From the same devs behind Lords of the Fallen

here it is Dark Souls killer.
How can japan even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off with your shill shit, lords of the fallen was absolute garbage

>my white people game


>Lords of the Fallen devs
>Dark souls killer

Thanks senpai, that was good.

>Implying it wasn't better than Dark Souls in every aspect

Will probably still have better level design and art style than Nioh.

>Deck13’s creative director, Jan Klose, isn’t a fan of the comparison. “We were not comparing ourselves to the Souls series but more to Lords of the Fallen,” explains Klose, “surprisingly, many people don't say that The Surge is a science fiction Lords of the Fallen, but instead they say it's a science fiction Dark Souls - it's like, come on, we already did that game, we're trying to evolve from that.”
who do these cunts think they are LMAO

Still better than Das2 bitch

have you seen any footage? when you kill an enemy you can rip off legs, arms ,etc. It makes a splash blood sound louder than Dark Souls. This is way more mature and realistic.

the game was buggy as fuck and enemies just spin around like fucking beyblades when you circle around them, it was retarded


>Make a game that's a dark souls ripoff
>Make a new game that's the same shit but sci fi
>D-d-don't compare us to dark souls guys compare us to or previous game which in of itself was a clone of dark souls

That's such a stupid thing to say.

>bring Nioh bad meme in every thread
You don't even own a PS4 why are you doing this? Microsoft is paying you?

>pre order now to get items that are obsolete an hour into the game!

why do people fall for this

>Deck13 Interactive is a German video game company based in Frankfurt, Germany.


I wanted to know why western devs include skins as pre-order bonus or even in the Deluxe Edition

Is LotF really that bad? I'm craving a new Souls-ish experience but I'm waiting for the complete edition of 3 to get cheaper.

>genetic boring big white man protagonist wearing big bulky armor

Yeah it is from the LotF devs alright.

Because I need something to do while Bloodborne is loading, weeb.

wow that is some desperate fucking shilling. You need to be replaced with someone more subtle.

it's alpha build tier

dark souls 2 was better than lords of the fucking fallen

what's the name of this kind of reddit reply? it's the equivalent of tips fedora

I find it funny how they are pretending Lords of the Fallen never existed.

With Dark Souls II and Bloodborne we got

With this it's more like
>Lords of the Fallen? haha what's that? Some shitty Souls clone you say? Never heard of it!

And this is literally a reskin of that and it looks like they've learned NOTHING from their mistakes.

It's awful. Not even worth $5.

BB > DaS > Nioh > DaS 3 > DeS > DaS 2 > Salt and Sanctuary > No videogames > Lords of the Fallen

I found LotF to be very bland and unimpressive. forced myself to beat the first miniboss, then said fuck it and uninstalled

I can't tell if you're also being ironic or if you're an actual retard who really thinks that user was shilling.

because Sup Forums is afraid to realize Lords of the Fallen is better than Meme Souls

>guys the fun part about dark souls is when you wear FULL gimp rolling gear!
>make the entire game like that

It was a really terrible game, tried to siphon off the aspects that made dark souls popular and pretty much copied it in the worst way possible

>Lords of the Fallen was free on psn plus last year
>install it
>20fps the entire time
>All knight enemies look exactly the same

I forced myself to finish it. Awful, awful game.

That bookcase wizard boss in the DLC is absolutely one of the worst bosses I've ever experienced in a videogame. Right up there with that fish in Link's Awakening.

It's fucking horrible. It feels like what would happen if you told an AI to create a Souls game, it would do it, but it wouldn't understand what makes them good. It's legitimately a bad game where the story makes no sense, mechanics make no sense, and it's "difficult" in the sense that your weapons do fuck all damage and enemies will just tank your hits for days.

Play Nioh, it nails the gameplay, but not the level design / atmosphere of Souls.

I can only imagine the day Nioh will be running in 1440p glory 120~144fps

>neckbeard attempts to use the fedora insult as he runs damage control for his combat tunnel game because "muh katanas"

What is this, Dark Souls with a mech skin and Denuvo? I'd rather buy Battletech from Harebrained Schemes, those guys will probably deliver.

Someone post the copypasta

Anti-Denuvo and Fromdrones are mad as fuck that a sequel has already been confirmed. It's a better, Western take on the Souls formula with greater than Japanese production values that blows Bloodborne out of the water.

>A LOOSELY Souls-style game with INSANELY better graphics.
>Motion-captured animations.
>Westernized/European aesthetic and ideals.
>Dynamically placed, ambient music cues
>A FULLY REALIZED, immersive story with a set character that's actually voiced.
>FULLY voiced audio notes
>Mouths actually move when characters talk
>Stops at NG++.
>Much harder, REALISTIC fighting.
>Metroid/Castlevania style exploration.
>Don't have to worry about retards interfering with your game
>A much MORE rewarding Level-up system that emphasizes risk versus playing it safe.
>No retarded marathon runs to get back to a boss
>Boss weapon drops are dependent on how you battle/kill a boss, making strategy VERY rewarding.
>It's on PC

It isn't that same without the image desu


I did like the mechanic of enemies growing in level when they kill you.

LotF was garbage, why would I be excited about this?

My favorite part was when every enemy with a shield turtled until you attacked them so you were forced to play some bullshit tactic to even land a single light attack on them.

I unironically enjoyed LotF.

Worse than any souls game, but still fun.


It really was.

