Well let's get the obvious recent one out of the way
ITT: God tier ingame menu screens
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Its unintuitive garbage though.
that looks like fucking garbage.
all those random colors just thrown in for the hell of it, and random stars like it's the sticker set that came with fucking guitar hero or some shit.
>"all those random colors"
>grand total of 3 colors
it's the ultimate in random blobfuckery.
And this faggot>unituitive
It's a fucking sequential list
Maybe we're colorblind
lmao 'dese colors, so unintuitve, what do i do, help guise'
Too stylised for these lifeless plebs
Not many games can top this
> Easy to deduce menu
> Stylish and consistent color scheme
Okay user, what exactly looks unintuitive about it?
The battle UI takes a bit to get used to and covers alot of the action on screen but it speeds up the time spent in menus as the game goes on
This, no game tops Dead Space.
It was revolutionary at the time and it's still a fucking masterpiece.
Seeing that menu makes my heart soar like a hawk
Fun menu screen for a really fun game.
The west peaked a while back. P5 is more stylish but this fits the game and is not as obtrusive.
Literally perfect. Micromanaging your inventory without being taken out of the game.
Dead Space was the GOAT.
>Uniform tacticool shit
I also like my menus to be barely legible and
read like
If there is anything I've seen that will age like a bag of donkey shit, it is Persona 5's menus. Holy fuck do they look like a complete mess of "style". 20 years from now people will cringe playing this.
Obvious for someone who didnt grow up with stylised pause screens. All these nu-ingame menus, are played out.
People are cringing today playing it. I'm among those.
I bought it hoping for a decent JRPG. What I got was high school edgelord fedora gets laid (but never gets laid), the video game
Name me a few other games with ingame menus.
>it's the "im a graphic designer guise" episode
Dark Souls II's
Using consumables didn't close the screen and when equipping it let you look at your character too
Holy shit so much fucking this the game is fucking horseshit
It's baffling to me that there are some people who can't work their way around these menus. Everything is listed from top to bottom and clearly highlighted, it couldn't be much simpler.
Dead Space's whole menu system was brilliant. Fuck EA for ruining this franchise.
Resident evil 6, Gta 6, metal gear pp.
The pause screen seems nonexistent or very basic. Its the back button now.
oh boy you sure showed us!
You hate it because it's popular and/Or you like different things. Everyone can tell.
I'm liking it but it tries waaaay too hard to be cool.
>OMG We are so awesome
>god tier UI
>Font that is so Ov3R Sty1lizeD that it looks obnoxious
>White, black, red
>Highlighting an option inverts the colours
Wow so random
That looks like garbage though
I never thought you could say a menu/UI for a game was trying too hard but Persona 5's really pushes it.
It's definitely overstylised and not meant to look like a ransom letter or anything
>you hate it because you don't like it
Wow you are a genius
>game devs taking the time to create menu's indicative to the theme of the games artstyle
>developers make basic grayscale le floaty flavor of the month gimmick menu
Where's the "you're an idiot" option?
Pic not related surely?
>bright red to hurt your eyes
>obnoxious black and white to make it just hard enough to read
>half the screen is just empty
>tYpiNG liKe THiS
only stylised shit I like
Prefer minimalist.
I miss the old spiral Knights UI. New was signifying everything wrong with three rings post sega.
Man I'm still hard looking at it. How did they fuck up?
Trying too hard is a fucking stupid statement.
Persona 5's is noisy as hell.
But user, it's so UNINTUITIVE, how the fuck am I supposed to know how to reach 'Persona' all the way from 'Skill'? I don't have time to feel my way around a FUCKING Menu screen!
Persona 5 tries so hard to be funky and alternative. It's really going for the listless, late-teens, early 20s disaffected youth in revolt sort of market. Check out these hip young people, finding their way, sticking it to the sterile corporate drone culture, man. It's such a transparent branding effort, perfectly engineered to appeal to its demographic. And the self-insert main character with his scruffy hair and slim, attractive build who you can live vicariously through is just as pathetic and trite. This was a problem with Catherine too. Hayao Miyazaki was right.
It doesn't look like a ransom letter at all
Why would a hologram have scan lines like a CRT television screen?
This, that UI was way too good for the game it's in.
What game, and is it futa?
I appreciate how stylish the UI is, but there's so much wasted space. They could have filled it up with something like a calendar, or a quest log, or just about anything.
And this a bad, how?
Was referring to on style. A bit over the top but dies does purpose well menu/UI purpose without offence
This is shit flashy, obstructive UI art right here, should've used this image firdt
>half the screen is just empty
I don't get why this is a problem, is the font supposed to be fuckhuge when there aren't many options to choose?
Remember hipsters?
See you fags later
Christ, you weebs are really obsessed with defending this game. Overrated visual novel filled with generic Chinese cartoon tropes
It's not exactly the hipster demographic. It's western young adults who wish they were Japanese young adults who wish they were western young adults. If hipstaboo was a word that would be the one I'd use.
I haven't played SK since a couple months after that whole thing with the inside of the core and that poisonous sawblade-tossing gremlin, whatshisface. Is the game still dead or are more players arriving?
