Why does TF2 look so beautiful?
Why does TF2 look so beautiful?
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TF2 is a terrible game.
That looks very poor.
So you're saying they invested effort into making it pretty but not into making it play well?
looks like a better overwatch
what does tf2 stand for?
Do you mean the bitrate or the style itself?
10 years old, has that nostalgic/retro glean to it
Non realistic artstyle
The realism meme needs to end
It has an unique style thats what keeps it from lookin outdated. Kinda like how 8bit games almost always look good. Too bad they added too much lore breaking items to the game.
Consistent artstyle and creative map development.
inb4 hats
>has that nostalgic/retro glean to it
I would agree with that. I fucking love TF2's style.
Titanfall 2
*blocks your path*
Alpine is definitely the best TF2 environment.
Update when
I doesn't.
There was an update the other day user.
>whoa this game is so beautifu-
posting loadouts? Let me post my ugly shit
very good art work
I stopped playing because the cosmetics were too outrageous.
i stopped playing when ponyfags started infesting every server i went to
This webm feels like it cuts just before the guy gets backstabbed.
Well most aren't too bad, but the alien shit and the bananna hat need to leave. Regular clothing items are fine, imo. Some of the paints and unusual effects also detract from it.
I stopped playing when they killed the server browser and nerfed everyone's sidegrades but Soldier's into oblivion.
Fuck the Soldier favoritism.
I think people hate the style now that it's been popularized over the past decade.
Team Fortress 2, more like pay4themostbrokenweapons fortress 2 am I right?
They polished the art style and designs for an incredibly long time. Its so good, they make it look easy.
There's this thing called Artstyle that trumps HD graphics every day of the week as long as its executed well. TF2 is one of those games that doesn't have a lot going on graphically but nails the artstyle.
You don't have to pay for weapons moron you get them for free as drops, and most weapon drops are sidegrades or inferior to stock. Tf2 is not pay2win
Yeah it can look beautiful if you could actually max it out thanks to great art design / aesthetic.
Too bad you're running it on a toaster though.
I still think Megaman Legends looks amazing because of the art style.
There are a few crucial ones though that are straight upgrades.
But you will get them all or most of them by playing in less than 100 hours
The perks of a good and timeless art-style.
>stopping a game you supposedly like because your autism can't deal with someone having a colorful horse avatar
I can't believe people like this exist
The straight upgrades, and even most of the sidegrades were achievement weapons when I stopped playing.
Most of the other weapons were pretty much downgrades with only minor situational utility.
It's the Adventure Time effect. Noodle arms are fun and wacky until every fucking cartoon is made by CalFarts faggots who draw noodle arms.
To be fair, art design is always like this. That's why we had games with fucking chromatic aberration for so long.
>But you will get them all or most of them by playing in less than 100 hours
did you mean to say 10 hours? Crusader's Crossbow, Ubersaw, Sandvich. Three items that are ALWAYS used over stock.
>a 10 year old game looks better than anything released in 2017
this is so fucking sad.
Reminder that valve disabled the mat_picmip command because they were afraid retards would fuck up their game by trying to run ultra high textures on their toasters
I'm glad i'm not the only one who hates the noodle style. It was funny when one cartoon did it, now every one of them makes the characters look like spaghetti. It look lazy.
fortwars/balloon race/wacky races server when?
>tfw the good community servers you used to play on will never come back
That is what made me drop the game, I never gave a shit about how ugly some hats were. The quickplay update killed half the fun I had with the game because the servers with the most experienced players are gone, the best I can find is fucking SKIAL
That's Valve for you
Not just for this game, but it must suck when an artist spends a lot of time on a little model no one looks at and then on top of that the texture is degraded to shit for performance.
>I got triggered over pony avatars
>so thats why the game is crap
And Boo is in the call!
What game is this? I remember seeing it. It might have been early access so I dismissed it.
user that's a left turn
Texture artists purposefully design things to be seen and recognized at lower textures. They are fully aware that a majority of players will never see the fully uncompressed work.
it is early access, I pirated it and played for 10 hours; don't think it's worth buying until it releases
has a 10/10 soundtrack
No it's a parakeet
They also use retarded playtesters
That's obviously a finch
thanks doc
Please tell me people don't still play this pile of shit
Just get with the times and play Overwatch, you dumb fucks.
