ITT TIMES Sup Forums was wrong

Sup Forums memes you fell for.

I'm about 10 hours in and just got to the bit where you kill the goliath and he collapses the city in.
During this whole time the only fight i have enjoyed was the boss in the amusement park. The rest of the fights have been tedious or really easy. The shmup bits are incredibly easy and too short or repitive. I cant care about the story because it just feels like a bunch of tropes and cliches thrown into a blender so far. The side quest rewards are pointless when you can just easily fish for money and your level means nothing except the fights might go slightly faster. Also call me a faggot casual but it is stupid to have so,many travel back and forth quests with no fast travel.

>but it is stupid to have so,many travel back and forth quests with no fast travel.

Try actually playing the game before you try to shitpost. The game has fast travel, faggot.

The soundtrack is dope as hell though

Yea from the barracks to the resistance camp. Wew, so great

Nah dude the game is great, just look at 2B's butt!

You'll unlock travel between the shitty save points. Best of luck with the game, buddy.

Should i just focus on the main quest till then?

you dont unlock it until after adam/eve which is after the goliath fight you donut

Yes you should, faggot.

Sup Forums said pic related would be bad.

I loved it. But I wasn't expecting anything intelligent from the start. I can see why people who expected something serious like 999 felt disappointed.

There was an unbelievable amount of hype. It was basically impossible to live up to expectations.

The game isn't bad at all. If you went into it expecting nothing, I can easily see enjoying it

As others have said, you unlock fast travel very early into the game.

>Tropes and cliches thrown into a blender.
I'm not even sure how you are making this judgement when you are barely ankle-deep into the story. You literally have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Nah you should just drop the game

what is with you faggots with continuing to play games after realizing that you dont like it

Have you considred playing Horazion zero Dawn? the nier/dod series are all shit games.

I'm not sure how I feel about Automata

The main combat is solid. It's very enjoyable, on a design level

And the music is good, though most of it is a bit samey

But the enemy variety is terrible.

The environments are bland and look like they came out of a PS3 game graphically.

The story seems very bare-bones so far and I find it hard to relate to any of the characters (Just got A ending). It's hard to imagine how playing the same story from different perspectives will make it interesting

The basic interface could have used a lot of polish. The map and items are a pain to use, for instance

It just doesn't feel like a $60 AAA game. I think if the price was lower, I wouldn't have any complaints

drop the game right now OP
you cleary startet the game from a bad place of mind
and although I think Nier:A is a beautifuly exceptional game
there is no reason for you to force your way through it,
especially not when you're already getting impatient with the story at what mounts to the 10% mark.

but remember, you are a fucking adhd underage faggot for not giving the narrative time to breathe

I enjoyed ZTD, but it is definetly the worst of the trilogy. Puzzles weren't as good, I don't think the move to cinematics was the best choice, and alot of the story elements and how the concluded was dissapointing but I still enjoyed myself and loved alot of the character moments, twists that had me racking my brain to figure out what exactly is going on and how Sigma is gonna get out of this one.The Threads leading up to it and shortly afterwards are some of my favorite threads on Sup Forums. Ultimately I'm glad the game did end up getting made, even if it was disappointing in many ways

That's cause Nier automata fell for the shitty open world meme shit so now you get to travel through virtual nothingness all the time.

I was trying to decide on this game, but everyone I watch quit playing after just a few hours.

Never said it was bad, just quietly dropped it.

My only problem, having just finished route C is Im having End Of Evangelion flashbacks where shit feels so overwhelming I need to take a breather and absorb it all.

Also OP, dont be going into the side quests for rewards. The good ones are nice little sentimental stories.

>The story seems very bare-bones so far and I find it hard to relate to any of the characters (Just got A ending). It's hard to imagine how playing the same story from different perspectives will make it interesting

>Just got A ending.
Keep playing - I don't want to spoil. With the B-ending just focus on the main story. You can always come back and do side-missions afterwards.

You've only completed 50% of the game, and no im not counting re-runs of current content.

>but remember, you are a fucking adhd underage faggot for not giving the narrative time to breathe
Also fucking this to the OP

Yeah, you said it all. Puzzles not as good as the others, going cinematic was awful especially considering their limited budget, but it was extremely comfy after I got used to it.

In the end it's one of the most memorable vidya I've played and one of the vidya I miss the most. I loved it so much somehow despite all its flaws and stuff like "ALIEN FAX MACHINE".

>people like different things from their games
>therefore I was tricked!

