and why is these guys?
Which JRPG has the best party
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best tales game right there
>inb4 babies first tales of
i actually just played it a year ago after the newer ones.
FF9 because they suit my personal tastes.
DQ4. Torneko is the best JRPG character and best dad outside of DQ5 Hero
Because they're not the usual JRPG idealized heroes who always get along perfectly right off the bat? They all had their own agendas and backstabbed/argued/separated in a believable manner, and that made watching them bond all the more satisfying
>a party of hypocrites and retards
Yeah no.
>best anything
Say hi to the actual best JRPG party.
Berseria does it better. The characters are also way more likeable.
Eizen > Guy
Laphicet > Luke
Velvet > Tear
Magilou > Jade
Rokurou > Anise
Eleanor > Natalia
Hey guys, it was so kind of you to make a thread about us!
Yeah never. Not in a million years.
Sen team is better.
>Which JRPG has the best party
Suikoden II and Suikoden. I'll choose my party from 101 different people.
Yeah, great party you have there when three are spies and everyone abandons the MC.
Skies of Arcadia, you can't hate ANY of these guys
>Cast doesn't include base shop owner
Awful party member but best fucking character
Suikoden is literally picking your favorite archetypes. Every character has a paragraph of backstory and a side quest, that's it.
I just started playing Tales of the Abyss last night on 3DS for the first time.
Then I meet this girl(male).
What the fuck? Ion sounds and looks like a girl but is actually a boy.
It didn't help that I just finished playing Bravely Second and both Agnes and Ion share the same voice actor. Shit tripped me up.
>anything but Grandia
Hey, it's okay! Everyone are entitled to have their own opinion. Hope you'll remember us dearly though!
You can't really best these guys, can you now?
I liked Chrono Cross
That would be final fantasy __
Exquisite tastes.
Final Fantasy VII
Tales is babby's first rpg. FF5 has the best party.
Came here to post this. Everyone was so great, and Yuri was a fantastic protag. God I miss this series. Joachim was also the greatest motherfucker of all time.
Romancing SaGa 3. It's like if the gimmick characters from games like CC and Suikoden were actually usable.
FF IX does great job in making every party member important to the plot.
Except this guy. Fuck him.
I don't know if anyone played this though.
Think Amarant begs to differ. Quina to a lesser degree which is funny considering Amarant has a connection to Zidane.
played tales on psp enjoyed it at first then saw how the exp was so stingy cos i love grinding and destroying enemies gave up after getting to the farm fuck that game
Because it's only one Xbox
Freya stops being relevant after disc 1
Well, it's still better than in other FF titles. Both Amaranth and Quina at least have backstories.
She as a bit more later on but really everyone kind of stops being relevant around disk 3 except for Zidane.
Does Lloyd have at least a fifth of Estelle's charm?
He seems a pretty generic JRPG protagonist from the side, i mean, not a fucking Rean but certainly not Estelle or Kevin either.
Please nigger
>Luke is annoying pre haircut and he's an annoying faggot post haircut
>Tear is only for the tits
>Asche is an edgelord cringe
>Guy is okay
Does Record of Lodoss War; loct count? Matsuno story characters are the best.
>Steiner is left out of the party for majority of first two disks
>Freya, Quina and Amarant can be safely removed from the party and nothing will change
>Eiko is an annoying little shit
Zidane, Vivi and Garnet are the only members of the party worth shit story-wise and the reason i love their comfy journey to another continent so much.
Lloyd himself? No.
I don't think crossbell characters rely on strong personality. They just clip each other, covering each other weaknesses.
In sora and CS you are limited to which party member you use, but in zero/ao, these 4 are always together, beside on some chapters.
>Zidane, Vivi and Garnet are the only members of the party worth story-wise
>love their comfy journey to another continent so much
Maybe because everyone except Zidane hit their lowest point before disc 3 and get their reason and determination build anew at this point.
Anyways, "you're not Alone" scene is one of the best things this franchise has to offer
Not even the best party in the Tales series
>tfw Vyse makes a reputation so badass he basically gets followed around the world by bitches
So is it wrong that I find the entire party fucking awful for how they treat a 7 year old retard after he nukes a place when he's betrayed by the only person who's treated him like a human?
Am I empathizing too much with the MC?
>one of the best JRPG protagonists, a calm, chill, collected and competent guy
>each member of the party has something interesting going for them up to some batshit yandere crazy shit Aht and Marco can pull
>there's a well-hidden romantic subplot that doesn't interfere with the story but gives a cute and sad side ending
Xenosaga 3 where all the characters in the series got a major boot in the ass because their series was getting cut short and they had to do plot shit.
I miss Working Designs.
I like them but it's annoying you don't get everyone in the same party until the end of the game
Sue annoyed me to no fucking end though.
>literally never had a little sister
Babbies first Tales of is Symphonia though.
No, they treat him like hes supposed to know he's a replicated freak baby with magic powers and he hasn't even left his palace. Everyone in abyss besides luke are humongous faggots who look should have buried alive for keeping him in the dark the whole game. Shittiest jrpg group of all time
Star Ocean 2 and 3 had a pretty decent cast. I don't know how Enix managed to fuck up so badly with Star Ocean 4 and 5.
