God the Dark Souls 1 HUD looks atrocious

What were they smoking when they made this piece of shit? All that work put into textures, models and lighting, with all of 5 minutes spent on the thing you see the most.

- Humanity counter looks like it was made in MSPaint, just awful.
- HP/Stamina bars look like poorly drawn rulers filled in with red and green crayon.
- Not even an icon for the soul counter, just a fucking black box.
- Inventory screen and menus look as lifeless, gray and generic as possible, with a shitty hand-drawn look.

>inb4 nitpicking
>inb4 "I don't notice the HUD"
>if you don't notice it, maybe you should, since it's staring you in the fucking face the entire game


Yes, the HUD design is autism in its purest form.

I agree desu. Bloodborne's hud is perfect though

Yeah, I don't mind BB's HUD in the slightest. It's pretty small and simple, but it looks clean and professional, whereas this looks like utter dog shit. Demon's Souls still has the best from a purely aesthetic view, though.

I don't know how it didn't bother me when I played regularly. Now it looks almost plastic in a way.


> upset because truth

It didn't bother me at first either, but then I quit for awhile and went back to DeS, and when I returned to Dark again it just looked like such shit when DeS looks so smooth and well-designed. Sort of ruined the experience for me, frankly.

Dark souls is very inconsistent with how the artists handled graphics. I agree with you 100% op. There are many beautiful parts of the game such as firelink shrine, and then they dropped the ball completely with anal rodeo and a lot of the armor. Good game, but the hud did bug me

I recall an interview with Miyazaki where he said that the hud was originally just a placeholder for dev use and was going to be changed before release, but then they ran out of development time and just left it how it was.

Well, going from DeS to any other Souls game is going to be an immediate negative experience.

Demon's Souls was a total fucking rarity. The game wasn't even supposed to exist, the development was total trash and then they gave the project to Miyazaki and said "here, do whatever you want, we don't care", and it resulted in that masterpiece. Once Bandai-Namco got involved, the deadlines became much stricter and Miyazaki didn't have as much time to devote to smaller details like he did in DeS.

Yeah, the trend of virtually all games releasing unfinished over the past several years is disheartening.

And on top of it all, they purposely hold back completely finished segments of the games and then sell it to you as DLC later. A lot of times the DLC is already on the disc when it ships. What the fuck is wrong with this industry.

It's so fucking weird that you point that out because that's really a thing I had no problem with at all, and for some reason it worked well. I'm pretty sure the souls series is all a fluke

Frankly, I'm glad that it didn't bother you, if someone is able to play this game without having this bother them then great. Personally, it left a really bad taste in my mouth.

In all honesty, I've never liked the HUD layout for any of the Souls games. Something about it just seems.. placeholder-like.

OP starting a thread by shitting on the game in question is for Monster Hunter threads, not Dark Souls. You guys gotta get your own gimmick.

You can't deny, DeS and DaS2 looks the least shitty by far.

I can't recall any layout differences between DeS and any of the DaS games, honestly. I've always felt that the HUD, especially the items selection on the bottom left just felt too obstructive. It just seems too 'in-my-face', shit is fucking huge.

I actually liked that they allowed you to reduce its size in DaS.

They should have an option to disable certain HUD elements, having it on is usually shit anyway.

> shit is fucking huge
DaS2 is by far the worst offender in that regard. Why they decided to make the item boxes so much larger and push them closer to the middle of the screen is beyond me.

Retardedly, they do give you an option to turn off the HUD, but it also takes away the health bar and stamina.