Don't board the hype train and maybe know what you are going into first. Watch a video beforehand or something.

Sup Forums got me into a crap load of games I've liked.

Only exception I can think of its Item Shop Tale, its a good game, but its a little too real on some aspects of retail. And those memories must stay buried and dead, not the games fault.

>My only problem, having just finished route C is Im having End Of Evangelion flashbacks where shit feels so overwhelming I need to take a breather and absorb it all.
I was like this for a few days midway through C and upon finishing it.

It barely had any budget at all, it's honestly a miracle that this game was even made.

And for the story, you shouldn't worry at all. You only play the same story again once, then after that it's completely new.

well you've essentially only completed the prologue so that might be why the story seems bare bones

It's a great game user. I enjoyed it a lot more then nier, and they have similer stories. nier just feels more... underwhelming it's flavour of the month trash that should be forgotten.

>just finished ending c
Nigga what are you doing
Finish this shit RIGHT FUCKING NOW
You need to see this rollercoaster to the end.
Also be sure to activate network features and read the messages at ending e


Oh I intend to.

>desperate horizonshill tries to get Sup Forums to buy his ubishit game

Can you fuckers stop already. Also
>similar stories

In literally what way?

ITT people finish 30% of a game just because there's a credits roll and they literally get bamboozled into thinking that's the whole game.

It's generic AAA trash.

I don't even know how that's possible, it literally tells you in bold text that the game is not over and should be played more to get the full experience

Most of the sidequests are pointless tedium, only a few really illuminate the storyline.

The story gets way better after you complete Route A and see the credits. It's more like act one than the first ending.

dont think of it as different endings but instead as acts of a play or chapters
ending a and b are the "same" story from different perspectives
once you start route c the game might aswell be its own sequel

Well, why have credits if it's not the end of the game

It could have said End of Act 1 or something

>End of Evangelion
>[E]nd of YorHa
9S is basically shinji, he wants to fuck the cute girl he has been working along side with and his arm is torn off in which it get's replaced with 2B's, kinda like in the zeruel fight in NGE.

How the fuck are you only that far?

I seriously think this game is one of the best ever made. That shouldn't be taken too seriously because taste is subjective and entertainment shouldn't anyway taken very seriously. The game was made with a small budget but with all their heart. Not perfect but makes up for everything with innovation, tributes and real emotions. The story is phenomenally good and as a video game it has done things never done before that can only be done in a video game format.

So yeah, no reason to like it because many people do. But my problem is that I've hardly ever heard good reasons to not like it. OP sounds like he's a complete idiot or just tries to troll. Like, play on hard and you will never say it's too easy again, play more and there's fast travel and don't run around doing side quests but wait till the game organically puts you through the areas so you can do the side quests everytime they are close by. It's actually designed that way. Side quest rewards are ok but the stories and world building is their point so enjoy that.

Yeah, whatever, why do I even care. I just think the game deserves a lot of appreciation.

pls user

It's a carryover from older Taro games, where you had to play it over again in order to get a new ending.

Dodging is hard, the game tries to make difficult see whats going on. It's not fun.

not a pleb or anything.

you can just skip straight to the end fight in the chapter select
for players who know that the game continues it's cool because it feels like the game is branching off into something greater, as if it can't be contained within a single game, although for those who don't know about it, they'd be pretty confused to find out you need to play the first half of the game twice in order to unlock the second and ultimately better half.
At least it plays the promo on the title screen, showing off alot of ACT 3 shit letting the player know there's still more that needs to be done.

>y-y-y-you have to finish it 4 times to truly appreciate it!

Seriously kill yourself, you brainwashed weeb sack of shit.

If a western developer tried to pull this crap, the game would be torn to shreds here, but it's ok when those quirky Japanese do it.

Because there's a thematic reason for the credits. It doesn't take too long to understand it. There's an amazing amount of reasons for things that at first feel like they've been done for no reason. Like the character design is made to be very universally sexy but it has a lot of reasons in-game, especially the "You're thinking of blahblah 2B" line at one point. It just speaks to the player in a way that wouldn't work without making the character really attractive.

Also it's just a lot of work to make a game like this and I don't know why anyone would be angry for them putting their names up a couple of time. And the way it subverts the expectations of end credits after the first cycle is in on itself pretty amazing. (the second time the credits stop midway and you just continue the game. And that's not the only way it subverts them. It's pretty great if you ask me).

I found all of the bosses to be pretty uninteresting once I figured out just how abusable perfect dodge is, along with HoT and deadly heal chips.