>TYpIng liKE ThiS
They're letters clipped from magazines so the handwriting can't be identified, it's done on the calling cards in game as well, and it's pretty common in stories similar to P5 when a person or group is trying to relay information physically without getting caught.
>Red is the main theme and symbolizes the chaotic intensity
>Black and white is extremely high contrast, and used for information and attentive visuals
>Cyan is used for immediate attention (Health and active menu option)
Man, we're even getting to Graphic Design falseflagging now in order to shitpost Persona? Fucking hell Sup Forums.
what the fuck is this from!?
its a list, what the fuck is unintuitive about a list you literal autist
>appealing to people is bad.
Got handed off to a graveyard company that keeps it afloat with servers.
Outside if that it's slowly dying really from what I've seen in a year
i liked it in dead space and hated it everywhere else
All the contrast in the world doesn't do shit when letters are half covered up or hanging halfway off the line.
yeah it's pretty pathetic but NEETs need their self-inserts so they don't neck themselves. (well, suicide is usually inevitable by mid 30s but this escapism lets them put it off by a few extra months or maybe a year, tops)
I know what its suppose to look like but 9/10ths of that arent newspaper/magazine clippings
>Uses multiple font disjointed and obviously from multiple sources so it's unusable for guessing a specific location of witnesses and hideaways
Come the fuck on.
Spiral Knights was the funnest shit I ever played. It really sucks to see it going through this.
>It's a freaking vertical list slanted to the left with Inmate's hand gliding your eyes down it
>Urgh, so hard to read
Are you dyslexic?
Nothing in the menu is either of those things.
>Game appeals to hip young people
>Probably the kind of people who liked to draw a bunch of punk rock shit in their notebooks in middle school
I'm very much okay with that. There aren't many video games like that what with Tony Hawk games being dead.
I didn't say anything about the colors, who are you quoting in your greentext?
It doesn't look like a ransom letter, the fonts are hardly differentiable. It looks like Som3onE tRyinG tO tYp3 3p1cal1y l1k3 7h15
FF13 menu is literally perfect.
That's kinda the point. Play a different series, gramps. Don't try and tell me you're not old either. I have no intention of believing a stranger on the internet.
I feel you.
>only new content since gun rebalance was a new lockdown map and a random chance room since skins never count
Least they tried something with the casino room, but limited time is a killer.
It's unfortunate that the menu is the only part of the game that isn't disappointing.
Hyperbole you nimwit, and you just said something just as dumb anyway.
Of course, they're obviously proportionally centered for clarity. But you have to be aesthetically blind to think any of the characters look remotely the same.
Even the "oo" in Cooperation is angled differently.
To be fair Soma did the same thing, it's pure aesthetic not trying to be logical
The organization of the menu has nothing to do with the legibility of the text you mouth breather.
I adore all the menus in P5 because they're intuitive, easy to read despite how busy they are due to really good type hierarchy and contrast. It's perfect for the themes and tone of the game. It's very busy and chaotic but designed in a way that doesn't feel chaotic to navigate or figure out what's what, unlike Andromeda which was clean and simple in comparison but so broken and poorly designed it was an unconscionable nightmare to navigate.
t. professional graphic designer with 8+ years of experience and a number of national and regional design awards
Look at the ransom letter you posted and look at the screenshot in the OP, they don't even look similar
>the black circle is in a slightly different place obviously it's a different font
Like I said, hardly differentiable
Honestly Persona 5 is a game where every single criticism I've seen is just a person who wants attention.
>hey I want gay romances look at me so progressive
>hey it's "unintuitive" because I draw hentai
>hey it's edgy and soulless because people like it
Like there are issues with Persona 5, and I'm not sure if it's *actually* better than Persona 3, but for fuck's sake elevate the dialogue please.
>The organization of something has nothing to do with how well it reads
You literally can't have a legible UI without it being organized.
>The organization of the menu has nothing to do with the legibility of the text
Nah, the organization and hierarchy dictate immediate readability. If there is no clear hierarchy of importance it instantly destroys any sense of where to look. The menu is super busy but there's a whole lot of contrast to draw the eye to the center of the screen due to the textural aspect of how different all the text elements are in proximity. Not to mention the menu items themselves are nested between the only red elements on the screen and balanced by the big COMMAND header. Not to mention the hard line running through them, it really does draw your eye down and to the left along the menu items.
None of the text elements are too different to be illegible either, I genuinely don't know how that's a complaint. Even in nested menus each screen and element is smartly designed with proper hierarchy, appropriate color treatment, and a really good differentiation between solid and textural elements. Despite how busy the menu is, there's a VERY clearly demarcated region for your eyes to rest and not wander all over the screen. It's well balanced, well contrasted, well designed.
>Completely ignores the actual argument and picks out the admitted exception as damage control
No, you said it the font looks exactly the same and totally like someone using just lowercase and uppercase with numbers.
Anything else is jut goalpost moving.
DSP? Is that you?
Only Personashits could defend this disgusting menu.
It's literal garbage, probably made by someone with just as shit taste as you worthless fuckers.
Find a better video game series, maybe r/gaming could help you find one
Square Enix menus are the best