So far we know Yoda, Darth Maul, Rey and Kylo Ren are in it, but apart from the obvious picks from the original trilogy, what other heroes are you hoping we'll see in BF2?
Star Wars Battlefront 2
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Personally I'm hoping for Willrow Hood.
MY nigga Count Dooku, Grevious, Mace Dindu, and Chewbacca.
Grevious as a CQB berserker type with his pistol giving him some range and Chewie as a Tank with a rage like capability
Captain Rex would be neat as well. He could be a fast paced type hero running and gunning with his duel pistols
If you buy this game you are part of the problem
Not going to buy it if Captain Phasma isn't in it.
So it's gonna be the last battlefront just with new characters and stages right?
Yeah, man, I sure can't wait.
>Tfw you enjoyed the first EA Battlefront and ended up buying the season pass
>Tfw you're probably gonna end up preordering Battlefront 2 and all the DLC simply because you're a sucker for anything Star Wars related
>Tfw you know you're part of the cancer killing gaming but you don't care because all you want to do is fuck people's shit online as Darth Maul
Jango Fett.
Dual Pistols is where the boner is created.
Darth Good Game
>tfw you don't care that you're the cancer killing gaming
>tfw my friend logged into my xbone so I just leech off his battlefront digital download with all the DLC
CW- Quinlan Vos, Cad Bane, Ashoka Tano (probably not even gonna touch characters from the CW cartoon, sadly), Palpatine (pre-disfiguration), Kit Fisto, Assaj Ventress
OT- That robot bounty hunter who hangs with Boba and crew (I-whatever)
And I haven't seen the sequels yet but I imagine they'll include Finn and Poe alongside Rey.
best pairing
And I forgot to include Rex and other important clones for CW.
It's IG-88 I think
Mos Eisley
lightsaber users only
no AI
final destination
Soooooo when are they going to be talking about some Clone Wars content? Nobody gives two flying fucks about the retarded affirmative action embodied nu-trilogy. I better see an Obiwan, Anakin, Jengo Fett and Grievous tomorrow.
Bring back Jyn and Krennic. They were fucking rad to play as.
I'm sure we'll get a confirmation of clone wars tomorrow, but wont reveal anything big until e3
i feel like tomorrow will mainly be about how it's a great "star wars experience", since its the star wars convention
I would hope they keep all the heroes in the current game, it would be retarded to cut them altogether. I could see them even getting reworked in some way.
Is Clone Wars in this or what?
The only hint are the tiny as fuck droid vindicator ships on the top left of the picture. But I feel like it's going to be so fucking minescule that it's going to be focusing on the stupid fucking nu-trilogy and more OT nigger pandering.
so they will confirm classes and vehicles spawning on map then right?
Chewbacca was already in BF1
if they don't then they'll get lynch mobbed, even the avid fans of the reboot are hoping for classes and actual vehicles
mfw I still play DICE BF1 despite all the hate it gets
Did you miss Maul running at Yoda or are you just too dumb to actually pay attention to a minute long teaser?
no they're not, they couldn't give a shit
also the "avid fans of the reboot" dont matter at all. most of battlefront's sales were from complete fucking casuals who just played the coop mode with their kids/friends and dropped it.
I don't reslly recall Yoda ever fighting maul on a fucking imperial platform unless you consider hero deathmatch in battlefront 2.
What about the time when Luke (in his black Jedi knight outfit) fought the bounty hunter Bossk on Cloud City? Or the time when Lando Calrissian fought the Emperor aboard the first Death Star? Or how about the time when Boba Fett and Jyn Erso fought on the forest moon of Endor?
Stop acting like Battlefront is supposed to be a perfect remake of events that happened in the Star Wars films and EU.
For real senpai I hope it ain't like you said, because it would be dumb to sweep the CW under the rug. Especially considering there is so much more lore for it than any other era (canon anyway). But you could be right, this is DICE after all.
you seem to have many opinions on things you don't know friend
like 90% of the changes to the previous game were from community intervention and lobbying developers
i am not saying that it is a certainty that they are trying to make the game actually good (this is fucking ea we're talking about here) but the development team has shown in the past that they are not deaf, so there is SOME kind of chance
>like 90% of the changes to the previous game were from community intervention and lobbying developers
care to list some of these changes?
>naming it Star Wars Battlefront II
It better have fucking space battles and more than 6 heroes to choose from
I'd like to see Captain Phasma, I really like her armor design and unless they introduce alot more baddies in the Last Jedi I can't think of anyone that could be First Order heroes other than Kylo Ren. or TR-8R for the shitty joke.
Armitage could easily be a hero. They made Krennic one despite him not serving a day in battle in his life; they could do the same for anyone.
Unless they fix the gameplay I don't really care. Seriously it still baffles me that the reboot didn't have classes, when Battlefield has classes.
