>it's a whole level covered in web level
>tfw can't post hilarious reaction image of a crudely drawn tails with a look of indignation on his face
It's a whole level covered in web level
Fuck cheese caves.
Anyone still play this? I bought it on steam years or so back, played through all the reblances and shit, most were good. Then they changed the throne boss and the strong spirit mutation and I didn't like the game anymore. So I bootlegged an update 88 version of the game which is the best experience in my opinion. Has the actual game gotten any better since 88? I don't play the steam version anymore.
>he doesn't always take extra feet
Meh, I do sometimes if I know this level is coming up and there is nothing better to choose from. If I didn't always go primarily melee, it would be picked more often. It's really not that great anyway, a godsend on this level, decent on ice, but as far as dodging and shit, I just melee the bullet I can't dodge.
Game is shit now
What's different about the throne and strong spirit?
>get telefragged by purple crystal enemy
You now need to destroy 4 generators during throne fight to loop. And funny thing is, they get less health after looping.
Strong spirit no longer can be recharged multiple times in a row.
What's wrong with having to destroy the generators
Don't know why he thinks it's shit, but OP here and I already gave my main reasons as to why I play update 88 only. Strong Spirit nerf was too much when there is an instant kill van EVERY level after loop, not to mention teleporting insta-kill crystals.
>hur dur just dodge the van casual
I do most times, but like I said, it's every level and I will fuck up eventually, not to mention that ultra turbo teleporting police fagatron. The ones with the swords are shit too, just not as bad.
Just need more ammo in an already bullet sponge of a boss, they could have come up with something else
The throne + generators have less health than the throne by itself.
You mean less health than the original throne boss without the gens? It's a good start but I still don't like it. Have to run around destroying generators, killing stray mobs, dodging an incoming throne. I would mind if destroying the gens did something else. Most of the time I just want to loop so I don't have to play the game on easy mode all the time, and that new throne gave me too much trouble.
Co-op in this game is underrated as fuck. 90% of my playtime on this game was co-op. 170 hours recorded. Probably not as much as most of the fans of this game, but my cousin and I spent days at a time looping.
>45 hours gameplay
>have only looped once so far
also update 99 never
You don't need to bump the thread with a reaction image, you could just add something meaningful to say.
Like: Which would you prefer? Auto crossbow or Ultra crossbow, both with marrow. It's always a hard choice for me because when I get spammy, I run out of rads quick with the ultra, but with auto there are so many enemies that I can usually keep some ammo...but that ultrabow power dow
I would prefer if the game had a fucking new update
Get ntt. Forget vlamnananana.
>when some robot nigger throws a car at you from just off-screen
>kill last enemy in junkyard area
>portal opens up and blows up a car
Thats something that hasn't happened to me in a while. I did just die by killing an exploding robot on the ice level, his blast was enough to kill the one next to me and I dieded.