>dodging in a platinum game is hard
>not a pleb or anything
yes you are

you really only have to play one part twice, and 9S plays differently enough from 2B for it to be ok. The 3rd "playthrough" is completely different and you can just chapter select to the final boss for the last ending

>If a western developer tried to pull this crap, the game would be torn to shreds here
[citation needed]

literally the progression is:
finish game, get [A] ending
play again, same events, different perspective, get [B] ending
play again, completely new content, picks up from ending of [A] and [B], get [C] ending
unlock chapter select, get [D] ending
during [D] ending you have the opportunity to get [E] ending

u are just a fucking retard

Well I'm going to push on
You better be right
So far I'm not too impressed

except for the part where there are significant differences between route a/b
and everything past that is 100% continuation of the events of a + b

not only that, but ALL of your data gets transferred to every new game+ which means you don't have to do any sidequests/collecting over again

It's a flawed game but certain fans act like it killed their fucking dog or something. I still got a lot of enjoyment out of it. Biggest downfall was the move to cinematics, the low budget studio they hired clearly was not up to the task. And for me the most memorable moments of the game had no cinematics at all. Uchi should stick to the VN style.

until you complete Ending E and aren't a cunt, that is

I was actually really laughing at people when I heard you have to play the Nier games many times to actually get the true endings. It felt like the dumbest shit excuse for replayability ever. Then I played Automata for shits and giggles and it clicked with me the instant the second round begun that it was nothing to do with playing the game many times, it's about the game continuing with new content on the second run. It really is a lot more like a new arc opening rather than replaying the game. It's just a bit confusing to understand before you play yourself because... well, nothing has ever done anything like this before.

End of the world, robots, ect. You are blind user

You can just rush through the main quests and go back for side quests after you get ending C. You get chapter select and it shows you how many side quests you are missing from which chapters.

Dodging is easy, there are sound cues and wind ups for days. Get a better game sense.
Everyone defending this game only says about muh story and muh it gets gud 20 hours in. This game seems like an unplayable clusterfuck that caters towards anime fags who want to feel like theyre good at action games while having generic sci fi anime plot with butt.

fuck off

It's a gimmick with all of Taro's games, and to be fair the first NieR's multiple playthroughs are a lot more repetitive. Automata is definitely the strongest implementation of it.


The only things I ever hear about this game are the Ending E thing with some credits shooter that makes you delete your save, DAT ASS, and Dat Soundtrack which really doesn't bode well for something that's supposed to be a 40 plus hour plus adventure if that's all most people apparently took away from it. It basically sounds like what I hear about every popular anime that just ends up being absolute shit with trashy characters and all over the place plotting that seems to be changing tacks on a whim with sudden instances of tragedy to give the player jolts but does something moderately subversive, has hot character designs and has good music so people think it's the absolute greatest thing ever. I'll be picking it up eventually once it's like 50% off again cause I haven't played a good Platinum action game in a while and liked the demo but I'm really not actually expecting much from the story line.

It's best this way. The more manchildren think the game is shit the less likely se is to milk the series for funko pop buyers

Hard doesnt make it harder, it just makes the enemies damage sponges and you take more damage. Wow what good game design when it just causes me to farm more money to increase defense with items and chips

I mean, ending a was dangerously close to Kimochi Warui already

>Horizon is about the robots turning evil and wanting to kill all humans
>Nier is about the robots becoming the humans
>similar stories

Maybe you shouldn't be a fucking retard who spoils everything and ruins what could have been a great experience. Also enough with the run-on sentences, goddamn.

>got ending C
>started doing some sidequests I missed with the chapter select
>missing 5 from completing them all
>can't find where to start said quests despite being in the right chapters

You are an idiot the robots were a grey goose event in hzd but nier was about war

which sidequests?

Well, I never had to really farm anything and it made me seriously think what chips to use rather than going with any of the automatic settings. Enemies didn't feel like sponges because I just knew when not to fight and I equipped the right shit to be capable. The enemies hit harder and have a bit of different AI and it forces you to just be fucking good at the game. It's a lot of fun and requires skill.

Also, I have no idea what kind of brain damage makes someone write "hard doesn't make it harder it justs *explains things that make the game harder*.

I get that superficial assessments is how we make sense of the world since we can't invest ourselves in everything-- usually our assessments are at least pretty close to the truth. But I would implore you to try the game yourself before deciding how you feel about it. I came in with a very similar mindset and I come out with the very genuine opinion that this is one of the most important games made in the past 10 years. Even if it doesn't necessarily impact yourself heavily, it's important to also consider what kind of impact the game will have on other people as well.

