Cooked coffee a couple times

>cooked coffee a couple times
>hanged out with him twice
>still not going up
What does this old fuck want from me?

Other urls found in this thread:

He will not advance past level 3 until you hit a certain point in the history don't bother

>cooked coffee

that's why Sojiro hate you

>cooked coffee

>cooked coffee

He wants you to succeed in elementary school.

Is he a cuck for raising another mans daughter?

He wants what all old fucks want. Your ass.

>cooking coffee
>not grilling it
no wonder he wants nothing to do with you

you need to get past 4 palace

He wants you to marry best girl

The word cuck is derived from the cuckoo bird that tricks other birds into raising its young.

So while the word cuck is used incorrectly a lot, he is indeed a cuck.(As is anyone else who adopts besides maybe infertile people, but we'll be able to make sperm/eggs cells from other cells soon so they'll be cucks then too)

>cooked coffee
Get out of my cafe son

I've got it covered

It was so hard deciding between QT Fluff hair and her.

I went Futaba though, was close.

>from the cuckoo bird that tricks other birds into raising its young.
>So while the word cuck is used incorrectly a lot, he is indeed a cuck
You're using the word cuck wrong right now congratulations

Maybe you need to go on a heist with him


>The word cuckold derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds' nests

I'm refering about the ''trick'' part. Sojiro agreed to raise Futaba on his own accord

>tfw you will never own a cozy cafe tucked away in a hidden alley of a giant city, making just enough money to support yourself and your business, getting to know your regulars on a personal level as you brew them some top tier coffee.

Sojiro's living the life

>cooked coffee

Not really, considering it's not as though her actual parents are around anymore and he was never in a relationship with her to begin with.

Though he's not exactly doing a good job raising her.

What's the alternative? Let those children be miserable in orphanages until they're kicked out onto the street?

Beat the 4th palace to get to rank 4?

This is my wife. Please say something nice!


Just stop.


Some people are just meant to be cucks, let the cucks adopt.

I hope you and your wife have a happy life together

i want to tell him about how futaba calls me daddy every night

>cooked coffee
No wonder why he despises you.

How is he being tricked into raising her? Her parents are dead you fucking idiot.

He doesn't want to hang out with a criminal so you have to break his exterior first.

She's a lukewarm old hag but her "special service" skill is not bad.

>tfw when I do.

almond milk chai lattes were a mistake.

>not toasting your coffee

Is that you persona music cafe user?

>Not burning your coffee while you run away from the god of fear
wew lad

No, but that's actually not a bad idea.

I do occasionally play the Ace Attorney jazz album, though

You don't have enough guts to talk to me, kid. See you in 20 hours. Hope you enjoy your cat meowing at you every single time you need to buy something until then.

>cooked coffee

Haha not him, but that's totally what I was thinking. I've heard that jazz album play in bookstores before; must be a lot of closet AA fans.

I noticed in negotiations that
>lets not talk about that
or whatever lets you instantly recruit
is there a point to trying to coerce them otherwise?


>Finally have enough guts in the 5th dungeon
>the fucking gun in there only has 100 attack


It only happens if you've already owned them before. If not you gotta do it the normal way.

>100 attack

I FINALLY got enough guts.
This guy is chill as fuck now that the cat isn't ree-ing at me anymore.
>Just found out you can buy MREs at Untouchable
I haven't encountered hunger yet but I bet this'll come in handy

I don't even know what the hunger status does and I've beaten the game.

>you can't rank 10 social links immediately anymore

bull fucking horse shit.

Also is there a weather forcast you can find? would be stupid useful.

Do you need to say the right thing to confident like in the previous games, think l messed things up trying to be a smartass

>being on the Akechi bandwagon

well you progress like the other games.
more Notes and the faster you progress to the next s-link.

if you fuck up you just need to waste more time with them.

Anyone know how to get Lucifer?

Lowers offense. I'm about 60 hours in and I only just got afflicted with it.

Something wrong with that?

Remember to wash the walking eye.

I realize this is a rhetorical question but is Ryuji legitimately retarded?

give em the old Rusty Venture

Yes, but he has a good heart.

I like the guy but holy shit he's pushing it sometimes.

I feel like he gets more retarded as the game goes on.

>they took junpei, removed the jealousy and added the banter between teddy and yosuke


Yes, best bros are usually the dumbest person you will ever find.

Think of your best bro is he smarter than you? Then you are the stupid bro, Are you smarter than him? Congrats he's your best dumb bro

the guy lands on his head all day every day, bound to have some brain problems.

But then you're not the best bro for your dumb best bro. That's unfair.

>raising another man's dick product
Yes, yes he is a cuckold

>ryuji fucking insults my cat

I won't forgive him for this

Fuck your cat

Morgana is a cunt though

If he didn't take her in you wouldn't get to romance the cutest and best girl and make her feel more confidant and loved

And you'll have a great dad-in-law down the line

t.monamona. Don't be a faggot just because you can't handle the banter

>gotta do it the normal way.
>not ranking up no good towa
>not getting getting masks higher level then you


morgana stop fucking posting

It was Lupin's last request user

you gotta max out the chuuni shogi player and and a few of the strength tasks to unlock him


>not really feeling any of the girls except for the chuuni shogi player
>really like the old men confidants and Yusuke
Anybody else feel the same way or did I somehow turn gay without noticing?

user, you were always gay


Old men are always the best s.links in persona and Yusuke has the funnest

>entire weeks go by where the game forces you to do specific social links
>finally finish first dungeon
>okay now the tutorials over ri-
>oh I guess we should waste this week too

holy shit the game is so fucking hand holdy.
I'm feeling like it's trying to tell me something like prison life or something, but theres a point where you need to let go.

You get along better with them because your also an old man.

Not true, you can get him to 4 before that, it just takes a fucking age, I had to hang out with him like 6 times even with a Hierophant persona

You can't advance him from 4 to 5 until 8/22 though

Can anybody ask why the fuck I can't go into Mementos? this has been happening for the entire month since I got Haru. It's this same fucking screen. All of my targets are ID'd as well. I'll post of a picture of that next.

Pls help, this is fucking bullshit

My request sheet, this is fucked. I wish the game just told me what was wrong instead of the fucking cat being obnoxious

The game prevents you from going while Haru is out of your party for whatever reason, but they didn't create a new flag for it and it just throws that one.

View your requests dummy.

Oh oops, I'm retarded. Didn't even finish reading your post.


>Though he's not exactly doing a good job raising her.

Better then her uncle.

But I had this prior to that as well. I guess I'll wait until she is back and then see if it lets me

I really have to question the point of putting a hideout in a very public place.

>saves everyone
>they beat him up so bad that he's unconscious
The phantom thieves are assholes

I couldn't believe my eyes when they showed exactly where it was. And they have the audacity to be shocked Makoto overheard them discussing their secret plans at regular speaking volume.

Here's a better question: Why the FUCK did the remove Social Links?

The new system is fucking shit

>Knock him out
>Leave a teenager who's both known to be a bit of a delinquent, and known to make company with multiple people involved in Phantom Thieves incidents, right in front of the Diet Building immediately after causing another incident with Masayoshi Shido