vegetarian and acted like he was better than me.
Cause you're not killing them to eat them retard
Sup Forumsirgins
You mean, besides general concern about animal well-being, much like how beating your dog for kicks isn't allowed?
Pumping the cow full of growth hormones means that stuff is still in the meat when people eat it. Pumping the cow full of drugs to make it continuously hungry means that it is in the food when people eat it as well. Forcing the cow to stand and never move means the meat has a higher fat concentration than it otherwise would have, which is less healthy.
Most industry cows get force-fed corn all the time. This is a problem because cows aren't designed to eat corn, and so they need to be given drugs to allow them to handle it. Also, they need to be given antibiotics in order to not get sick from the ordeal. That last bit is probably the biggest concern: illnesses can be transferred between cows and humans. Even worse is that most of these illnesses are drug-resistant, since they've survived in the cow for that long. It's not a concern with a normal grass-fed cow, due to it not having the same stomach chemistry due to not being force-fed corn, so it is a rather distinct problem specific to industry cows.
I'm a meat-eater, and I own a dog and two cats. I'd happily eat dog and cat meat if it was humanely raised and slaughtered.
Pigs and cows are intelligent, loving animals, too, but I'm not going to eat tofu for the rest of my life. Sorry.
Eating nothing but fish is really bad for the environment right now, we're overfishing to a ridiculous extent.
Because you're insane if you can't tell the difference between what is and isn't prey, even animals can manage that.
So you proudly demonstrating your insanity is obviously going to disturb people.
>so you want to switch everyone over to synthetic + chemical diets?
Do you not know what plants are?
>t's a common argument among vegetarians/vegans blind to the issue that producing those goods cost things we cant spare on that scale,
it's objectively true you could produce more nutrition for less cost and less damage to environment if you switched from cattle to plants.
>if the world was vegan cows would cease to exist because they're worthless
That's preferable to their current form of existence right now.
>tfw Sup Forums is full of vegfags now
either you faggots have upped yourselves in shitposting or you're literally this retarded
either way, bravo
This isn't a predator prey scenario is it? This is an agricultural system where certain species are forcibly inducted into a system of mass murder simply on the basis that they're palatable. What's even more grievous is the fact that there is a substantial loss of energy throughout the raising of the animals, energy that could easily be re-purposed to feed humans. Then you top it off with the fact that the conditions the animals are kept in essentially necessitate the pervasive use of antibiotics in their feed which will continually degrade their efficacy in the future which may well instigate another plague the like of which we've never seen before. There's nothing socially, scientifically, or culturally justifiable about the production or consumption of meat, humans have long outgrown the necessity of consuming animal matter.
Fez fanboys
>Your argument would work if we HAD to eat meat or other animal products. But we don't.
We do if we want to stay healthy and maintain a good amount of muscle mass.
Maybe you are fine with B12 deficiency and being a hungry skeleton with who probably can't even lift his own weight, but I'm not.
No big dairy industry is humane, user. They don't make as much profit.
Also, the hell was that link? It just gave suggestions to people so they contact dairy farmers. It didn't say anything about actual practices in the indsutry.
Other cultures eat them.
Why does that matter?
You're not eating an expensive steak for sustenance it's for pleasure.
if I adopt a dog form the pound and beat it to death then grill it does it become okay?
I hate you hypocritical pet fag fucks.
>lol who cares about animals they taste good
>stop hurting pupper reee!!!
Hope your stupdu dogs get run over you fucks.
So that's why everyone who eats meat is always sick all the time. Really made me think.
>General concern about animal well being
This is the thing you were questioned about, not the answer to the question.
>Pumping a cow full of drugs
Has nothing to do with the question, this is the actions of the predator affecting the predator in a negative manner, this is like pissing into a carcass before you eat it, it has nothing to do with morality.
Just answer the actual damn question instead of just preaching your asinine and irrelevant views on dairy farming.
meatfags on suicide watch holy shit
I said comparatively, it's a list of humane issues with the dairy farming industry in Australia.
>tfw Sup Forums, of all places, is more vegan than most other sites
You guys are not so bad after all
heh all look at this motherfucker. he thinks he knows science
This is a typical neurotic vegan.
>literally play the most genres and most varied games
>This is the thing you were questioned about
Kant argues it as a duty to yourself for treating animals poorly will degrade your character.
Schopenhauer argues from the point of view of compassion.
we had a vegan literally screeching on state tv about how bees are literally being raped to make honey
>We do if we want to stay healthy and maintain a good amount of muscle mass.
We don't. That's just a myth.
Example: One of the strongest men on Earth is a vegan who broke a world record not long ago en.wikipedia.org
People who only play Western games and will write off a game for being Japanese.
Hardcore Blizzard and Bethesda fans are what immediately come to mind.
Your argument is totally invalid there are a substantial number of bodybuilders and endurance athletes that thrive on vegetarian/vegan diets. There are no minerals or proteins that the body itself cannot produce through the consumption of a varied plant diet. Those that it can't produce can otherwise be directly provided by the plant products.
I'm not a vegan, I just hate you hypocrites who get buttblasted about your shitty dogs dying.
yeah right. idorts are obnoxious and pretend like they are above at all and make sure everyone knows they are superior to everyone else. they are not. they are simply good goyim. idorts are the vegans