>Dark Souls clone
>Forced white male only protagonist

Why do they keep doing this

let me create my character ffs

character creation is the ultimate autism though. 10 min later there are 200 videos on youtube with clickbait whores and autists screaming about "LUK AT MY PROTAG LMAO"

That may be true, but character customization is always fun and enjoyable. It really feels odd having a Souls-esque RPG with a voiced and faced protag. Not sure how it'll fly in practice.

I don't believe this is a real post. Only here to bait some poltard to spam you. Nobody has that opinion.

>customization is always fun and enjoyable
It gives false illusion of choice. Video games should have defined character and X end. This multi-end/moral choice xD/create trend should die.

Is it going to be shilled as hard as LOTF?

Well at least you can't blame them for not marketing it

Its fine, its not the best or worst game ever so make up your own damn mind

It has some neat particle effects.
That's pretty much it, it's a chinese bootleg Dark Souls.
Deck 13 creates nothing but shovelware.

t. austist

You dont have to compete when your opponent is a corpse OP.

Hey OP!

Thanks for bumping this marketeer thread that was about to die, idiot.

sorry forgot to sage


Elysium: The Game?

S'what I thought of when I saw the trailer.

Not even close.

who is ass?

I would quite like to play this game, it doesn't look great or anything, but the one thing putting me off is that the exosuit thing looks SO retarded and you will be looking at it for the entire game.

I actually watched an interview with a member of their team who joined between Lords of the Failure and The Surge, he spent most of the interview saying "LotF was shit".

Should I take the fact that no one ever posts any gameplay webms as evidence that it's shit?

Pretty much

Looks fun, day one buy tbqh

You should take that as evidence that there isn't a defense brigade at the ready to sell you the game and prove that it's worth your precious attention

LotF is complete shit. Makes sense there's going to be a lot of shilling for this game.

So far this thread has about 3 posts about it which are obvious bait, but no shilling.

It's fun, but nothing you'd want to play through twice. Any time someone calls it awful, it's just some DS1/3 Miyakaki fanboy autistard.

sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who actually had fun playing LotF

>im not even giving the game a chance before i shit on

why even like video games if thats all youre gonna do

nah. I did as well. but i went in with the mindset that I enjoy c-tier games and sometimes even d-tier. so i had fun.

Exo-skeletons look stupid. Why do western devs have a hard-on for them.

Because they are real, functional things that exist and would be well suited for a video game setting?

The visual isn't fantastic, but I guess that's better than overdesigning it

They are good sometimes.
The Nioh pre-order armor sets were both good.

>Exo-skeletons look stupid

nigga theyre cool as fuck

anyone with a brain knows that these are just shitty clones of good games

Same. Came remember ever getting pre-order DLC that was worth a damn, then again I haven't pre-ordered in years because I almost never buy day one or there's never a shortage because I don't buy Nintendo.

>I have no arguments so I better just flail wildly at the keyboard in order to try and get my 'point' across.

I've never tried Souls games because I have a chronic aversion to controllers and I had fun with it.
Wouldn't consider it C-tier either.
Combat - to me - was fluid, the graphics are extremely pretty even if the item design isn't my cup of tea, animations look nice and there's a nice backstory to it if you bother to read the lore entries you collect.
My only gripe is that some of the bosses were overly simple.

The first game had some major problems and it looks like they're just going to repeat their mistakes.
First game had a derivative Warcraft aesthetic, this game is derivative light exo-skeleton aesthetic and both look pretty shit.
First game had only 2 environments throughout and this game is already set in an industrialized desert.

On top of that the game has crafting and the trailer constantly uses words like loot which bodes just as badly for the game and world design as LotF already demonstrates how completely unoriginal and incestuously focused on established ideas these devs are.
I bet if you stuffed them in an idea guy thread and asked them to describe their ideal game they'd start with "It's like X but...".
Can't even reference the level design without saying a word like "metroidvania" to describe it and so far it just seems like nothing substantial other than doors with power requirements I guess.

And then it goes into a slo-mo kill cam and you get a crafting recipe for the flashing yellow bodypart you cut off.
Yeah no.
There was an attempt but it was bungled severely.
Horizontal and Vertical attacks and targeting body parts is kind of sweet but it's drowning under heaps of shit.

Aah, is this the bait?
The bait of the Dark Soul?

ITT: >I'm going to defend this game because lots of people hate it

>Better just declare it not worthy of thought and repeat the same shit in my cancerous echo chamber
Execute yourself

Yeah ok shill

you barely ever have to use rolling though
it's much more economical to block and take a few steps back

Effeminate Souls fags are triggered by the manly MC.

the engine is better or at least looks better than the ds one

Fucking kill yourself you degenerate kike dick sucking cunt.

Post yfw you don't fall for Lords of the Fallen 2 shilling

>falling for anything ever
Get on my level scrub

Whoa now, don't get mad at people who can see a shitty game from a mile away

If i company makes a single bad or meh game it automatically can never redeem itself.

This is a fact as we all know every single From software game is pure gold.


Wait what?
What do you mean from made more games than just souls?

I would love for this game to fix the mistakes of Lords of the fallen but it just hasn't. Go watch any gameplay, it looks almost identical. Graphic style has no character, everythiing is overdesigned, bulky and hideous, slow combat, uninspired world.

I would love this to be good. It's just not.

Every game made by this hack is a 6 at best, Souls only got a free pass thanks to the Apple tier marketing. Just replace TRENDY POPULAR SOCIALITE with HARDKORE GAYMURR.

Well, where's your game, then?

That describes half the last generation and a solid chunk of this one.

What kind of shitposting strategy is this?