*spawn kills u*

*spawn kills u*

Lol just a mechanic bro

Other urls found in this thread:


the game is fun, but they turned it into a call of duty title with the laughable skins and other cosmetics.

*get spawnkilled
*Go on Sup Forums to cry
kys Anonymous

from the /vg/ siege pastebin

-------- I got spawnkilled. How the fuck is this fair?!?!

You are approaching a building with armed men. No one in their right mind sprints at a building with multiple confirmed hostiles inside without a care in the world. Spawnpeeking is a cheese tactic that is usually only seen in Casual or low-rank matches, because it is too easy to counter if the attackers are even slighly competent.

You counter spawnpeeking/runouts by:
*Driving your drone near common spawn peek spots in the prep phase, to watch/hear for any barricade breakage before the action phase begins.
*Diving for cover and scanning the building's barricades methodically with your team when the round begins.
*Placing claymores by popular runout spots.

Following these basic guidelines will see you through any 'cheese' you may encounter and will net you free kills as attackers. Plus you get to feel all smug after you punish them for it.

>Pick Glaz
>See the window break


>walk 3 feet and get head shotted

Lol why not just spawn you in the open

>still getting spawn killed


>majority female cast with garbage pandering diversity designs
lol its just sjw bro

>girl in game


>This is a serious AAA operator game by Ubisoft in the year 2017
One look at them is enough to know this is SJW garbage.


>muh goobergate
back to ate chan

>majority female cast

Poor bait, bro. Although I'd agree on one case of sjw shit. SEALs don't allow women, Valkyrie should have been a man.

I am actually kind of curious if the devs have an opinion about spawn killing? Do they consider it a legitimate tactic, or a map design failing to be corrected?

"Why aren't her tits hanging out bro"

Go back to counter strike then so I don't have to play with you and listen to you jizzing into the mic edgily saying nigger and faggot over and over, faggot.


Back to tumblr.

*peeks with 250 ping as ash and kills you before you even see her on your screen*

Lol just a mechanic bro

>garbage like this exists but there is still no Swat5

There is no spawn killing. There is no angle on spawns. It's people running out into the open that gets them killed.

It's not spawn killing. Spawn killing is killing someone as soon as they spawn. In Siege you have plenty of time to pre-aim known peeking spots. Only people who don't know the map enough or are too lazy to check windows get spawn peeked. When people peek me they die, simple as. It's a free kill.

Serious question; What is the point of Ashe? Is it that her weapons are really good? I just don't see the point of having a few ranged breach charges in most situations.

The only spawnkill that truly bothered me was on favela, where they're able to run outside before you even spawn and even prefire at the spawn location. Did they ever fix this?

>3 speed niggers rushing ASAP
Kapcoon would like a word with you.

T-this thread is b-bait right? I haven't played in a while but spawn killing wasn't even possible when I did.

>I just don't see the point of having a few ranged breach charges in most situations.
Yeah, I mean why in the world wouldn't you want to get close to the castle barricade at the bottom of the plane map.

*blocks ur spawnshot*

"Spawnkilling" as in being killed the moment you spawn is almost impossible now. There were some problems when the game first launched with a few possible spawn locations being visible from the defender building, but those have all been moved or had cover placed in front of them now.

What people usually mean when they say they were spawnkilled is that they were retarded enough to charge straight at an enemy building and someone peeked out a window and shot them. The only way you can get killed in the spawn areas is if an enemy leaves the defender base (which they can't do until the round starts and you spawn in), guesses correctly where you spawned (spawnpoints are random), and runs over there to shoot you (depending on map this takes anywhere from 10-20 seconds) giving you more than enough time to get your bearings, move around, and shoot anyone charging at you or peeking out of a window.

So they don't really have an opinion on it because it doesn't exist anymore.

She's an entry fragger, she has smoke grenades to destroy Jager's ADS and a breaching charge to destroy barbed wire, and on top of that she has maybe the easiest gun in the game to use.


*Aims in ur general direction as soon as you're in the house or near a window*
Not so much of an advantage when I don't even know where my shots will land :^)

I said "most" situations. You listed one very specific one, that can also be dealt with using someone like Sledge. Plus no one plays Castle unless it's a very specific location.

4+Sup Forums was created for goobergaters like you now return there.

>that can also be dealt with using someone like Sledge.
>Sledge walking down long hallway to door
>Opens door
>Is now in the middle of a hallway with enemies firing at him
I'm sure there are no other maps with long hallways that castle can barricade.

She's 3 speed aka you win every peek for free.

Lol why not just choose a different spawn

The spawn killing is kinda the worst thing in the game at the moment. Even worse than the hit reg sometimes.

If the enemy breaks the windows to the outside you should just be spotted automatically.

Its supposed to be risk reward not just REWARD EVERY TIME

Not him but there are countless opportunities for Ash to be useful aside from just having a great gun. Her breach charges can take down barricades from a safe and entrenched position. Obviously this counters castle walls, but it also counters deployable metal shields and Tachanka's turret. She can use them to blow a wall from safety, or even a wall that can't normally be reached by a breaching charge. She can open up sight lines for herself and her team in many situations with very little risk, unlike Sledge or Buck who have to be reasonably close to do the same things and are thus vulnerable to counterfire.

Ash is to Sledge what Hibana is to Thermite. A more versatile and ranged breacher but with limited charges.

Why does nobody ever talk about the terrible netcode in this game? It's literally the only thing holding this game back.

