Witcher senses in 3 makes exploration braindead

>witcher senses in 3 makes exploration braindead
>Sup Forums rightfully shits on this mechanic

>persona witcher senses makes exploration in dungeons braindead
>Sup Forums is silent and praises the game

I smell a stinky double standard here lads

who cares

I do enough to make this thread

I need answers.

Consumers should NOT take a liking for devs thinking they're stupid

did you have a point or were you comparing apples to oranges just for fun?

It's ok when Japan does it :^)

Persona isn't about exploration, open-world RPGs like the Witcher are

Or did you forget that the dungeons in P3 and P4 are randomly generated grids of empty hallways? Compared to those, the dungeons in this game are Dark Souls qualiy


I can feel it

who bitched about witcher senses

well if theyre confusing minimal dungeon crawling with open world exploration i cannot think of a better word for customers. maybe "addled" or "delusional" works as well as stupid

Persona vision shows you enemy level.

>some people like it
>so they play the game
>some people don't like it
>and they don't play the game

Sup Forums isn't one person, you know, there are multiple people here with different opinions, there's no hypocrisy with this

Witcher 3 and it's mechanics is one of the most shilled things on here, right before bloodbourne

What are you smoking op?

Everyone, as everyone rightfully should. They are a shit device and a poor substitution for actually having footsteps, tracks and shit. Witcher sense could/should only have been used for smells.

>Sup Forums rightfully bitched about Fallout 4 limiting you to 4 dialogue options every conversation
>Sup Forums sucks Bloodborne's dick, which only gives you the occasional yes or no question

he's talking about people like you, not the shills that endlessly haunt you

When will you fags learn?


Damage control

Atlus hand crafted these dungeons for the first time in a persona title in years so don't go pretending they never put a heavy focus on them this time.

They go and ruin exploring these dungeons with this shit

>this optional mechanic LITERALLY RUINS the game
Every time.

He's talking about the literal opposite, you raging retard.

Get off the internet

You know you can just not use them right? All they do is highlight what you can interact with the environment, so it's perfectly possible to never turn it on (unlike Witcher senses or Skyrim quest markers, which are the only way the game gives you the necessary information)

boo hoo faggot go be triggered elsewhere

Don't press L1 and it magically doesn't ever happen

I was fine with both.

this is the first time ever seeing somebody bitch about it seems retarded to bitch about something so small

>use the six sense in the real world
>the arcana card is floating on top of the confidant head with all its details

It was pretty neat when I accidentally found out about it.

>comparing an open world game that centers around explainaration to a persona game where you just want to know which ledge you are able to climb up in a dungeon
apples to oranges

>j-just ignore it

Yeah, exactly. I bet you complain about games having an easy mode too.

Did you forget the game had an easy mode too? That seems like the far more logical piece of optional content to get mad at in terms of casualization

>get called for being a retard
>"s-s-stay mad"

Fuggin kek

"I want everyone to play the game the way I think it's the best! You need to experience MY type of fun!"

Witcher is a game based on exploration
Persona is an anime turn based story JRPG

See the difference

Different people like different things.

Sup Forums is not one person.

>so small
>something that is used in every main and side quests.
Its a major component of the game and necessary. You use it constantly in quests.

ok so he has super human abilities to use the fucking thing are you going to bitch about his other powers too fuck off retard

>in dungeons

I feel like I'm losing my mind reading this. Persona 3 and 4 dungeons were hallways, there never even was anything to explore

Are you seriously retarded

No like legit braindread

You can clearly, visually, without a doubt tell OP is discussing P5

That's the fun of Sup Forums. When you're not being baited by shitposters, you have to deal with the mental gymnastics of legit autistics.

I guess I'm trying to say that it doesn't really matter if persona sense ruins exploration since the persona games have never been exploration focused.

I mean I guess you could always just not use persona sense if you wanted untainted exploration but also the dungeons are fairly linear as it is so you probably won't get much out of that.

Mostly it's there to make sure people don't have trouble finding the specific context-sensitive location they need to jump from.

>series beloved for its premise, characters, story, and interesting combat system for a JRPG, but that previously had shit dungeons
>significantly improves its dungeon crawling
>why aren't people complaining about this?
Gee OP I wonder. P5 doesn't have to have the best exploration ever, as evidenced by how loved P3 and P4 are.

>Sup Forums rightfully shits on this mechanic
But it's literally one guy. The Gothic II faggot that keeps spamming "muh batman senses" shit.

Yeah, the mechanic is actually bad, but you can literally turn it off.

W3 gets backlash because it was a heavily marketed AAA release and autists and NEETs at Sup Forums felt violated that their franchise ended up in the hands of some normies

Then it had huge success which triggered them more, so they have to fumble around for reasons to dislike the best RPG of the best past decade. If it was under the radar you wouldve never heard anyone shut up about the graphics, storytelling, lore, etc.

Persona 5 is weebshit so nobody has to worry about normies enjoying it, and thus, the contrarian hivemind of Sup Forums can rest peacefully.

>they have to fumble around for reasons to dislike the best RPG of the best past decade
But Sup Forums loves Dark Souls

>W3 gets backlash
only from retards on Sup Forums

It was optional in TW too.

Pixel hunting is not something that can fire up your almonds. I liked Witcher senses because there is no fucking way I'm going to be able to see those prints on Ultra with all the foliage AND have the game in 3rd person.

The game didn't give you enough information to complete objectives without using it though, while in P5 it only highlights certain already clearly modeled buttons and ledges

Yea exactly my point.

Again, contrarian. W3 is objectively better in every way except for combat, which is still arguable, considering the horrendous hitboxes in some of the bosses in DS1. And DS1 is popular because it launched as an obscure and difficult title with a niche community that needed to figure out the mysteries and challenges. This is obviously super popular with people who like niche internet communities, like Sup Forums, whereas W3 is much easier to enjoy by yourself, DS1 is pretty fucking miserable if you never get to discuss it on a internet board or (gasp) with a real person.

>W3 is objectively better in every way except for combat
And level design and art design and music and story telling and character customization. Other than that though, you're right The Witcher is better
> the horrendous hitboxes in some of the bosses in DS1
You're confusing DaS1 with DaS2
what the fuck are you talking about? Dark Souls is about the same level of obscurity as The Witcher series, which is to say not all.
Sorry m8, you fell for Bamco marketing.
>W3 is much easier to enjoy by yourself, DS1 is pretty fucking miserable if you never get to discuss it on a internet board or (gasp) with a real person.
>he needed help from a guide to finish Dark Souls
This is the worst post I've ever seen. TW3 is a fine game but you're delusional if you think it can hold a candle to Dark Souls or Nier:A or New Vegas or even Pillars of Eternity as the best RPG this decade

>DS wasnt obscure

Then you didn't play it on launch dumbass.

>And level design and art design and music and story telling and character customization. Other than that though, you're right The Witcher is better

Please just...just stop.

It has 3 good areas and the rest are unmitigated trash. Jesus the DS1 fanboys on this board are just unreasonable.

>Sup Forums is too contrarian to like the Witcher
>to prove my point I'm going to shit on Dark Souls, one of the most widely respected and beloved titles of the 21st century
You're sure showing me m8. Next tell me how Witcher 3 had better stealth than MGS3 or platforming than Mario 64