This is actually a good game

If you haven't played it, shut the fuck up and kys.
I'm glad I didn't listen to anybody,
Sure, it has some bad moments, but the best moments are on par with the best moments in Mass Effect 1. And playing as the male Ryder is quite enjoyable.
Also, I am not an ADD autist, like the 90% of the community, who can't even enjoy the galaxy map, because "it takes too long".
As a Sci-fi fan, thanks to Bioware for finally making the Galaxy Map like they promised in the E3 demo for the first Mass Effect.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll play it but when everything is fixed and when the dlcs are out.

Just fuck you, I just rage quited the game after the 30.000 bug in my 2 horus session, this game was beta tested by fuckign blind monkeys.

The game is shit and so are you.

Shut up Azzere.

>Yfw it was properly tested but EA released it anyway

I swear I've never seen a game with so much indian npc, what the fuck Bioware ?

Is this you, OP?

Hey OP, don't be afraid, who are we to judge ? some people on earth enjoy their own piss.

Voice acting is halting and the characters don't seem to be talking to each other.

Ryder is the same no matter what choice you make. Where are the renegade options?
>jump down the grav lift before pb
>characters keep asking "is this really happening?" "did that just happen?"
It's painfully obvious taht this was written by people fresh out of an insulated college life, they've got no idea how people relate to each other during or after hardship because they've never experienced any.
The combat is ME combat, it's never been good.

The powers and class system is an absolute joke and disaster.

You're a fucking idiot if you think this is a good game. It's trash. I am a mass effect fan and I should be chomping at the bit for any new content in the ME universe, but I can't bring myself to play any more of this one.

I loathe underagers.

How are your holidays son ?

I want someone with personal experience to tell me if the character creator is really that bad. I've seen some creations that looked good. Is it worse than the original?

Went in with zero expectations, definitely enjoyed this game.

While it doesn't have the humor of the OT and Shepard, it isn't the OT, so I expect future iterations will create it's own humor.

Also, how many games have ever come out that were buggy on Day 1, shit on by the entire community, with a lot of shit coming from people who hadn't played it yet, only to about-face when they finally did play it?

Battlefield 3 + 4 weren't perfect when they came out. Hell, they were just bad, and we shit on them too, without playing them. Now they've been patched to the point where they're both solid games, and people on average seem to enjoy them.

Fucks sake, don't shit on a game because it's not perfect Day 1 - shit on a publishing company for pushing devs to crank out a product that they know isn't perfect yet. The devs look at timelines, and then look at the biggest bugs - the ones that actually stop the game. Then they order them from greatest to least importance, and from how 'replicatable' a bug is.

If I can fuck up the game to the point of Alt-F4, 100% of the time I do 'X', then that gets fixed first, etc etc.

I'm both sad and mad that this is the new mass effect. They had 5 years to make something good, and that's what we have now.

I've just gotten to New tuchanka so I'm not dine yet

-Animations as a whole, facial expecially
-not feeling any sort of attachment to squadmates
-can't skip during galaxy map (only being a problem due to me pirating it)
-no hanar blasto squadmate

Overall for the amount of hours invested i could justify paying for it. But doesn't mean it will be a very memorable experience, not will I outright recommend it to anyone. Especially once the dlc train starts picking up steam.

Lastly, as someone who loved the two first games I must say as a mass effect game, this is barely above 3, and as we all agree, a huge cop out not having to deal with the ending of the last game.

>I hate this type of game but listen to me complain about this game in particular because fuck you
>I never went to college and am really salty about it
>check out the game on the lowest settings, isn't it ugly? That's why it is bad.
>expect to be taken seriously after all that and have the gall to call others idiots

That they're putting out fixes at least shows they're listening, and definitely shows that they had to work in a time frame.

yeah I'm sure the game will be enjoyable next year

This pasta again?

>Go away unless you have post-purchase rationalization like me
Great threat OP.

it's a 7/10 sadly. the game really was pushed out of the door way too soon.