You realize you're only like 25% through your first playthrough, and the real game doesn't start until you've gotten the first two endings, right?

There's 2 9S ones near the end and a couple shared ones before those. No clue which ones they are or how to find out other than looking up some list of all quests and matching it with my completed quests list

>Automata is definitely the strongest implementation of it.
I'd say its the weakest, because they're not actually routes and just a chapter break. You can remove the credits between them and not lose anything.

The best implementation was in Drakengard 1, all the routes are actually unique.

>it gets good 20 hours in

I like Automata but people who act like this isnt a problem are hilarious

A and B are routes, and C and D are routes even though you can just skip to the final boss for the second half

also C/D is essentially a "sequel" to A/B. The credits make sense for the most part

There's literally a pop-up window after the credits that tells you you haven't actually beaten the game yet.

Where did he say it isn't good from the start you massive faggot?

I'm open to different things, I'm just really not expecting much on the story/character front cause nothing I've seen or heard about it sounds particularly outstanding and the whole extreme tragedy weepy melodrama stuff has never had the effect on me it seems to have on others. I just don't necessarily automatically affiliate dark tragic twist, suffering and extreme nihilism with top quality story telling like a lot of people either so if it's what it sounds like that isn't exactly building high expectations either. To be honest I kind of just want to play the game for the game itself after the demo and if the story and characters somehow end up being above the level of grimderp anime tragedy story #1563465 than that'll just be a nice bonus.

I was fucking hyped throughout the first playthrough and really liked the sidequests, even though they're a bit of a low blow emotionally, the music sells it.

crack wen

Dosen't matter, because thats exactly what it sounds like.

You dont sell your game as some big story event and only have the story actually start when you're halfway in, that just implies some really questionable decisions with the story.

But fuck it, my boy made his 1million sales and will eat well tonight. Let's enjoy the game.

You know the giant goliath corpse that's in the city ruins after the crater appears? Stand on a piece of rubble in front of it, dialogue will begin. That's one of the quests I missed.

The story is great in [A] and [B].

The story gets even better in [C], [D] and [E] since it recontextualizes literally everything you experienced in those playthroughs.

Why the fuck are you spoiling the experience for yourself just to go into the game with a preemptive superficial opinion of it? You're such a faggot it blows my mind.

>it doesn't matter because I'm going to jump to conclusions and act like an authority on the subject without having experienced it
Shut the fuck up.

The story is happening in Routes A/B, you just won't understand the depth of the events going on until certain things are revealed to you near the endgame.

have you fought Emil the second time? That's its own sidequest

You should go back to spastic school, bro. As someone who hates with a fervor that is absolute repetitive bullshit or even playing a game more than a few rounds I had no problem with Nier's pacing, as a matter of fact I thought it was close to perfect.

Nowhere did I say that, but it wouldn't be a problem anyway.
If you're an ADD-addled retard, that's your own problem.

Not gonna lie again sounds like a fuck ton of really bad anime I've watched that never did get that much better later on so much as start heaping on the "emotional" melodrama in ever increasing doses for characters I didn't give enough of a shit about to care anyway.

CDE is more of a sequel to AB, its only B that recontextualizes A

In all honesty theyre just one big story, so I dont see the point in him treating them like routes at all. I'd like to see him try to tell a story "straight" for once, since I dont think this route thing is doing him any favors anymore.

>fought Emil the second time
I haven't fought him even once. Do I have to go somewhere or do I just have to attack him as he is driving around the city?

Something about how this is the one game Sup Forums absolutely will steadfastly defend to the death above all others that are apparently all absolute fucking shit and knowing how Sup Forums is in general has me suspecting some sort of big time trick here with this one too. It just doesn't smell right.

>You dont sell your game as some big story event and only have the story actually start when you're halfway in
It's called dramatic structure, you insufferable philistine piece of shit.

Don't act like you know anything about storytelling when the headiest media you consume are fucking Marvel movies.

did you complete his first quest? You need to go find his house after that, then take his shit twice (you need to be 9S the second time), fight him once, then get his second quest

No it recontextualizes [A] and [B] since you pick up on small nuances in their behavior that only makes sense if you understand the story from [C] onwards. Just replaying the prologue alone, you get extra meaning in their actions by knowing the whole story.

I liked the game too but come the fuck on
In what ways has this game done things never before done in video games?

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