>ps4 only sold 2.1 million.
>ps4 only sold 2.1 million.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fake news
The switch is a commercial failure, here in Poland I can find Nintendo switches everywhere.
No one can afford one. It's hard saving up 300 potatoes on a janitor's wage.
Why do you keep posting this ridiculous image?
You're a blatant sonybro that can't handle the fact BOTW is better than horizon. Go shitpost somewhere else
Can you consolewar faggots stick to one thread.
S0nyggers on suicide watch
YEAH! Or at least let's go argue in the horizon zero dawn thread!
Wait, there isn't one? No one even bothers to make them anymore? Hasn't that game only been out for five weeks?
What the fuck, is Sup Forums automatically changing sonybro to sonybro
The only faliure here is you.
this how 2.4 million switches got sold :v
We know, that's why you need to write s0nygger
>someone was so buttblasted they made this png
>tfw pc, switch and ps4
I assume 90% of console war shit here is shit posters having fun but I actually can't imagine what it's like to be one of the 10% or less idiots who willingly confine themselves to a brand
I can only imagine it's like being handicapped
>is a commercial failure
just like poland
Go back to work, Karol.
>scalpers will forever be btfo by Nintendo thanks to excessively poor gambles on shit hardware and bad games
>here in Poland
Saving up 300€ is hard with British welfare money
just invest in the stock market holy fuck
Hahaha hahaha ha
Sony ponies btfo
Still means they got money for it
I hope any scalpers like that die in a fucking fire though or that stock comes back so fast they lose their investments
If you bought 2 (one for yourself and one to flip) that's not the worst thing ever
But shit like your pic just makes my blood boil
Really gets the juices flowing
what an asshole
Switch will have 0 games.
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 2
>Mario Odyssey
And these are just the confirmed exclusives for this year pre e3
Fuck off S0nygger vroom in the night sky is goty
PS4 had twice as much(4.2 million) it's first month
>Sony sold more than 1 million PS4 units during the system's first 24 hours and 2.1 million total consoles just two weeks later. SCEA CEO Jack Tretton said previously that selling 3 million consoles by the end of the calendar year would be no problem.
PS4 didn't launch in Japan till late February 2014. While the Switch had a worldwide simultaneous launch.
the 1 millions in 24 hours was in the U.S. alone
>2.1 million total consoles just two weeks later
So... Less than the Switch? It launched in mid March and sold 2.4 million for the rest of the month.
Push type manufacturing
Pull type manufacturing.
Any questions?
The PS4 sold over 4 million units its first month. 2.1million was only its first 2 weeks.
yes, explaim
PS4 sold in two weeks what Switch took a month to.
PS4 sold 4.2 million in one month and Switch did half that.
Jesus Sonybros it's only the first month so calm down. Sales will start to slump very soon.
And if sales are continuously good throughout the year, THEN you can start to panic.
PS4 sold more in its first month. 4.2 million PS4s versus 2.4 Switches.
Why do you feel threatened by this thread? Can't we celebrate each other's success?
>Console Wars
LOL Fucking poor fags
OP was showing false sales numbers figures.
Can the s0nyggers stop polluting my thread please.
Accept your defeat and move on graciously
I'm just posting facts.
>botw isn't exclusive its on wiiu
>wiiboxing 2
>Splatoon 1.5
>Japan shit
>Mario trash
Why do you feel the need to counter OP? You could just ignore this thread.
Peng shitposting senpai
Push type manufacturing means that you make a bunch of units with the expectation of selling all of them. You do a great job of meeting demand at first, but then supply can often overshoot demand and you end up with a bunch of products sitting on the shelves at the end of the product's cycle, or even in the middle of the cycle if you predict that you're going to sell 500,000 units in Q3 but only sell 200,000.
Pull type manufacturing means that the order to make one more unit comes from when one unit is sold (or "pulled"). You can very precisely meet supply and demand like this throughout the product's lifespan, but the downside is that you can end up with a huge lag between demand and supply depending on your supply chain. More nintendo switches literally have to come to america on a fucking boat, which is why they've been sold out for a goddamned month.
Tfw i just learned that shit in business school this week. what a small fucking world
Please don't hurt your back moving all those goalposts k?
I thought nintendo only produced 2 million switches for march what
I would like to note that the :emote: format is used in a ton of places, not just DevianTart. Slack uses it, steam uses it, pretty sure most phpBB3 forums use it, though I could be wrong.
It gets smaller as you get more book learnin'. I would reckon that maybe 1% of Sup Forums knows what lean technique is, but roughly 100% knows what a playstation is.
The Wii U version is shit tho. Not the same experience at all really. The frame drops on Wii U are hilarious. Just get a switch you poor faggot.
>nintenbros bought the console twice
I want this piece of shit to succeed, but I'm not stupid enough to buy it before Holidays.
btw, s0nyggers BTFO once again
Better buy it now before Japan gets nuked.