>definitely shows that they had to work in a time frame.
>5 years

Who are you talking to lad? Why link a post when you're just going to have an argument with yourself?

It's pretty good, you have to remember that most people started with ME2 and therefore expected another corridor runner, god forbid you actually have to explore and manage your inventory this time.

I played it and I wish I could return it.

>trolling so blatantly that she doesn't even understand the implications of her post

>It's pretty good
No, It isn't, I don't want to waste my time exploring some shitty map doing shit tier fetch quests, plus the writing and models are atrocious.

more like 2 since DA:I came out in 2014
>manage your inventory this time.
the inventory UI is so fucking terrible i still can't believe it

>I make games

Come back when you make your AAA game.

>DA:I came out in 2014
MEA team has nothing to do with Cisquisition.

>It does mean what it says, it means what I think it implies!
Yea, it's obvious why you're arguing on Sup Forums of all places if this is how you behave.

Maybe that's true of a lot of people. But I started with 1, its the only one I like, and I still think andromeda is shit.

I would still think it was shit even if it was an original ip rather than rising on the coattails of an established brand.

I would still think it was shit even if they fixed all the technical issues. I dislike a huge amount of the design decisions they made when making the game.

Obviously the writing is shit too but I would have been able to laugh at its shittiness if the core game wasn't retarded.

I like it. Tech combo spam's never been so good.

Do you know which branch made DA:I? Andromedas wiki says it came out of Montreal, so I'm wondering where DAI came from.

>I hate this type of game
Clearly stated I was a ME fan.
>never went to college
Graduated UND in 2008
>check out this game on lowest settings
I didn't say anything about the visuals in my entire post
>have the gall to call others idiots
You're not an idiot, you're an idiot and a faggot.

I'll give it two years when it's $10

Edmonton, iirc.

>Come back when you make your AAA game.
A turd is a turd, It doesn't matter what you do for a living when you shat one.

>game has been out for a month
>still no word on the DLC
Wow, Bioware has changed, ME3 had DLC on the fucking disc.

All I want is reassurance that this studio will never be allowed to touch ME again. Then maybe we can hope for something better next time.

They will milk it forever desu

Your 'counter-argument' is absolute shit

>Cops out of argument because he knows he doesn't have a fucking clue about game development


Not surprising, they released the game with the INCLUDED content incomplete. It was so unpolished that they slapped a retroactive "early access" label on it. That should be a bigger red flag than anything in the previews.

Cisquisition had a real ending DLC, just wait.

who cares if it's the same studio ? BioWare is firing/hiring faster than ever. I doubt the same people will work on Andromeda II

There are a lot of wonderful aspects to the game that are overlooked in the name of nostalgia, and the bugs that are currently in the game.

Maybe when it's fixed it'll be up to your superior standards - til then I'll keep enjoying it.

Counter argument to what? I simply called you out for being an insecure, hypocritical idiot. If you want to be an asshole on the internet without getting berated then don't wear your failings on your sleeve next time.

Didn't it though? I thought that's what Trespasser was about. I did like how they introduced it in the vanilla game though, that's something I don't think I've seen before.

Hey calm down, it's not because you have some buyer remorse that you have to insult everybody here


I'm enjoying the game a lot more than I should be. It's actually a pretty solid game, and feels like Andromeda is a conglomeration of all of the previous Mass Effect's in new title. Everything is there from the exploration of 1 and the random encounters on the map, the linear main missions of 2 and the combat of 3 but bettr. I'm definitely loving the free flow of combat and dodging around, and I'm loving the class building to make a perfect playstyle. Unleashing an attack and taking over strongholds is just unbelievably stupid fun. Fucking love the series of events you need in to take control of a stronghold from attacking the front gates, lowering the shields, disabling the alarms, and attacking the big guy who runs the stronghold.

