Game lets you stab female NPCs

>Game lets you stab female NPCs.

> male/female hurt grunt sounds like a sex grunt

Do women get aroused when they hear male character hurt grunts?

Whenever I act evil in a game, I pop a boner. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to become a serial killer.

This is why I can't play the Sims 2. I always come up with perverted nude fantasy scenarios.

>kill a female bandit in Skyrim
>strip her for loot
>see those cold, lifeless legs

>Go on a killing spree in a game like GTA
>Pop a massive raging boner
I'm not a psychopath, I swear!

>game lets you stab children

Just acting evil in Tyranny gets me hard.

I've spoken to a few girls who said the pained sounds Link makes in OoT got them mad wet


That's a full boner, guaranteed.

>Gaming doesn't make you violent.

We were the villains all along. We've rused ourselves into thinking otherwise. One step removed from serial killers.

You may actually just be a nutter

>game lets you play as a stabbing female

i think you might have a problem

joost no dont do it joost what are you doing joost no no nooo joost joost calm calm down jooost stop it stop it stop it you're killing people stop it stop it jooost

I'll nut on you.

>game lets you kill dogs
Those yelps of pain dogs make are more distrubing than screaming humans.

This is my favorite or tied with killing young women npcs wearing tight clothes.


I literally can't get through Morrowind because I end up spending too much time killing female NPCs, taking their clothes and crossdressing as them, and jacking off to their corpses

>find some woman's corpse while roaming around
>no option to fuck it

>be in high school
>throwing hookers off the top of a roof in saints row 2 and watching their bodies drop to the ground

u rack imagination

The fuck is wrong with you people

the devs do


You've never had one of these awkward, evil boners?

Not a real gamer.


>Entire GTA series with female pedestrians
>Crusader Kings 2 with the concubine system
>Every Bethesda RPG with mods, and even in the dark times without mods
>Capturing a female cannibal alive with a noose trap in the Forest

>See a table
>Grab a dagger
>Stab her ass until i cum

Isn't this r/Gaming?

Nice fucking try Goldensteinenberg, trying to shame my natural instincts and make me easier to control. I'm not fucking falling for it.

Would you guys kill someone in real life?

Hell no. In my mind i like to imagine i would be capable of doing so, but once a real situation arises most people would only kill if they were defending themselves.


nope only myself, which I can't stop thinking about lately

If I was immune to consequences I'd be the most prolific serial killer ever.

>game lets you make a female character
>game lets you use the toilet


>game lets you make a female character
>game has female romance options

Fuck no, unless it was some life or death situation.

Same reason I get a rapethirsty erection while playing videogames but I wouldn't actually rape a woman, not even SHE'S ASLEEP SHE'LL NEVER KNOW rape. There's still right and wrong, anonymous.
Still doesn't mean I don't wish for a woman that's in to rough rapey sex, but that's still consensual fantasy rape.

The introduction of sex mods to Oblivion and Skyrim definitely added the rape into loot and pillage.

>>Capturing a female cannibal alive with a noose trap in the Forest
Sounds interesting. Is The Forest any good? I have it in my library, installed.

is there a game where you can do this?

Nice try, FBI.

Why not? The risk?

go to jail forever? retard. I'm already suffering too much for me to handle as it is.

Nope. Beta males. Sup Forums's infested.

If we got stranded together in a survival situation, watch your fucking back. I'm eating you on my way back to civilization.

Not even joking.

You guys are weird. I only get a boner if I do this as a female character.

Anything that does this besides The Sims?


Don't get caught retard.

>play as female
>male love interest clearly meant to be OTP
>would feel bad if I just cucked him and lesd the other female party member as he's clearly trying very hard
>watch as my awkward she-elf mage rides Alistair's virgin cock

Yeah, rape them beforehand, take a piece of their meat home to eat later.

its my fetish.

>Game doesn't let you kill children

Nu Sup Forums everyone. Nu Sup Forums.

Brought to you by Reddit.

Yes. And i'd bathe in their blood If it weren't fucking filthy and full of AIDS and Hepatitis B.

>That feel when warm red blood flows through your hands

Cannibalism is truly a top tier fetish.

