

Its not wrong.

Here's my top 25 games. If I was some elitist Sup Forumsipster this list would be Heresy outside of the old shit.

1. Skyrim
2. Fallout 4
3. Fallout New Vegas/Fallout 3
4. Oblivion
6. Bloodborne
7. Dark Souls 2
8. Shadow of Mordor
9. Dying Light
10. Kingdom Hearts 2
11. Red Dead Redemption
12. Just Cause 2
13. GTAV
14. Far Cry 4
15. Assassins Creed 4
16. Watch_Dogs
17. Half Life
18. Grafitti Kingdom
19. Infamous 2
20. Half Life 2
21. Metal Gear Solid 3
22. Metal Gear Solid 4
23. Hotline Miami 2
24. DOOM 4
25. Spyro 3
25. Far Cry 2

>Red Dead
>Half Life
>Just Cause 2
>Infamous 2
>Far Cry 2
Good taste my man

I never not play a game because it's popular or has some controversy surrounding it.

That said, I will research a game before buying it and if it has no selling points (just like no mans sky did) it's not worth buying.

There was literally no indication of what you did in NMS, they didn't show anything aside from the planets you could explore.

I'd rather be an elitist than enjoy skyrim

We have a very similar list and just glad that there are still non-Sup Forumscontrarians around. It gets old.

What a meaningless statement.

Not really.

Some games just aren't worth ***MY*** time. Why would I waste time and money on something like Persona or Madden, when I already know those games don't appeal to me. If that makes me elitist, so be it.

That being said, Smash is not a fighting game. It's too baby tier to be anything other than party fun time.

I wonder what you'd think of the new Zelda if you played it.

If you don't challenge the hi/v/e they'll never learn. I'd prob think its good. I'm just waiting for CEMU to make it matchable to the console version. It still has issues.

Being an elitist is how you avoid wasting your time on shitty games.

How could I lose out on amazing games if I play games before forming an opinion?

But this is the opposite of what most of Sup Forums does.

I dont but Microsoft consoles and ive missed out on

-Jet Set Radio Future
-Panzer Dragoon Orta

missing JSRF stings but overall im not missing much


>Uh oh someones going against the Sup Forums grain

>i dont like this game

people have different taste, standard shit. also
>Sup Forums is one person

I mean if you're doing it right a true elitist would only play the good games

What being a elitist means though? I have access to last of us, shadow of mordor and the order, games that people say are great, but i'll never touch them, would that make me a elitist?

>if you don't like shitty games, you're an elitist!

I mean to each his own, I'm not gonna get triggered over somebody's personal taste but tbf half those games are pretty average/mediocre

>Shadow of Mordor
>Dying Light
>Top 25 worthy

Damn this is shit taste if I ever saw one
If b8 I r8 8/8

Maybe if you're a storyfag.

t. born in 2000

Sup Forums is actually 2 people, you and me, who is submitting all posts you don't

prove me wrong

OK reddit you can go back now

It is wrong by definition, because I'm assuming "elitism" requires you to scoff at anything that isn't ranked amazing and above.
So being elitist is how you lose out on playing on some pretty good games on a mistaken belief that anything worse than an one-of-a-kind masterpiece is automatically garbage.

T. Closet elitist with shit taste to boot

How is Caring about gameplay over story an Elitist thing?

Being an elitist doesn't mean that you don't play anything but hipster turds. It simply means that you have an eye for flaws which you notice easily, and you are not afraid to talk about it, even if it means that a thousand dumb lemmings will start throwing shit at you.

Actually, elitists are those who play the most games unlike casual filth. Snobs are the most competent in anything. NOT BEING AN ELITIST is how you lose out on playing amazing games.

people born in 2000 are all over 19 years old

define "elitist"

if it means "not playing games but shitposts about them on Sup Forums", then yeah. if it means "doesn't like some games", then no

If you think 2/3 of the games you listed arent "storyfag" games youre pretty fuckin bent

Elitism in taste is hard to define.

Elitism in framerates though is a very real thing we can clearly see and observe. And it's fucking stupid. Yes, higher framerates are always better, but refusing to play something because it's 30fps (or lower) is ludicrous. You're missing out on a huge chunk of games and many of the best games ever made.

A little too obvious. Here's your (You) user.



Literally the only thing I really take issue with here is Fallout 4 being that high up. And *maybe* Watch_Dogs but everything else is totally acceptable taste.

I actually like this list

>Story and nostalgia fags are so blinded by their shit taste that they can't bear the thought someone might actually like these games

Elitism filters the shit games with no substance out of your scope
Games like Skyrim are massive timesinks with no meaning without mods
I'd rather play better timesinks like P5 that has actual plot or rougelikes which are unique everytime

Guy who posted the list here. There isn't a single game on that list where I prefer the story over the gameplay also that list is entirely based around gameplay/content.