As of right now, the story is pretty fucking shit. Some of it is just retarded when you try to make reason of it. And since I torrented the game, it has a shitload of bugs. Retrying certain points like stronghold invasions or missions can cause this stupid fucking bug to appear where enemies are coming at you infinitely when they are supposed to have a certain bad guys appear. This can make certain stronghold unplayable are hard to complete because enemies just keep coming nonstop. I just kind of wish they would get to work already at cracking 1.05 since I see no point in continuing without it. Pretty convenient how EA/BioWare released a such needed patch with a lot of fixes right after their game got cracked. I would pay for this game, but no way is it worth 70 fucking bucks for the deluxe edition.

Please proceed to call me a fucking shill for having dissenting opinions and liking this game.

It's clear you're having some trouble with the mechanics of the Nicaraguan water filtration website. I'll help you out.

This is the post I replied to you with.

This is some other guy.

What wonderful aspects?! I've yet to see one. The impression I get is that they looked at what worked with previous games in the series and said, "we're gonna change it up this time!" and always did, for the worst.

>Selling endings like DLC

>can't just play a game
>has to make a statement

Do you do anything for fun, or do you just shitpost all day?

The game had an ending though.


Trespasser is literally an epilogue, there is no bigger jew than EA in this industry.

I wonder how many people have masturbated to this video.

that's the face of a man who went to four years of college with $100k in debt and now he holds a trash can for women who can't aim to spit in

>No Quarians

Half of the canadian population.


I don't disagree on EA, they make Goldman Sachs feel like they're not doing enough. I haven't played Trespasser yet, so so far, I've felt like the game ended when it ended.

Space gypsies don't belong in the new galaxy.

this, the combat's great
i'd also say that the setting is really good (going to a new galaxy and having to find planets to settle) but is ruined by
>only 3 new alien races in a new galaxy (technically 2)
>6 squadmates and most of them are shit
In other ME games i'd spend hours inbetween missions talking to different characters, in this one I can't even bother, I don't care about 80% of the characters

same but for free

They claimed the Quarians were bringing Hanar and Elcor and had "complications" with having them all on the same Arc.

Game has zero replayability, not really worth the 60 dollars just because of some "good" combat or whatever.

I could go on why this game is shit, but the worst thing by far is everything about the characters. And characters are the most important aspect since this is a Bioware RPG.

>(Slightly less after 1.05) terrible animation
>Almost no gestures when talking
>Unnatural dialogue, constantly talking about same shit
>They are either overreacting to stuff or almost igoring something important
>Horrid AI, the only help they provide is another target for the enemy

What bothers me the most is that they feel so extremely unnatural. It's impossible to immerse yourself because the characters are just weird as fuck. Their banter must have been written by an actual autist.

Sometimes I literally don't understand what they're trying to convey. Like they don't even seem to be talking about what is happening.

This combined with the creepy facial animations make any cutscene or dialogue unbearable.

quarian ark is right on their tail tho, first dlc.

I don't doubt that if you look past the issues it's a serviceable play-once-and-forget-forever game, but it deserves every bit of shit it gets anyway.

How did you sit through this. How?

Well shit.

Everyone who left the milky way for andromeda are literal gypsies.

>that depressed Ryder at 1:38

It's like he knows

>He didn't see the distress signal at the end of the game from the Quarian ark

This exactly
>Sometimes I literally don't understand what they're trying to convey. Like they don't even seem to be talking about what is happening.

I swear it feels like they translated it to French and back in google translate. Most of the time you can glean the meaning, but sometimes their response to what you say just makes no sense in or out of context.

The biggest let down for me though (I think was already mentioned) is the lack of any sort of hard option. The character is soft and polite the whole time. There is nothing near renegade options, and Ryder is the exact same character no matter what you chose. The problem there being that Ryder is a boring person.

According to the story in Mass Effect Andromeda, Quarians, Drell and Hanar are all coming but since their races require ridiculous procedures to maintain their species they stood behind for several decades to make the preparations and tasked the everyone else (Humans, Krogans, Asari, Salarians, Turians) to launch the first colonies and then accommodate planets for the incoming races.

