I know nobody cares about this game, but how the fuck is this even possible

Other urls found in this thread:

>being at all hopeful that the devs don't fuck up, even though it's WB

WB studios are hot garbage, LITERALLY everyone knows this.

Big deal, there hasn't been a good lego game since TT games did them all starting around 2005.

Did the Xbox One just get BTFO by what is basically a tablet?

Higher res but less detail.

They turned the resolution up but all the other settings down, essentially

the switch is as weak as a 360, they said. Thinking it's anywhere near as powerful as current-gen hardware is retarded, they said.


No wonder microsoft is so desperate trying to get on top of the console war in terms of power.

>tfw your console is so shit it gets beaten by a tablet from a company that doesn't even care about specs

Is there ANY reason to buy an Xbox One at this point?

But are the load times as shitty as the Wii U?

Maybe when the new one comes out but even then it doesn't have many games.

On the CPU front it's not THAT far behind the boner and PS4, it's for sure a lot more limited by the Ram and Graphics hardware but it's not leagues behind.

>as weak as a 360
More like the original xbox

>tfw patch 1.1.2 significantly improved how good BotW looks on Switch in docked mode

Nobody has taken time to assess what the change is, but it's much prettier now at times. My guess is they unchained the dynamic resolution and allowed 1080p where/when possible or changed/added AA or shaders or something.

Can we all agree that sonybros, pcbros and nintendobros, despite all their differences and hate, will always join together to laugh at xbox continous failures?

Kek, the Xbone is even worse than a fucking tablet.
This is why the ps4 is the ultimate console, take the redpill and buy a ps4 pro today

Don't make me bring out the archives again faggot

>game made for nintendo console
>closer draw distance on ps4
>SWITCH is the stronger one ps4 loooooost

fucking idiots...

spoken like true s0nigger

I think you mean 720p

couldnt mods just auto-ban everyone that posts this image

It's one guy

>$0.01 has been deposited into your PSN account. Thank you for shilling with us today!

i don't even own a console but if i were to buy one it'd be the ps4.

what has xbox going for it?
and nintendo has only games that will be running 100% on my pc in a year or two, and i couldn't care less about any game than zelda and i'm not even a zelda fag, they're just fun games.

This is almost avatarfaging

>i couldn't care less about any game than zelda and i'm not even a zelda fag
then why did you post this image?

>7 pages
>156 results

not me dipshit

No. Even with the upcoming Xbox One Scorpio, still not worth it because even if those games on Xbox One are exclusive, they end up on PC making the game a multiplat game. MS literally abandoned the damn thing. Just get a high end PC, PS4, and maybe Switch.

They did something to it because it does look better.
I should take it upon myself and start counting pixels to see if they actually did raise the resolution.

>This is 1 of like seriously one hundred+ regularly regurgitated posts ON Sup Forums ALONE
Shit like this is why Reddit and Twitter are the ones steering internet humor these days.

alright no need to be a dick about it

It's running on fast, fucking stuff. The console even boots in pretty much one second from sleep mode and 3 when powered off.

>spoken like true s0nigger
>p-please n-no bully :'(

kiss yourself homo

Tfw the shitty B8 picture you made in January is still used by autists

>spoken like true s0nigger
This irony is delicious - that was a different user.

More like shit port of a game by a shit team for a cheap cash in on multi plats.


>all those people masturbating over the poorly handled port of a 6 years old game no one cared about in the first place

Console war sure make people look like retards

False, all that has been 'turned down' is the texture resolution by a very small margin, and a lower quality shallow depth of field effect is used. The draw distance on the switch is even increased over the ps4 and Xbox versions!

As someone who owns everything except an xbone I agree

Being baited that badly.

It has less graphical effects than the xbone however

>buy a ps4 pro today

So my games like FFXV can run worse? I'll stick with the regular PS4, thanks

>shit port
Kek, what happened? I though consoles were supposed to get all the most optimized versions of games.


I'm not wrong, they just bumped the resolution up, the game looks worse, just runs at a higher res

It looks the same, minus a very slightly lowered texture and reflection res. Like i said, the switch even has a better draw distance than the Xbox and ps4

Who in the Neck Beard's Ghost said that stupid shit? Most devs nowadays couldn't optimize a port of an NES game to a current gen console.

>Who in the Neck Beard's Ghost said that stupid shit?
Pretty much every console gamer on Sup Forums whenever a game gets a shit PC port.
Something about "games being made for them first."

How? No really, how? Its a port from the Wii U, something on par with the 360, the fact that the Xbone cant do that is embarrassing.

It also makes me wonder why devs cant optimize for shit anymore. When the PS4 was revealed they were all saying shit like 1080p 60fps would be the standard and they dropped that shit quick.

it's not a straight port, it's remastered.

They probably thought something along the lines of
>nobody is going to buy this shit on the bone, just release it now and call it a day, nobody will care

Except it runs like shit, so it doesn't really matter, does it?

This, the only reason is they're holding the MCC hostage to the console. The only part anyone cares about Halo 5 for is on pc and everything else is either multiplat or shit. There's no logical reason to own one of you have a pc and a 360 for the very few worthwhile exclusives/backwards compatibility.

PC/PS4/Switch master race.

Wowowowow time to buy a switch.