There's Gaijinworks but personally WD was great in 90's since no other team actually localized things well than. But what worked in 90s really should be used today and heard Summon Night 5 had a lot of WD type jokes.
Little girls should be at home and not venturing to the literal end of the earth.
Don't worry, gotbyou guys covered.
No you are not. Those people are cunts who responsible degrading Luke personality into a lifeless dolls.
Dunno about 2 but 3 had a fucking abhorrent cast aside from Nel, Maria and Cliff
Star Ocean 2 and not a damn digit higher.
4's cast was worse, kay
They were solid but i wish Fou-lu got greater focus in story and maybe even had a few own party members like Mami which would make him going nuclear even more impactful.
will Blue Sphere ever get translated
Magilou > Jade
Eizen > Guy
Rokurou > Anise
Elanore > Tear
Velvet > Natalia
Laphicet is a piece of shit and I hate that fucking shota faggot
Tha pic has renne and joshua.
Best team is SC without joshua.
Guy was the only one in the cast who redeemed himself. He immediately thought about it and saw that he fucked up in raising what was, in effect, a 7 year old kid.
Anise was especially shit, not that she wasn't bad to begin with, but her entire character went straight to hell.
Maybe their roles aren't ideally balanced, but it's still far better than in most FF titles.
I'm an only child and Sue was my 1st vidya imouto, loved everything about her, even her bratty attitude.
Just reading that makes me want to throttle the infant mongrel.
>he dislikes the only actually good Berseria party member aside from Eizen and Velvet
>Magilou > Jade
Well look at it this way, most of the party couldn't stand him because he was a massive prick. So when he does something really bad and refuses to take responsibility for it, it's the last straw.
Jade never liked Luke before then, Tear and Guy are clearly more understanding, Anise is just shit.
The only person I think really goes too far is Natalia and I guess that's because of the Asche thing.
Tear didn't know though, did she? Natalia didn't know either
>Magilou > Jade
no way fag
>Eizen > Guy
tough but yes
>Rokurou > Anise
>Elanore > Tear
>Velvet > Natalia
I find it pretty hilarious how you meet Gafka in the standard storyline at the very end and he's all like "it's the first time I meet this guy, but I feel like I've known him for a long time and trust him dearly, so whatever red guy I'll follow you to the ends of the earth".
Why should luke have to take responsibility for it he's a god damn artificial life form who's in the dark about his whole reality the whole time. Shouldn't the people who knew and didn't say anything be at fault? yes obviously.
Stocke, Eruca, Aht and Rosch are the only good ones though, even then Rosch, Aht and Eruca are just okay. Raynie and Marco feel so generic and Gafka doesn't get enough time to shine.
Isn't Natalia knows Luke are just following Van orders? Isn't that the reason why she joined the party?
That bitch deserved to die in horrible way.
I'm playing through this right now, I usually play it in the living room with my room mates coming in and out to watch.
They all seem to universally hate Sue, and I honestly hated Gadwin for a while because he would always extend my party to the point that I was getting ambushed in every area and had to deal with a longer fight than usual.
I don't really hate any of them now, but they can be unlikable.
I wonder who I'll meet in Disc 2 though.
Raynie has an excuse of harbouring extremely well-hidden feelings for Stocke
>Marco feel so generic
haven't done THAT quest huh
Summon Night 5 received the classic WD treatment.
- Voices were removed
- Significant bugs were introduced
- Dialogue was very loosely translated, characterization changed, shitty jokes
- I think the endings were even altered to remove any romance between female characters
Sometimes the best answer is the most obvious one.
>haven't done THAT quest huh
Funniest ending in the game
>haven't done THAT quest huh
>mfw it happened
I wonder if Stocke could ever look at Marco the same way after that.
Every single party member in that game either had a dark ulterior motive for most of the game, or should've known much much more than they seemed to and played dumb until the plot revelations explained things to luke
The only exception is the princess and she was the most boring and useless one anyway
Nier is a jrpg
I did every ending, and while I liked that he murdered the entire party, though I have a hard time believing he could do it, that's the only interesting thing he ever does, and it's for a character who he doesn't even have a developed relationship with, which would be fine if only he was interesting outside of that. Stocke being interested in Raynie is dumb too. It's clear she's interested in him, but he just treats her as he would any other comrade, yet he's willing to get in a relationship with her once the war is over.
Urshin, Scias, and Ursula makes sense, those guys made up a good chunk of heart in the party. Among the rest of the BoFs, though, it has one of the most annoying Ninas, average Ryu, and least likable woren party members, Cray, of them all.
I'm with , if the game focused more on Fou Lu, hell, if the game actually was centered around Fou Lu the 80% of the time, it would've rocketed BoF IV to having the absolute best team, bar none
>They all seem to universally hate Sue
Serve some nice cold Bleach as refreshment for them next gathering.
>I honestly hated Gadwin
And then pour yourself a glass as well, you deserve it.
That's plain cheating
The only thing DQ5 dad is good for is being cucked in hentai.
These guys.
I would plainly call BoF4 Nina the worst one in the entire franchise, even sickly Nina from DQ had more going on for her than this bland dumb creature.
I always loved the party members in the .Hack// games. They don't get too much interaction with each other, but the characters themselves are all entertaining.
These poor souls.
>personal data deletion request denied
I can't vote for them because they made humanity extinct. They're the reason why Popola and Devola have such a tough life