Damn you redditfags can't shut up do you?
Got tired of shilling on Sup Forums and thinking your safe here
We started your GG bogeyman and we still hate you fucks for forcing you safe space bullshit

>Everyone who I disagree with is from reddit
Epic reddit boogeyman my dude but funny you bring up Sup Forums because i'm as Sup Forumsack as can be you dumb fucking retard.

Isn't good and bad subjective, thus they only subjectively lost out on a game you think is subjectively good?

Half of your list is sequels, care to tell me about that nostagia?

Besides half of them are bland open world sandbox games where there only like 5 unique types of quests and the rest is just shallow filler

Seriously maybe becoming an elitist would do you some good or atleast kick you off the high horse you rode in on

The same principle also works the other way around, you know. Except the other way around it's over three times as relevant.

>be elitist
>only talk (shit) about games I've actually played

lol eat shit op

Fucking kys if you are actually being serious.
I could just go and pick the 25 highest rated games on Metacritic and I would have an infinitely better list than yours.

Sequels tend to be better than their predecessors wouldn't a nostalgia fag be more inclined to be a fan of the predecessor?

You do know all games when you boil them down to gameplay are repetitive and the same so I could care less about "Muh Unique quests" when the game has tons of decent content and the gameplay is fun.

Dayum, that's a good one. Basically the entire point of "media quality is subjective" is to shut up elitists. But phrased this way, you can use their weapon against them.

>when posting a list of mostly bland games gameplay wise

Like i said in my first post thats fine and all i dont try to critique somebody's personal taste and im glad it seems like youre a gameplay>story guy, but most those games are very average from a gameplay perspective, try branching out from the annual holiday releases and try some games that mix it up a bit. My chief examples from your list being ass creed, shadows of mordor, elder scrolls, far cry, and watch dogs. The gameplay in these are stale af to say the least.

How so? Also you forgot content.

Gameplay+Content are the biggest factors.

The most pathetic way I've heard of someone not playing a game is when they're a youtuber or streamer that can't make revenue off of it.
>B-b-but it's advertising
You were not contacted by the company to advertise. Fuck off.

It depends on how elitist you are. It's good to have standards, but you should always keep in mind that if your standards are too retarded, you'll never have anything to play.

Ive missed out on allot of good games when i was younger having this certain attitude towards games

I think it's more like "I could instead be spending this time playing something that I CAN make money off of"

Elder Scrolls is debateable on the gameplay front but I play with realism mods/combat overhaul mods so that's why i'd disagree on that front. As for the other games you mentioned. How are those games average from a gameplay perspective?

Right, I had to lower my standards just to download Undertale, which I didn't even enjoy or 100%

>Dark Souls 2


>Sequels tend to be better than their predecessors
That's wrong at least as many times as it's true in any entertainment medium ever.

Im not gonna even respond to your first point because it doesnt seem like you grasp the definition of nostagia and how good the sequels are has nothing to do with it and it honestly sounds like youre just a fan of lazy game design

You disgust me.

>I don't watch a movie unless it has an IMDB score of 8+/10

Literally a friend of mine told me that.

>skyrim as literally THE BEST GAME

Alright i know this thread is an excuse to post your terrible TERRIBLE garbage tier taste. But this has gone to far. Get the fuck out of here.

This statement applies to only one group: PCfags.

It infuriates me when people say this. I think that you should have no shame in liking something flawed, or even something outright bad, but when people can't just accept that something they like isn't perfect and say "It's not bad, it's just a different kind of experience!" it makes me want to strangle them.

quality bait user, the fact that so many think that list is acceptable is fucking sad and proof this board has god awful taste.

And yet still better then reddit.

No, it helps me to save some time. I need to filter shit and I can tell if I'm not interested in something. I'm not concerned about "missing out on 'great' games". I'm concerned about finding what I like.

>Fallout 3 and 4
>Oblivion that high
>MGSV that high

the rest is aight

Being an elitist doesn't mean ignoring quality, which your list obviously does because it's bait. Being an elitist means not trying something due to some preconceived notion of where its from/what genre it is/how it looks/it's reputation

>this list
>people actually think this is even remotely acceptable.

Holy shit is there a different site like this but more obscure so it doesnt attract these redditor retards? I need to leave.

What is that statement even supposed to tell me?
I try out every game that seems interesting and if they are shit I just stop playing.
Isn't that what most people do?
I doubt anyone would stop playing a game he enjoys because the council of video games deemed it unworthy.

