Don't know why everyone's posting about the new Persona when we've had a Persona game recently released already. Pic related.
Don't know why everyone's posting about the new Persona when we've had a Persona game recently released already...
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>he didn't kill his friends
Killing these fucks is what separates the REEL SMT players from the Personafags.
The only one I felt really bad for was Navarre.
Persona without the visual novel part, just the shitty gameplay? No thanks.
SMT would still be alive if they made IV in SJ's engine
I don't play casualized games where I can save anywhere I want.
He was already dead anyway
Some friends, huh
Honestly, the graphics are too shit for me. I need something 3D.
>tfw paid 4 bucks for the godslayer needs macca dlc just to afford the maid set and then like 6 hours later get the hero armor
Who did you select as your Goddess, Sup Forums?
Isabeau is cute
the only correct choice
it's okay I paid for one of the SMTIV DLCs
never again
No more of pic related is such a fucking godsend in Apocalypse. How did Atlus think it would be fun to have the AI put a boss into Smirk status to curbstomp your party?
Cutest monkey
If you didn't choose Navarre, you're a fucking faggot.
Have fun getting owned by YHVH without a dedicated healer that doesn't require a party spot.
They really should hurry up with a proper console SMT. As much as I give importance to good gameplay, the hallway perspective SMTIV has during combat turns me off.
Nigga wat. Literally not even a problem.
Is Minotaur supposed to be hard? Didn't have any troubles with him, spamming buffs and debuffs did the trick. The bosses in IV were pretty easy in general, Nocturne and SJ on the other hand had some complete bullshit fights
I don't think it'd be any different on a console if they're gonna keep making it like Nocturne/IV
Kill yer friends, boyo
Friendship is a disease, kid
>Best boy is already dead and is treated like a joke so you are basically doing him a favor
once u remember magatama are a thing he's pretty simple. Once u get all the broken as fuck phys skills on Demi-Fiend the game is a cakewalk
The issue is that if Walter is your randomized ally, he keeps the Minotaur in a near permanent smirk state since he uses Agi and Minotaur resists it.
IV was pathetically easy imo. Only hard part was traversing the world map. You get luster candy pretty early iirc and that makes everything a joke.
>playing a persona spin-off when the real thing exists
Oh I get it. That's barely a problem though, just save before fighting him and restart until you get Jonathan or Isabeau
I'm not sure who to pick, I want to meme and take a sex slave but first NG I probably wouldn't have made through Satan and Ed Bighead without Navarre
Do they get any dialogue or anything beyond initially picking them or do they just have boring zombie lines?
Yeah, that's the issue. Though preparation is key, I was overprepared and just barely managed to beat a perma-smirked Minotaur that Walter kept smirking.
If was fun as fuck.
pls dont use P5 demon models the humanoid demons look awful
Sadly it's all pretty boring zombie lines.
My thoughts exactly. I think I died more times to a random enemy getting the first strike on me and raping my team with multi-target spells than to actual bosses.
Are SMT IV and SMTIV Apocalypse different games or is like Devil Survivor and Devil Survivor Overclocked?
Why is this guy so smug?
What's the difference between Apocalypse and Final?
>separates the REEL SMT players
No, It separate edgy teenage faggot from reasonable people
what friendship side trying to achieve make much more sense
Completely different. Apocalypse is the sequel to IV. Overclocked is just a remake
Apocalypse is a direct sequel to IV.
Entirely different games.
Apoc is just the localized title.
are they different between characters? I reset and selected them all once because autism but asahi seemed to be the only one that had somewhat different dialogue, and even that wasn't interesting enough to consider that time well spent
>tfw haven't even finished IV yet
>still bought IV:A
I want to finish it, but I'm not sure how much is left. I know I finished the side quests you gotta do on the neutral route but I don't wanna spend another 10-20 hours on a game I haven't touched in 3 years.
>not willing to sacrifice your friends in the name of pure chaos and the pursuit of godhood
What are you, fucking gay?
Yeah but it really isn't anything interesting. Kind of a let down because I was really looking forward to cucking Flynn and hearing what him or Isabeau had to say about it but alas nothing happened.
SMT mainline sucks
there you go
edgy teenage faggot.
Friendship route is just Stephen memery, anarchy route is for true neutralfags
you're basically done with the neutral route. all you had to do after that point was kill merkabah and lucifer and boom, done.
you could actually probably head to final right now cause it starts at literally right at the point at which you dropped it (where the player finishes the side quests and before they kill merky/lucy)
I'm glad to have faster battles
Full 3D animated shit gets boring after half an hour
I don't even know who Merkabah is anymore. Is that the dude that gets revived from the statue? That's the very last thing I remember doing.