This isnt star wars
This is warhammer 40k tier
imperial customization
balance changes
hero suggestions
reworking vanilla heroes
free content (there were 4 free maps added, not much but then again shows they at least listened)
instant action (was shit but still a step in the right direction)
"space battles" (again was shit, but still a step in the right direction)
taking content from the eu to use for the game
adding in TIE Defender and B-wing (unplayable AI, but still shows they were trying to listen)
like i said, most of this i just called shit, so take from it what you will, but with three different devs working on this game, one can hope they have learned from their past mistakes and will try to keep the consumer base happy by actually making a good game
i could see Tr8-T0R being a buffing melee hero
Genndywars had the best sense of scale out of any star wars medium desu
this is a galactic wide conflict, it should be battlefields with thousands of star destroyers and millions of troops
All the heroes that were in the original Battlefront 2, including the exclusive xbox dlc ones. The list is as follows:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Aayla Secura
Mace Windu
Kit Fisto (personal favorite)
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Princess Leia
Anakin Skywalker
Count Dooku
General Grievous
Jango Fett
Darth Sidious
Asajj Ventress
Darth Vader
Boba Fett
Heroes I'd like to see:
Captain Phasma
Lando Calrissian
Shaak Ti
>That fucking HUH
>buying ea games
You should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm not buying it unless they have either campaign or Galactic Conquestion.
I'd prefer Galactic Conquest.
Why not both?
If they have no clone heroes ill be pissed
And it's great.
user vehicles already don't spawn on the map in bf one
>only a sith deals in absolutes
>statement in it of itself is an absolute
What did he mean by this?
>Jedi armor was fucking radical in GenndyWars
>TCW reduces it to gauntlets only because they don't want to animate sleeves
"George Lucas is a hack"
What does Tasty Coma Wife have to do with this?
I appreciate you
That's Master Lucas to you, you double gungan!
I'd rather have an actually good game instead of this. Basically, I'm just going back to the actual Battlefront 2.
Really hoping for Davin Felth, Expect Spotter and Droid Scrapper.
unless there's an accurate battle of endor map with fifteen star destroyers, the executor, and a death star you can fly up to i don't give a shit
It doesn't matter who they add, the retarded "power up" design needs to be fixed. Get rid of the card system too
yeah and it was a dumb decision I do not even get the reasoning behind it
TCW got better in the animation
but it was to late
Ahsoka running from the republic,Umbara arc, and maul taking over Mandalore was fucking top tier though.Landing at point rain was top and it was season 2
TCW/Rebels made Maul one of the best characters in the entire star wars universe.
this they claim to be about creating an immersive experience, well that breaks it
I swear TCW was getting good like really fucking good then it ends
You know that medic trooper in TCW apparently hes alive in TFA
I'm hoping to see good gameplay.
this tbqh
I want to see some of the clones get some goddamn respect!
Commander Cody
Commander Gree
Any Commander from CW
Bigger question is, will Temurera Morrison or Dee Baker be on board for a full voice over? They better add the cheesy fucking quotes the original BF2 had as well.
>Cuckmander Cody
I hope the gameplay is faster and less clunky.
EA Battlefront felt like you were walking through molasses
Really hope they have first person.
I want to play as a storm trooper or a clone trooper while wearing the enclosed helmet feeling claustrophobic and have a reduced FOV while in a battleground scenario not knowing whats coming from behind or above.
>Battlefront game
>not playing in third person
>That change of stances they had before attacking.
>mfw this guy has a whole article on wookiepedia
Have you seen fucking Wedges article?
God, I am so fucking tired of Darth Maul. When's Grievous?
where's the ea bfront 2 trailer?
not that i'm gonna buy it anyways
Grievous realistically, Qui Gon hopefully.
Mainly I just want the game to not be shit.
Best girl
Why is this thread so calm? not even like a few hours ago it was a literal shitfest trying to talk about this game
kiddies go to sleep?
I don't think Cody gave a shit about betraying Obi.
It was said Obi wan and cody had a great friendship
It's canon that some clones came to their senses hours-days after the chips in their heads made them target the Jedi, and started to feel dogshit about it. It's possible that Cody was one of them, but we just don't know.
>anime is better than western cartoo-
I just read that Cody didn't really feel much and was just following orders. He even complained about why did the order have to come right after he gave back Obi's lightsaber. Unless what I read is just bullshit. But I guess if he did feel something then that's left up to us.
I hate how Disney went with the chip canon. I would've liked the Battlefront 2 explanation of how the clones felt about order 66.
The novelization of episode 3 had Cody mention an Order 1 which is "kill everything that is not a clone trooper"
The chip is from TCW, its from Lucasfilm.
The chip also leaves the strongest army in the galaxy as old men with PTSD
Which explains why they were phased out by Sheev.
>Battlefront 2 explanation
Which is kinda shit
The clones respected the jedi highly and even said Alyla should not have died the way she did
of course some clones hated the jedi for using them as a slave army but others didnt
Yeah, the new shows want to make everything look super small and insignifigant. Even the Prequel movies didn't shy away from just how big the actual fight was.