I bought a Switch and Zelda yesterday and just returned them. I could not justify spending 400 dollars on a console with

I bought a Switch and Zelda yesterday and just returned them. I could not justify spending 400 dollars on a console with
-no games
-no browser
-no youtube
-no netflix
-no mii verse
-no video player of any kind for that matter.

>inb4 its being added.
Why? it should be here now.

Zelda was bad. I'm sorry it's just bad. It barren and uninteresting with nothing but fetch quests.

As much as I want to play MK8 and Mario Odyssy. I cant understand how people dont have buyers remorse for spending this much on a tablet that can do nothing but play games.

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nice blog


>user with shit taste in games blogs on Sup Forums
>nobody cares

here's your (You)

Wow guys, way to undermine OP, everyone gets to have an opinion okay, god?


What do you guys think of Candy Kong

i know this is a shit post and it really should have those apps but really who cares
>buying a system for anything other than games

>buy a console
>return it the next day
>claim you've played Zelda

I think that maybe you didn't have a switch at all.

I wanna fuck her

justify your purchase

>no mii verse

>justify your purchase

My girlfriend and I have fun with it.


>shit taste in games
How can he have shit taste in games, if there are no games?

>buying a console at launch
Holy fuck, Reddit really is smarter than Sup Forums.

So you bought a brand new console thinking it will suddenly have games on it. It's ok, everyone can make mistakes.

>-no miiverse
You do know that you can take a screenshot on switch now right? Or are you telling me that you are using it other than saving a screenshot?

>he needs a browser and jewtube on his fucking console
>when his fucking phone is required for connectivity

Your loss, faggot. Such a shame you will never get to touch titty ninjas.

Nice blog, where do I subscribe?


>tfw I will buy a Switch to play Mario Odyssey, get my fill of it, and return both of them
>tfw I will do the same with Xeno 2
>tfw I will do the same with a Metroid game if it ever exists and isn't shit
They're not getting another dime from me. Eat shit, you fucking gooks

Or you coulda just kept it.

Just in case.


>this video game system can only play videogames! It's shit!

I'll take things that never happened for $800, Alex.

Just a few errors

He does have a point. Machines are expected to play Netflix these days. They're expected to have a browser. It has to do more than just run games if you want people to have this thing front and center in their living room. Nintendo need to get their shit together in this regard. They are way way behind

I have like 8 devices within dick's reach that play YT and Netflix. At this point it's overkill. Especially in a system so underpowered as is. Focus on games and let my can opener handle Netflix.

Everything OP said is correct.

You've got a computer at a TV to do that crap already though. Just because Sony and Microsoft stopped making dedicated video game machines (even though they could always play CDs/DVDs etc.) and instead focused on general entertainment machines doesn't mean it was the right decision to make. You just get a watered down console with specs that mean less because they aren't entirely for the games, the reason you actually bought the machine for.

>doesn't do any research before buying a whole new system for $400, plus game
>doesn't look into the main game that is the big reason you're buying it now
>claims he returned it the next day, meaning he didn't even try to play the game for that long, then claims it's full of fetch quest
>bitching about no youtube, browser, or netflix which he already has either on phone or computer, or could with a tv
>throws a fit and writes about it on the net, asking what's wrong with others

You're a fucking idiot.


This. Fuck them

>You've got a computer at a TV to do that crap already though.
By the same logic, I have a computer to play video games already. What everyone should be upset about is having to buy redundant hardware that does the same things their existing hardware already does. Why can't Nintendo just make games? It's the only thing they're any good at

Because Nintendo is still a business and make more money by making their own consoles. You're talking about a company that made games and consoles at a time when they were more powerful than computers and single handedly brought back the video game industry and asking them to give up what made them a multi-billion dollar company to make games just for PC or some generic single console that everyone develops for. It's simply not going to happen. This is the world we live in and we should ask for what's reasonable, not impossible hypotheticals.

>no browser
>no youtube
>no netflix

what are you 10?

You guys sound more idiotic with each post.

You can do almost anything on a GAmeboy advanced as you can on a Nintendo Switch. Besides download games at full price of course

Good plan. Do it.

I'm gonna create a bingo sheet for Anti-Nintendo threads.

What should the free space be?

Nintenbros going full defensive.

>do nothing but play games.
Because that's what video game consoles are for.

So you dislike them, but you still want to play their games. Okay.

botw has pioneered the empty world genre. nintendo is full of trailblazers and you should feel bad for criticizing them.

Switch Sales reports

It is literally universal.

>buying a video game console for internet explorer and video streaming
>I cant understand how people dont have buyers remorse for spending this much on a tablet that can do nothing but play games.
Gee maybe because the reason why we buy a video game console is to play FUCKING VIDEO GAMES
Now go back to whatever normalfag shithole you came from.

I applaud your decisiveness. Most people would play a game for more than a day before realizing its not for them. You're a man who knows what he likes and wont make concessions. That's honorable.

However, you purchased a console seemingly without knowing anything about it. Without knowing any of its features, strengths, or weaknesses. That's just being unwise and impulsive.

I hope you've learned some things about yourself in this experience.

>suggest pro-nintendo

You don't know how bingo sheets get made, do you?

>It barren and uninteresting with nothing but fetch quests

Why is it so easy to tell when somebody has literally never seen a video of the game let alone played it? Shit posters are just falling left and right.

>people call the game 'barren'
>point out how unbarren it is
>"Those things don't count!"

I generally avoid consoles with netflix and hulu.

Post your receipt timestamped.

they're not competing with others, they're just inventing gimmicks and praying that normies will be fooled once again into buying their trash.

>make general claims that are factually untrue because you know nothing about it
>try to goad others into wasting their time correcting it

OP couldn't even find a switch, let alone afford it :) 2.3 million sakes cucks, get wrecked.

didn;t keep reciept. Returned. Got some gamecuge games from old game store with Zelda money

Assuming you aren't shitposting, why on earth did you not do any research what was actually on the Switch?

We may all be consumers but we don't have to be brainless about it.

I do not play league by the way. Just have annoying ass friends who made me download it