>what friendship side trying to achieve make much more sense
Literally what. Friendship solves nothing, it's basically the neutral path of the game for people who don't want to make any decisions.
And betraying Dagda is the true dick move of the game. Nigga revives you after dieing and literally doing nothing with your life up until that point. Dagda has lived a very long time, and hates how monotonous the cycle is. Also wind in the grass
In the grand scheme of things, you're sacrificing friends to make a better world as you see fit, and you're even using their souls to create it. Humans won't be frail limited creatures who rely on gods anymore.
Basically god's chariot that does all the filthy Law dirty work on Earth and the commander of the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado.
i'll just give you a quick rundown, then.
you come back to tokyo after going through two parallel worlds, and on the neutral route stephen tells you to go revive masakado (big protector dude for tokyo). masakado tells you to do a bunch of side quests to help him regain power. then he tells you that in order to save tokyo you have to kill the leader of the angels, merkabah, and the leader of demons, lucifer. final's plot starts right before that last sentence.
I mean, I already expected SMTV to be multiplat, but good to know Re: Fantasy is gonna be too.
if it's a remake of I like I think it is it probably won't be in 3D
I want to be the wind flowing through Dagda's glorious mane.
What was that parallel dimension shit anyway? What was the white forest for? Was that desert related to Nocturne?
Redpill me on SMT IV:A. I finished SMT IV and I really liked it even with its flaws. Does IV:A add more interesting things to the story and build on IV's mechanics or is it just a cash grab sequel?
>being this asshurt
story is kind of bad but not as terrible as people make it out to be, everything being fully voiced is kind of annoying as well
gameplay is very much improved, stuff like affinities and ailments actually being useful, lots of new moves, smirk does more than just give crits now
shitty guest designed fixed by Doi (within reason) so half the demons don't hurt to look at anymore
all in all breddy gud, put probably double the time into it I did IV
It is it's own thing that takes the premise of IV and goes it's own direction.
>vastly better dungeons in comparison
>better interconnected world map
>Demon fusion affinities
>Fixed demon designs
also Strength is fixed and actually works now
>better interconnected world map
except that FUCKING BOULDER blocking off the fairy forest
someone please tell me there was some way to get rid of it that I missed so I can be even more angry at it
smt4 I believe was supposed to have a lot of references and callbacks to SMT1 (such as the main chaos leader being called yuriko/being lilith, archangel shit, chaosboy lawboy and neutralgirl, etc) and in that game, the heroine sends you to another dimension to escape the destruction of tokyo, so that's the reason for the dimension stuff.
the white are references to the great white brotherhood, a supposed group of powerful beings in theosophy. the white in smt4 are meant to be a deliberate misinterpretation of the beliefs surround the GWB.
the desert and destroyed tokyo were just meant to be examples of what would happen to humanity if it would follow law or chaos, respectively.
Story is alright, villains are actually pretty fun this time around, but it does get kind of trope-y and the partners are kind of annoying
gameplay is some of the best in the series, fusion is very easy but gives you a lot of options, demons now have 'affinities' for elements which affects skill mp cost and power, smirk is not a retarded gimmick
it's a good game. i wouldn't play it immediately after IV because it does rely on more than a few reused assets and it'll probably tire you out quickly.
Do they still use MP for physical attacks?
don't worry, mp stuff was fixed so there's not many examples of demons with like 900 hp but then only 100 or so mp to use ridiculously expensive skills
Yeah, for some dumbass reason. Even P5 still uses HP for phys.
yes but the skill affinity thing bandaids it a bit
higher affinities means lower MP cost and more damage from the respective element, so physical demons having shit MP (demons also seem to have more MP in general this time) isn't as big of a problem as it used to be
>demons with like 900 hp but then only 100 or so mp
you mean like fucking Demiurge
shit made me so mad, he learns all the beefy almighty skills and can't even use them more than twice
Alright, sounds good. It's actually been several months since I finished IV so I guess I'll get back into it. Finishing P5 just makes me want to play more of these games.
>it's basically the neutral path of the game for people who don't want to make any decisions.
> don't want to make any decisions.
I did make decisions.
the right one.
Dagda is edgy faggot just like chaosfag
That's not a bad fix, I guess. It's still such a weird design choice. Using HP for phys attacks worked perfectly in every other SMT/Persona game and they decided to fuck with it in IV.
You sure conviced me user.
It still pisses me off that they didn't keep SMT IV's fusion menu for P5. That was one of the most amazing fucking creations by Atlus and yet, they went back to the shitty P4 fusion menu.
Final/Apocalypse is the sequel to the original SMTIV
It's too much for a game where you can only use one demon in your party and can't fully customize their movesets. At least you can pick personas by result now.