0.5 cents have been deposited into your Blizzard™ account
>Waifu bait the game
No thanks
Oh well thats good to know
>Crafting exploration game
God, why
ster is a faggot
>is thankful to TF2 for giving him the fame he has today
>never abandoned it, played it again on stream a few weeks back
>was honored to share the same name with the Scout
Jerma is the true messiah
idk dawg, especially when the systems are no where near as advanced as Space Engineers
They invested money into a hat shop that destroyed the art style and slowly eroded whatever gameplay balance they initially had.
>pink and green
>thanks doc
It's the league of legends of shooters thats why.
how so?
i thought overwatch was the lol/moba of shooter
even though it isnt a moba
Art design and consistent direction trumps hardware triangle numbers any day. Shame they fucked it all up when they opened up the cosmetic marketplace.
it played well, during vanilla that is. after they started patching in all sorts of cosmetics and the weapons, really the weapons are the only thing that ruined it. I don't know if theres vanilla tf2 leagues, that would be cool if there were cause that game was really great during it's vanilla days
Would someone please explain to me why so many people in Sup Forums TF2 threads complain about tf2 COSMETICS as the main reason they dropped the GAME.
its like eating with your hands because you refuse to use a fork that is green instead of silver.
on top of that you can turn off all cosmetics with a simple mod if you so desired.
is it all just bait that I just fell for?
The multiplayer is shit due to bliz being terrible with balance and making maps.
They can't even do symmetrical neutral point maps correctly.
The best thing they have so far is the latest update which adds PVE and objectives similar to battleborn
It's just people that can't admit to themselves they put way too much time into the game to enjoy it anymore.
Microtransaction hats were just the siren call for new weapons, which are usually what they're referring to.
>developers downsized to a team of focus more on cosmetics and weapon skins each update
Neither reasons made me stop playing the game but for some reason I just don't understand why they'd make someone stop playing it
Sup Forums loves to complain. But tf2 is such a good game, that you can only complain about nearly meaningless stuff.
why does the fucking flashlight hang to the right?
>The Righteous Bison hitting backpeddling enemies more than once was unintended
>Please ignore the loading screen hint that says otherwise
looks like it's following the cursor
Played since beta, stopped after I believe the demoman update where they gave him a FUCKING SWORD. After that I knew the game was going in the wrong direction and after everyone was sucking cocks for hats and idle servers I just gave up. The fun was over.
Vanilla TF2 was the most fun i've ever had in a multiplayer game (mind you I played the shit out of TFC as well) I actually didn't even mind the medic update (actually decent sidegrade weapons) Then they introduced bonk drink and stun bat... Then the huntsman etc. To each their own but you have to understand you aren't playing the same game I played.
The Flashlight is on the astronauts helmet, He turns his head to the right a few seconds into the webm
>t. 20 year old
titty flip 2
its still fun i dont buy hats and shit and i think its still enjoyable today. to be fair i only started playing in 2014
Best time was right before the heavy update came out. Game was perfect until that point. Every patch since, this game has been getting worse and worse with retarded content.
I play community comp 6s (Faceit,pugchamp,ugc,esea) and jump maps primarily.
a place where literally all of the items you just listed are banned.
not that i don't respect that as the reason you quit, just more pointing to the fact that there are still ways to play the game without those unlocks.
no primary weapon they added is superior to the stock variants
actually scratch that...
I think you can use the huntsman.
but it puts you at such a disadvantage that nobody really uses it.
Does the Syringe Gun heal people?
low poly models and minimalistic textures with a cartoony artstyle
>no primary weapon they added is superior to the stock variants
>stock variants
What the fuck am I reading
>Played since beta, stopped after I believe the demoman update where they gave him a FUCKING SWORD.
Well if people didn't complain about his explosives so much they probably wouldn't have moved to giving him melee
It was more the weapons I think.
Vanilla TF2 played so god damn amazingly. Every character had their role perfectly filled out and it was(for a non-competitive shooter at least) so damn well balanced.
But then they started adding more and more items that shifted the roles into different territories that made the game just lose a lot of it's focus. It was still damn fun of course, but it lost something with all the updates.
But what ultimately made me quit(apart from just playing the game on and off for years and years) was just how shitty the players were. Even long after it went F2P. It's just no fun when the only challenge is trying not to scream in agony when your teammates do retarded shit like not knowing you can double jump as a scout.
Meant to quote
one of the few cases of motion blur being done right