I'm guessing they're coming either in the upcoming title or the third.

>tfw that was the only moment where I got remotely interested in the story
>they're probably going to fuck it up again and have you fight Kett

>best moments are on par with the best moments in Mass Effect 1


This really reminded me of the slapfight between Chief and Locke in Halo 5. Two super soldiers, aka two guys clearly in mocap suits and football helmets having a tussle.

You know the quarians are retarded enough to bring some geth parts or something aboard their ship and it's all going to go south.

Fucking idiot bucketheads.

The delay was described as just a couple months.

At the end of the game you hear a distress call from their Ark, so they clearly made it to Heleus by the end, but are in some sort of DLC trouble.

The only people you can be an asshole to are the Kett, or weirdly enough Suvi. You're either super nice to her or just constantly insult her and question her competence, with no in between.

To me the dialogue is even more dumbed down than people say.

It very rarely allows you to make actual choices of what you're going to say. 95% of the time you're only picking the way he says something, not the actual content.

>any moment in Andromeda coming anywhere near the reveal that Sovereign is the big bad

Like what, Shrek sitting on you?

its a fucking good game and much better than DAI was to DA

It's a little bizarre how they railroad you into being an awkward toothless leader.

After you pick up the one alien (I don't even care enough to remember the new race) they all walk away from ryder and he says "(sigh) good meeting"

They're subordinate, where is the authority? More importantly where is the choice?

The scene where Archon tries to mimic Alec interacting with the remnant tech was really good, not a word was spoken during the entire cutscene which is rare these days since dummies need everything spelled out for them, it was some real Pulp Fiction Citizen Kane shit.

Yes, it's horrible. It's best just to stick with default male Ryder.

They tried to recreate the Vigil moment when you reach the Remnant City and learn about the Jadaar or whatever they're called, and set up some sort of suspense over whatever used the Scourge as a weapon to attack them. But you never meet the Jadaar or this mystery threat, even in VI form, so that Sovereign Reveal or Vigil moment never really happen.

If you're invested, the race through Meridian is probably about on par with the race to the Conduit though - but there's a lot of reason you probably woudln't be very invested by that point, you kind of have to shut your brain off to get excited in this game, instead of in ME1 where there's enough unknowns that you want to push through and learn about them.

I think they were trying way too hard to differentiate Ryder from Shepard. Daddy Ryder is clearly the Shepard of this game with his commanding voice and definitive action, and they deliberately kill him off and nobody even understands why he left you in charge. And it just turns out it was to keep popsicle mom a secret.

Yes. Exposition without having it spelled out for you is wonderful.

I played Cisquisition because I liked fighting the dragons.

There is nothing fun here to keep me playing, I can't even finish the two Angara planets because I don't care about any of the characters, not even Ryder. People keep saying the combat is fun, but it's junky 3rd person combat. The bodies clipping and rocketing off into space is funny, but it's not a feature. AI is less than useless, the powers are clunky to change, and the profiles are one of the most ill conceived game systems I've ever seen implemented. I guess the guns sound cool? I like the Carnifex, but that's just taken from a previous game.

The writers are just projecting what happens to them whenever they are in a leadership role in anything. Millennials don't really understand the concept of "authority" as it's a generation of daddy issues.

Hell there's not a single moment where you come into conflict with your party members, everyone in this game is a bunch of yes men that just goes with everything Ryder says and ends up worshipping you at the end no matter how bad you fuck up.

>meanwhile in ME 1
>ME 2
>even fucking ME 3 did it

Cannot tell if you are serious or not...i hope not...


The music is ominous as shit as well, the scene is objectively better than the Sovereign reveal.

The Sovereign reveal was the worst thing to happen in that game, because it was clear from his dialogue that the writers didn't know what was going on with the Reapers.

So are you over 35 or under 15?