
>[...] the main reason we play videogames is to be immersed inside wildly imaginative and strikingly beautiful environments, not to get good at pushing plastic buttons according to the dictates of obscure algorithms. The button-pushing is merely a means of making us more invested in, and thus drawing us deeper into, the game's environment, and when the environment's crap, and the button-pushing is being elevated to the aspect of primary importance, one can safely infer autism and follow one's nose: one will seldom go wrong.

Do you agree?

No I play video games only with visibly growing statistics with the characters to give myself a false impression that I myself am growing in some way

Whoever said that can fuck off.

Not an argument

Whoever posted this shit is genuinely closeminded. There's a place for video games that don't really immerse you but have great gameplay nevertheless, like pic related. Nothing wrong with a game that's just a game.

There's also a time for Pac-Man, which is the distant past.

It's just as valid as the OP, both being opinions.

Yup everyone who enjoys getting immersed in competitive games while still viewing them as games instead of playing pretend is clearly autistic, and traditional games are also autistic. Did this insight come to you while you were on the crapper?

>whatever autistic shit wrote that calling anything autism

Not at all, that's some overgeneralizing pseudo-intellectual horseshit. There's lots of reasons I play video games, different games have different strengths and weaknesses.

generally I'd agree

>[...]the main reason we play videogames s to be immersed inside wildly imaginative and strikingly beautiful environments, to continuously fill the hours that we are not working or sleeping and thus keep ourselves placated and soothed until we die

Do you agree?

I guess

I mean, it doesn't say it's the only reason. It says its the main one.

And that would still be wrong. Don't defend this garbage.

It's not "wrong," you just disagree.

I certainly do agree though. I get tired much faster in games where the environments bore me. I don't care much for competitive games except when I'm playing with friends.

That game really looks gorgeous, haven't played yet though. How is it?

I think games that have great gameplay are immersing you. If you're playing Pacman for hours on end and you're totally engaged in the game, trying to go for high scores or whatever, you're immersed.

Yes it is wrong, even saying it's the main reason is wrong as many people have different main reasons for playing video games. Some just use it as a time waster, some just like to sit back and have fun, some like to be good at the game, etc, etc.

So don't think you or whoever said this crap should be anywhere near in the right, because you just made yourself a massive retard.

Immersion is complete horseshit if you've ever actually been out in the real world. The only way games will be played for their immersiveness is when we advance to 100x more ram power than we have now

It's not "wrong" because it's not making a universal claim. "We" in the passage just refers to the author and people whose stances are close to his. Hence the question, "Do you agree?" If you don't, then you don't play video games with that as your main reason for playing.

BUT, why isn't that your main reason for playing? Has it ever been your reason for playing?

>Immersion is complete horseshit if you've ever actually been out in the real world.

I agree partially, but I've legitimately enjoyed games for the gameplay it's provided and not because I've found the world I'm in particularly immersive.

>pushing buttons to the dictates of obscure algorithms

I don't know any button pushes that I've ever made as a response to an algorithm. Whoever wrote this is trying out words they don't understand.

That's why stuff like CSGO OW and LoL is so popular right?
Whoever wrote this is clearly on the spectrum.

what's the source?

Visuals are amazing, but the game world feels very static. Combat is decently fun and it's completely worth it for $30.


I play games for good mechanics/rule sets.

wow you really showed me with that 5 meter draw distance and anything beyond that looks like ps2

Naw, it is just someone who is pushing video games as high art.

Not making your case very well.

it's basically saying only open world games have any value, which is bullshit

>"We" in the passage just refers to the author and people whose stances are close to his.
How do you know that? The author seems to be talking about gamers in general.

You should know this by now.

is this icycalm

for you

I may be an idiot, but this made no sense to me apart from
>if your primary interest is in pressing buttons and not in being immersed, you may be autistic.
Did I miss something?

I generally agree. Thats why I still enjoy "movies" even if they aren't fun. But I also don't disagree with Sometimes vidya is just a gaem.

Basically, yes.

The passage is from a review, which distinguishes between two groups of people, the author being in one of them.

So that whole statement is garbage when it comes to, say, puzzle games or something that doesn't base its gameplay solely on aesthetics. Gotcha.

Technically no since you can still play for immersion in a puzzle game. Immersion just works, or seems to work, very different for a puzzle game, since it's a more complex genre.

No. I play certain games for that reason of course. I don't play Fallout New Vegas to be incredibly skilled, I play Fallout New Vegas to lose myself in an interesting fictional world and experience things that are impossible to experience in real life.

However that simply isn't true for all games. I play Super Smash Bros Melee and Counter Strike Global Offensive for the sake of skill and competition, not immersion or experience. I don't give a shit about the lore or characters or plot of those games at all. And I play SSBM and CSGO a lot more than I play FNV, so clearly those aren't just exceptions to the rule.

>The main reason we play videogames
this is a pretentious trash quote. there is no main reason we play video games other than the general term "fun", I guess. whoever wrote this marks himself off as a self absored retard from the very first word.

Then OP is a faggot as usual. We need context for this kind of shit. At least I do.

Fair enough, but wouldn't that also apply to rhythm games since all you're basically doing is tapping buttons? You can be immersed in the music as you play, but you're essentially tapping buttons just to improve your skill and reflexes. I don't think autism has anything to do with that...

>not to get good at pushing plastic buttons according to the dictates of obscure algorithms

Sounds like this guy never got good at even ONE FUCKING video game. He wants touchy-feely pretty games to slowly walk around in, because fuck thinking on your feet or mastering your character.

"get good" exactly translates to being able to hit those buttons on instinct, without having to sit and think about "obscure algorithms". Some games take years before muscle memory take over, but reaching that level of skill at games is why most of us play in the first place.

Stick to movies asshole.

Yeah, but rhythm games are pretty shit. Fun at parties maybe, that's it.

>I don't give a shit about the lore or characters or plot of those games at all

Back when warsong gulch was added to WoW I played that shit 10+ hours a day.

My prebuilt dell struggled to get 5-10 fps during big fights, and this was at rock-bottom settings with extra mods to reduce the rendered window. Had no music, most sounds turned off, random mods putting numbers and bullshit all over my screen, the slideshow fps gave me headaches, and my room was hot as balls most of the year.

Still immersed as all fuck.