>japs create good games
>they dont create games exclusively for PC
really makes you think
>japs create good games
>they dont create games exclusively for PC
really makes you think
Touhou is exclusively for PC
>japs create good games
There has to be a name for the fallacy where you start off with a lie and then base your argument around it without ever addressing it.
>They make games for another jap company
what a fucking shocker, now kill yourself
Why would they? You will pirate the game anyway.
>what is elona/elona+?
Jap games are always the same
Why would a nip own a computer when they are already machines?
>all those doujin games
Are you retarded?
>Japs create good games
>Japs make "new" and "innovative"
>Generic anime swordsman #1263924 But this time with 1 more sword and he is a special snowflake
>Everyone loves it
How does porting a game to a platform full of pirates make the game better in any way?
It's pretty easy judging games you'll never play :^)
>Swing sword
>30 damage
>Enemy swings sword
>20 damage
>Rinse and repeat
I judge very well thank you
Oh don't worry, I'll play them. Just years later after they're released.
I'm so looking forwards to the next western game starring grimdark mcspikedeath, let me tell you.
>usa create good games
>they do create games exclusively for PC
makes u thinker
>"japs don't create good games"
>they dont create games exclusively for PC
>really makes you think
took you long enough to actually think of a proper response
Anyway, how about you clicking all those balls to the rhythm of little girls? (dont worry they're 1000 year old dragons lol xdddd!!!)
>Not remembering the popularity of PC Engine games in Japan during the 90's
>Not remembering the various PC-88 versions of the original SMT games and the Win 98 Version of the Original Persona
Can't you faggots understand they make games for Consoles due to how much more popular they are than PC in Japan and not because of "Muh Piracy"?
Buh buh, this one year they had a few good ones! Ignore the last ten years of mediocre, uninspired trash