Best MMO on the market

>best MMO on the market
>not dead
>you're on Sup Forums instead of playing it right now?

are you literally retarded?

wildstar thread

Sell me on it, I could stand to kill some time.

>That XBOX HUEG interface


that's a weird way to spell puzzle pirates

It didn't work the first time when you mentioned Double XP, it's not going to work this time

This game makes Final Cuckolding 14 look good

WoW is better.

That UI is giving me a headache holy shit

I tried it out, it was awful. I'd rather get into Maple Story.

>not dead
Pick one.

Alright shill, tell me how spamming the same 5 abilities for the whole game doesn't get boring.

Nice shill thread. The last one was better, check my 7.

Because it caters to the hardcore audience! You want to be part of the dickwaving elite, don't you?

>not dead

Is there anything to do in this game aside from from housing shit?

the best f2p mmo on the market right now is unironically runescape

Isn't FFXIV the best mmo on the market?

I don't play it nor do I intend to, btw, I'm legitimately curious.

>Best MMO

10/10 joke real funny user, I thought you were serious for a second

At least give it a day or so between threads, OP.

If anything, it has some potentially sexy races.
Except Chua. Nobody likes Chua.

FFXIV is objectively the best MMO right now, as far as MMO standards go.
F2P garbage will never touch it in any sense of reality and WoW has lived far past its prime and is a shadow of its former self.

because the pacing is shit

oh god is that wildstar
its uglier than i remember how the hell does it look worse
keep that shit away from her ewho the fuck even plays it these days

fun, comfy, and free. no tab targeting bullshit, based on actual real skill

can't hurt to try it

At least post some good houses.

Only thing that game was useful for was housing decorating and stripping femechari and watching them ERP-walk

It's absolutely not.

why do people play ugly MMOs? I am genuinely curious what drives an user toward playing something for thousands of hours without any fantasy female bait to look at. the ultimate goal besides violence is sex and if an MMO doesn't have both what's the point of dedicating all that time? is it true autism to roleplay strictly as your male alter ego violence/hero fantasy for 1000 hours instead of indulging in the violent fantasy AND sex fantasy simultaneously?

Always has been, always will be.


Not even worth a (You)

>not dead

>not dead
it's almost looking at closing it's servers dead

Then why would the most recently released update from the devs say they're planning on releasing a new update later on this year?
This coming from a company overseen by NCSoft of all companies.
Gotta be getting at least enough to limp along.

You have not answered the most important question:

Sandbox or Themepark?

themepark. its shit.


Into the trash then.

EVE is the only MMO I need and I don't even have time to play it.

I really want a great big budget sandbox game that isn't early access garbage.
I'm hopeful for the new Amazon mmo but we still don't know anything about it past their initial blurb.

Wildstar isn't godawful as far as themepark mmorpgs go, but the ui is fucking cancer as well as the constant telegraphing. You can get used to it but either I'm too old or too lazy or too retarded, it just bugged the fuck out of me.
The pvp was also a shitshow even by mmo standards.

The one thing they do really well in the game is the player housing even if it's instanced (at this point non-instanced housing is rare anyway). I just wish the entire game had that kind of attention to detail and fun.

The sense of humor in the game was fun at first (kind of felt like an 80s saturday morning cartoon come to life) but after a half hour it gets really really really old. Not the worst thing and purely subjective, but whatever.
If the game was actually REALLY fun a lot of the shortcomings could be overlooked. They fucked themselves with the initial dungeon difficulties and letting the pvp server be a wasteland for so long.

I'd sell my soul for a new SWG. Playing on basilisk is fun but not nearly the same, as everyone has 12 characters, is completely self-sustained, and the only people left giving a fuck are the same 25 or so screechers that are there solely to duel each other and post mfw reactions on the subreddit.

>stormblood in two months
>get to go 200% weeb and play as an all powerful SAMURAI
It's gonna be awesome.
>mfw wow releases their raid on the same day and I'm forced to choose one

I preordered and played at release, I have a level 50 dominion human warrior

After month 1, people started getting to endgame then getting burnt out because the lack of active guilds running the content, and then running it so all 20 people could be attuned. also shit stats on gear. Literally getting worse gear from raid bosses than level 45-50 quests because the stat optimization was fucking retarded.

Then month 2 and a bit, not much had came out in terms of content, struggling to fill spots to run the same raid over and over was getting tiring - and then there is a huge lay off with the company, like half the people were fired because there wasn't enough money

this slowed shit down even more, just nothing at all until F2P. Thats when the game had its 2nd breathe of life. I started playing again, this time I got an exile engineer to 50 on another server with a friend... exactly the same story as last time. People wanted hard earned challenging endgame content but at the same time there wasn't enough active people to actually complete or even attempt said content

I just quit, the game is great, the story is great, the world is great. ITs the best MMO since vanilla WoW but the issue lies in the dying/dead community and the developers naivety when it comes to developing new content

LOL xD So randum and funny guyz xD FOR SCIENCE, CUPCAKE! AWESOME! BADASS!

Fuck off and kys, this shit is worse than blunderborn or memelands.