Huh, guess that makes sense on a good amount of maps. Funny how someone actually providing an answer to a question makes more sense than someone intentionally shitposting for the sake of arguing.

I don't understand your argument. If someone breaks a window they still won't be able to see you when you spawn, because no windows show spawn locations. If someone breaks a window the attackers are guaranteed a free kill unless the attackers are retarded and not paying attention, because attacker weapons have better optics and longer effective ranges. There's simply no excuse for getting killed by a window-peeker at start, you have better tools, better awareness, and the element of surprise over the defenders.

idk man it's fine for me with very occasional hiccups, as any online game will have. Maybe you should move out of the boonies

>Be wrong
>"W-well he was right b-but he was wrong"

it really isnt good when people can ghost trough bullets.

It used to be terrible but it's been mostly fixed since Summer 2016. I still have problems with it sometimes but they're the exception rather than the rule anymore, maybe one out of twenty games I have issue with it.

My internet is absolute garbage and it's fine for me as well.
unless you're playing with brazilian niggers who switched regions which happens all the time

Gamergate really fucked up this board...

You need to go back

I haven't had a single issue with it so I can't complain.

Ironically, players with high pings, packet loss and lag switches benefit from the netcode. If I lived in the boonies, I'd probably be having a better time.

neogaf is trying to brainwash Sup Forums now by falseflagging other people
they're trying to change us

>NO windows show spawn locations

Are you kidding bruh

I know that there are still some cheesy spawnkills (as in actually instant you spawn type stuff) on Chalet and I think Oregon, but yeah most of them are fixed now.

Not really. I play with high ping and packet loss because my connection sucks donkey cock and the game is completely random for me. Hitreg is even worse with packet loss.

I thought they fixed that one? How old is that webm.

There were a lot of little spots like that when the game launched but they moved most of them long ago.

>Gamergate really fucked up this board...
>he honestly believes this

3 days old

The guns in this game are too accurate, it's not realistic like Counter Strike where you actually need to know the spray pattern of the gun to use it properly.

No, cunt. You're over here talking about how Sledge can't knock down Castle barricades because hallways or some shit, which makes no god damn sense since there are no hallways in this game without cover to the sides of the doors, or having other places to get back to after you break the door open. I know you're on Sup Forums, but sometimes people like to actually have a conversation without shitposting.


It's bullshit that the bullets actually go where I intend them to go. Without a skill-dependent dice roll this game is way too easy.

There's only that one and the campfire spawn on Chalet that still need to be fixed

Explain to me how Sledge breaks this door (Marked red) without being shot from either the doorway or the green area.
Pro Tip, He fucking doesn't.
Learn to play shitter.

Have you not seen Caviera's ass?

I can't tell if this is sarcasm

Even then peaking windows is a tremendous advantage because there are only 3-5 spawns on a map.

So even if you dont get the kill the milisecond they spawn you are pretty much guaranteed one waiting for them to start moving past whatever wall they spawned in front of.

Im pretty sure the second post is sarcasm.

There are spawn spots where you can get killed without even being able to move, it's something that needs to be fixed.


This issue never went away. There are multiple factors involved, including lag compensation being tuned too high (iirc shots up to 500ms currently will be accepted), practically no ping limits in place, 3 speed operators, extremely low TTK, very low tickrate for a game like this and terrible, overcrowded UBI servers.

Low ranked players are probably too bad to even tell a difference, but in diamond, nearly every single engagement comes down to who gets baited into a peek first and exposing themselves for the loss.

If you're that anal about it then park your drone in front of the building where you're going to spawn, check if anything is broken and prefire when you spawn. Otherwise just learn to check windows. Seriously a spawnpeeker is at a massive disadvantage, he has the whole spawn for 5 players to check while you have 2-3 windows to check for 1 player. I love when people spawn peek me, it's a free kill.

Please what fucking rank are you silver 3.

I'm Plat 3 this season, was Diamond last season.

Wow, that backfired hard on someone who's probably gold 2

I never said it didn't happen, I just never saw it happen to me. Especially something like that.

>Random pic

Oh yeah buddy


Even worse, if any sort of super-human juiced up female were to make it into a Special Operations Military unit they wouldn't look like valk.

They'd be dog shit ugly and no one in their right mind would want to touch her with even another man's dick

Valk is dog shit ugly.

Its her concept art thats hot


The one on house too.

Main door looking into the construction site.

Only one I can think of is on Kanal with the construction spawn and CCTV's window. They need to drop a shipping crate down to block that angle or something, but other than that what are there?

>looking at the in game characeters.

>random r6 player

Yeah no gg silver shitter

K den

>he needs guns to spawnkill

Is there a way to tell where the attackers are going to spawn? I haven't seen any kind of pattern based on objective or drone placements.

>reddit spacing

Nope you have to guess

>majority female cast
SAS and GIGN don't even have female operators.

Why does this game look like utter shit though?

I keep getting fucked by the speedsters in this game I don't know how to handle it. I've never felt this bad at video games in my life.

GIGN has twitch though.

You gotta handle them like this user..

You don't. Engagements are petty much coinflips. Play it like the RPG that it is.

I unironically wish this game had a more casual multiplayer playlist for shitters like me to get acquainted with the controls and mechanics and tricks without just getting raped. The PvE stuff is braindead easy; you don't need to use any special tactics at all, whereas the PvP stuff is just YOU DIED

>ethernet cable is not connected error

is it advisable to ever enable DMZ on