>post em'
Most played
Need to get more in Fallout 4... Doesn't include the years in World of Warcraft tho...
I cant even play New Vegas that much, jesus
is this alien to Sup Forums users?
I've been playing a little TF2 and Nuclear Throne, but mostly playing games in the backlog right now.
I'm not very proud.
Dota 2 is a good game
>Master Race
>Plays multi platform games better than other platforms
I dont get it whats the problem?
Very Proud
>I dont get it whats the problem
Love how everyone usually has tf2 with an absurd amount of hours.
You idled a lot of those Planetside hours, r-right user?
Post your DA stats, shitter.
I like building stuff.
You've got a very unique gametaste user.
>you will never wipe that game off your list
Fuck you, Dota 2.
>409 hours on CoP
Damn nigga, I have finished CoP around 7 times, but I only have 107 hours played
come at me
Normalfag status confirmed.
You've probably finished it more times than me, I just screw around with different playstyles until I get bored, which is almost always before the ending.
>13947 hours on record.
>581 days.
>10 years is ~3650 days
>Literally 16% of the last decade playing this game.
My god........
Bad 2 the Rats
my playtime is top 1% of Sup Forums I'd say, the sad thing is I haven't played steam games heavily for a couple years now.
He idled for hats, a small portion of that is actual game time.
I probably have that many hours into CSS, but it was all done well before Steam started tracking hours like this.
I have a lot of free time
I bought MGV for the multiplayer
I regret everything
I'm not proud of this.
I am proud of the hundreds of games I have sitting between 5 and 20 hours, from Steam to DOS to freeware, to emulators to consoles to bad emulators on those consoles.
No one game is worth all of that. Especially not some padded RPG or endless shitty multiplayer game.
Nah, been playing from launch. Was part of a 6 yr old community on TF called .n00bz. (24hr 2fort).
when your life is shit, time loses much of its value.
i'll bite
Fuck Dota.
Fuck TF2.
Fuck CS.
Is FM17 good ?
Seen a lot of people chatting shit about it so put me off of it
from normie to outcast, you're a weirdo
I know, and I respect that. We're all just consuming media here.