Video game boss does an extremely long monologue

>video game boss does an extremely long monologue
>MC sits there and listens

Other urls found in this thread:


>about to deliver the finishing blow
>cut-scene preventing you from delivering finishing blow

>video game boss is about to do an extremely long monologue
>MC says fuck it and gets on with the boss battle

Well it'd be pretty rude to interrupt them. God knows how long they've been planning this speech out, and it takes a lot of courage/insanity to deliver something like that in front of someone trying to kill you.

You're about to fuck up his plans and maybe kill him, so at least let the poor guy make his mad rant as last words

>video game boss is invicible and takes half your health
>cutscene triggers explaining how to beat the boss


>video game boss does an extremely long monologue
>can kill him any time

If I'm not about to definitely kill the bad guy I don't want to play lol


>vidya gives me an option to skip an unnecessary cutscene

>boss is doing a monologue and does some underhanded shit, making you do a QTE in the middle of the cutscene

Literally no game does that

Was it too much to hope for a little punctuation? Reading this was a lot harder than it should be


>MC is actually invested in the boss' long monologue

>Wait for boss to finish his monologue
>Party member kills boss instead to shut him up

>Character gives a monologue
>Opponent shouts "SHUT UP" mid-sentence
>... Finishes the last few words of the monologue
I thought that was hilarious when it happened in Samurai Jack.

>Boss gives a long monologue while you're fighting them

>Bird boss
>Weighs the same as steel boss
Ah dun geddit

Dont know what it is about this guys humor but it just works.
So simple and dry but effective for some reason

>video game boss does an extremely long monologue
>You are given the chance to just punch the faggot in the face with the force of a thousand suns, literally, anytime and bring on the fight

Pretty sure RE4 does it as well. The cutscenes with Krauser were the worst parts of the game.

It's a /tg/ thing to do.

thats not a monologue, it's friendly banter between him and Leon
