Doom 2 or Doom 1?

Doom 2 or Doom 1?

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Doom 1 for almost everything, but 2 had some cool enemies.


Doom 2 is literally doom 1 with more enemies and 1 more weapon

Doom 1 has better maps, but doom 2 is better if you're into map making because it has everything of doom 1 plus extras.


They are both great. I consider them both one long game.

To be honest I never played 2. There was so much content in 1. Doom 3 was actually the first time I played Doom.

Doom 1 for vanilla level design, doom 2 for modding. This is objectively true.

Level design - Doom 1.
SSG, enemies - Doom 2.
Would love some rebalance mod for Doom 1 that would properly add enemies from Doom 2. Something like PSX TC, but with normal maps, not butchered PS1 versions.

Doom 2 is more of an expansion pack and even moreso final doom.

i like doom 2 more because it has more balls to the wall action

Doom 1

I tried making something to rebalance some of the Doom 2 enemies to fit into the game better without the SSG, but I haven't bothered spriting anything.

It was bullshit they edited the nazi levels from doom 3 BFG edition. It was fine for 25 years, why change it?

Idsoftware puts over a hundred swatztikas in wolfenstein 3d, put one in doom and everyone loses their mind

just kidding, sunder

Doom 2


2 has awful level design



doot doot


DOOM 2 has way better enemy variety, better weapons, and far better WAD support (though that's kind of irrelevant with sourceports).
DOOM has far better single player maps.

Seriously, how the hell did Sandy fucking Petersen make all those awesome ass maps for the first game (he made literally all of episodes 2 and 3 plus E1M8 with Tom Hall), and then shit out all of those city maps for the second?
Sure he made Barrels o' Fun, Icon of Sin, and both Wolfenstein secret maps too but they barely balance it out.

DOOM 2 was made on a much tighter timeframe.

Doom 1

I like the new enemies and shotgun from 2 but the levels are pretty bad. Full of gimmicky levels too

To the untrained eye.
Doom 1 had problems with pacing purely because of pinkies

Doom 2 solved that issue with only one weapon.

At the cost of shit levels.

They should have introduced a weaker Pinkie instead.

Hm I can definitely see that now.
Development on DOOM went from September 1992 to December 1993.
Development on DOOM 2 went from then until September 1994.

That said though they use effectively identical engines and would have gained experience from designing the first game.
I think the real reason might be the lack of input from Tom Hall as he left after the first game launched, Sandy was rarely left alone to make a map in the first game but was left with free reign in the second.

Heh both, i just downloaded DOOM 2016.. and will be enjoying that on my 1080ti shortly when it arrives in a few days.... Now i do have DOOM 3 BFG addition tucked away on one of my older HDDs that i have might wanna just check out both DOOM 1 and 2 since both are included with the DOOM3BFG.

>DOOM 3 BFG addition
People STILL buy that fucked up, downgraded shit?? Hell, even the versions of D1&2 it comes with are CENSORED and unmoddable!

if you want to gain any respect from me, start and finish D1 & 2 first.

Also if they want to give you enemies tougher than a pinkie all that's available is the Cacodemon and Barons.
Cacodemons are fair enough but Barons are literally just unthreatening meatshields.
The addition of other mid-tier enemies like the Hell Knight, Revenant, and Arachnotron along with some actually threatening high-tier enemies like the Arch-vile do wonders for the variety of gameplay.

Jaguar doom is based off doom 1.2, which most of the console ports are based off of. Playstation doom, which was based off jaguar doom was used for saturn, doom 64, and final doom for playstation. SNES doom was its own separate thing.

The versions included with the BFG edition are awful user, download ZDoom or GZDoom and play them properly.
The BFG edition itself is the worst version of Doom 3 as well, the choice to not let you carry a gun and torch simultaneously was made on purpose and BFG ruins the atmosphere totally by removing that.

Barons are great for SSG, in my opinion.

>BFG edition

Just check the /vr/ Doom threads

Barons and Knights needed something to differentiate themselves from an Imp.

How do you play all Doom's at the same time?

With huge guts.

Windowed mode

Is there a mod where i can play all Doom's?

You mean like doom, doom 2, final doom, and master levels from doom 2 all on one wad?

I meant ALL the games, even the later ones.

Doom 1

I hate archvilles in doom 2. I don't want to take cover, I want to run 2000 mph and shoot.

2 is better in general

You can interrupt them with a point blank SSG blast.
Sounds like you need more rippin' in your tearing

You can't. There's BFG Edition that has Doom 1 - 3 with some added stuff, but if you want Final Doom and Master Levels, you have to get them separately. There's a merger that takes all of them and makes one giant file for ZDoom and GZDoom, but it's probably not a good idea to use it with map packs and I don't know if it processed Master Levels, either.

2, because it has all the best enemies and the second best gun.

But is there a mod that makes me feel like i'm playing all the games at once?

64 > 1 > 2 > 4 > shit > 3

Why the fuck do you want that? And how do you see it in your mind? One large level or something?

I said mod as in gameplay mod

>Even the mobile shit is added

Why is no one talking about this?

>no one
Everybody who's close to Doom community at least heard about it. It doesn't get spammed with everywhere because it wasn't made by a narcissistic faggot who spams his Brutal Doom like it's the best thing ever.

64 was the best nintendo 64 shooter. It was better than most of the console ports for doom.

It was better than all of the console ports because Doom 64 itself wasn't a butchered port of the PC game. Instead being a direct sequel to Doom 2 and it's own unique game in the series.

that looks stupid as fuck


>So you want to play some fucking sourceports:


What are you implying, retard?

I have a confession to make: I've only played Doom on consoles and I don't find playing Doom on a computer comfortable.

I choose a better game than both.