That's a pleb thing to do, not an elitist one. Everyone who's casual in something, needs to watch up ratings to get a guarantee that this one movie you will watch in like half a year, is worth going to the cinema. I am a plebian when it comes to movies, and i never watch them unless they have good reviews on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes. It justifies the time i spend. Games? Nah, competent enough to understand everything from a few screenshots, let alone a gameplay video.

Oh so you're a graphics fag i get it now

And if you have to ask that question you're already to far gone

I don't know how to reply to this. Here's a (You) I guess

>1. Skyrim
Yeah I mean it came in a pretty package and bow mechanics were satisfying but it's just so incredibly shallow experience overall I'm baffled to think someone without a severe case of autism can entertain himself with that game for more than one hurried playthrough of the main plot.

You know, I used to think that image that says "unpopular opinion" threads are filled with reddit and underage retards was just an idiotic boogeyman but now I know it's true

Don't worry user, they're just baiting.
I hope.

>He Fell for the Dark Souls 2 is bad meme
Tsk Tsk Tsk

Watch Dogs at least had major circle jerking because of the bugs/instability at launch but Dark Souls 2? Come on lad. Its objectively better from a gameplay perspective than Demons Souls and Dark Souls 1.
Sounds like you're a storyfag desu
MGSV Has the best game in the franchise. I have around 500 hours on it from just 1 playthrough alone. No other MGS can offer that.
>Being an elitist doesn't mean ignoring quality
Apparently it does if you think that list is bait
Where are graphics remotely even mentioned in my posts? For the record I think graphics are the least important thing in a game. >I'm baffled to think someone without a severe case of autism can entertain himself with that game for more than one hurried playthrough of the main plot
Because there's more to games than just the story and Skyrim has plenty of decent content/and gameplay especially with mods.

How do you think those games' combat compared to Ninja Gaiden, DMC3/4, Bayonetta, God Hand, virtually every single fighting games, etc.?

>bethesda games are 1
>and 4

Am I too old? The kids are wrong, right? It's not me, maybe?

That post is 10000% bait there is no fucking way even 17 year olds could have that shit of an opinion. There is no fucking way that guy is being serious.

Well you see it used to be that kids would play in a real life sandbox or have toys and engage their imagination that way but nowadays they use Bethesda's virtual sandboxes instead.

Oh don't get me wrong those games you just mentioned definitely have better gameplay you're right but its not JUST gameplay that matters. Its content. Every game you just mentioned is very linear and lacking in that department. If you missed some of my other posts I mention gameplay+content are the most important things. It has to be a balance between the two and all the games on my list have a good balance between the two.

Nier Automata is prob the only "Open world" ish game with gameplay like that but I haven't played it yet so I can't judge

That post is bait but it's a very accurate depiction of the average 17 year olds taste in videogames.

Alright user. Here's the top 25 from Metacritic without duplicates.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
3. Grand Theft Auto IV
4. SoulCalibur
5. Super Mario Galaxy
6. Super Mario Galaxy 2
7. Grand Theft Auto V
8. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
9. Perfect Dark
10. Metroid Prime
11. Grand Theft Auto III
12. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
13. Halo: Combat Evolved
14. NFL 2K1
15. Half-Life 2
16. BioShock
17. GoldenEye 007
18. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
19. Resident Evil 4
20. Batman: Arkham City
21. Tekken 3
22. Mass Effect 2
23. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
24. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
25. Half-Life

See how this actually includes some good/decent games unlike your list? The average paid reviewer and normie has better taste than you. It's time to fucking end yourself.

Str8 outta Reddit

If you were afraid of people critiqing your shit list you shouldve kept it to yourself instead of getting assblasted when we tell you whats good

Also judging from that list i seriously doubt you're even 18

>Its a very accurate depiction of the average gamer outside of Sup Forums's tastes in video games

Except that the difficulty modes in every single one of them are a different game altogether, because they add a whole lot of new challenges for each one through AI, enemy spawn, enemy mechanics
And fighting games are multiplayer

being elitist means you'll play more obscure games that most other people wont play.

just like being a hipster.

both of them aren't bad things, only stupid people that don't want to put time into it and have a surface level understanding get upset and use those terms.

it's like how fat people make fun of people for being healthy.

Casualfags can't tell the difference between elitism and discernment.

If I don't like your shitty casualfag it's because I've tried it and found it lacking or am familiar enough with the genre and the developer and vidya in general that I don't need to play it to know it isn't to my taste.

Being a casualfag is how you miss out on good games by refusing to leave your narrow comfort zone.

>Fallout 3

Holy fuck how does anyone have taste this fucking bad.

SeeGranted he has ME2 and skyrim on his list but it still blows yours out of the water

Not enough ASSFAGGOTS, CS:GO, or Rocket League for that.


That's not what being elitist is

That's not how numbers work, Billy.

No, the bulk of it is standard Sup Forumscore games.