It's one of the few early access survival games that's reasonably entertaining. The holy trinity is Long Dark, Forest, Subnautica.
Long Dark is the most survival-focused. No goal at all, but day to day survival is always a priority, especially on the two highest difficulties.
The Forest has a story and can be finished currently. It's not a terribly great story, but it's a nice mix of exploration and light survival. Almost entirely exploration and combat but it's solid. The female cannibals also have their tits out, sadly only the 6 legged monster has pussies.
Subnautica is almost entirely exploration focused but ideally you should wait until it's finished in a few months. Hell of a lot of fun but "Survival' in it is a complete joke. Minimal grinding and good pace of advancement.

Since you've already got the game and even got it installed I'd say it's well worth playing it a bit.

No, even in a post apocalyptic hellscape I would try to avoid killing people an would inevitably get killed and eaten because of it. I don't know why you find the disconnect between "I get an erection while murdering in a videogame" and "I wouldn't actually murder anyone" so hard to fathom.

alright lemme know how it goes for you

>literally have it installed and can't just click play to find out for yourself.
FUCK. I've never even played this game and I hate you for that. The other guy who typed a long post better have fucking convinced you to play it.

>I would try to avoid killing people
But why?

>Buying Early Access.

Ashamed to share a board with you fucks. Bet you play on Normal mode, too. Goddamn I hate this place.


Vore us for the fucking worst people, right next to feet.

Survival is not worth sacrificing your morals.

OwO What's this?

PROTIP: Always work clean user.

I'm taking a forensic medicine class, and they teach us the shit people get caught with. leave LITERALLY no trace.

We're not talking vore, you faggot retard. Actual fucking cannibalism. Kill her, cut her up, cook the meat, and eat the meat.


You should also only kill people you have no connection to.

t. True crime fanatic

Do I want to know?

Only if they were trying to kill me as well. Hunting people always seemed interesting since I read The Most Dangerous Game though.

If you just shot someone and took the casng could they catch you?

I even Kickstart games, anonymous. Squirm. SQUIRM. UNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnngggggggggh.

you're leaving traces right now you retarded faggot

>it's natural to get off to murder
Are you what they call "dumb"?

the worst i'd do is rage beat someone into a coma
i couldn't straight faced kill anyone

I guarantee this is fucking Heavy Rain or some shit.

Yes, the barrel leaves an imprint on the projectile, you'll have to stole one, and then there's more chances you fuck up. Also there's all sorts of hints you were there in the environment.

Shotgun then.

what happens if you pick combo?

I'm not a criminal, user.

However, it seems the best way to commit a crime is to kidnap the victim.

Just how many people own shotguns, user. They'll catch you in no time.

Skyrim with SexLab.

Euro or coastie getting toasty detected.

>Just how many people own shotguns, user.
Is this a joke?

>The holy trinity is Long Dark, Forest, Subnautica.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks. Only one of those I'm missing is Subnautica.
Relax, I will.

In addition, rape is ALWAYS a very bad idea. You're better off with an onahole, because cops will easily get your DNA from cum and saliva you've left, and also other things like smell can be used against you.

No matter who it is, it's never worth the risk and you won't even get the full experience if you do it right.


>smell can be used against you
What the hell does this mean?

That's why Dexter's so good at it. He literally works a job that helps him find out exactly what they're looking for.

>mfw making my impromptu dismemberment labs in Fallout 4 and arranging women into lewd positions then cutting them up with the ripper
>mfw fapping to it

I have issues.

>Just how many people own shotguns, user.

shotguns are common as fuck m8 what are you talking about?

> the barrel leaves an imprint on the projectile
they'll need the gun to compare to the bullet
just get rid of the gun in a way it cant be found

They told us in class a guy took every precaution possible, yet the victim noticed the scent of his perfume, and it reminded her of the one of her neighbor, who effectively got caught.

and it's a tv show you fucking nigger

literally HowNewRU

>newfags will never leave

I get an intense and sudden boner during PvP in some games. Usually comes with an elevated heartbeat and prickly-pin sensation on my skin.

>Death scenes with female protagonist