Give it to me straight Sup Forums

Give it to me straight Sup Forums.

How is pic related?

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Another garbage early access battle royal game specifically designed for streamers

Fun since it isn't a generic survival game.

How can japanese games compete?

we'll let you know three months from now when everyone forgot it existed and moved one the next pile of trash sold to them by p̶a̶i̶d̶ ̶"̶i̶n̶f̶l̶u̶e̶n̶c̶e̶r̶s̶"̶ bro streamers

Fotm early access streamer shit just like Conan, H1Z1, Rust, and Day Z.

It feels like they managed to somehow turn on vsync, but not just once, a million times, that's how bad the input lag is. Also, everything looks like a shitty blurry mess.

This. Look how fucking cringe inducing this video is.

Missing Ark Survival on that list.

Fun to watch Shortyy play, but I wouldnt pay a dime

you playing it hoping you bump into your favorite streamer

Runs like absolute shit, we'll get a good BR game in 2020


Laggy, glitchy mess that desperately needs client optimization, bug fixes, and a better netcode, but it's still fun to play with friends. Could be alright if they manage to fix the game up.

Why does every one say that? I'm running a gtx 1070 and a i7 7700 and getting a solid 60 fps on max settings.

just go watch hunger games already familia. BR games aren't good. they're the survival games of 2017.

it's fun, not a great game, but it's fun

>get 60 fps
>still feels laggy
wow. maybe because nobody is using an fps overlay and don't know they're still getting 60 fps you retard? congrats on your... hehe... 7700 though HAHAHHA, what a shitty cpu you bought.

H1Z1 if it was good

>buying h1z1 twice

how stupid can you be, you guys are just like cod fuccbois

Garbage game for streamers

More fun to watch than it is to play.

It would be fun if it was more about fighting other players. But you'll spend almost all of your time managing the wall.

I'm amazed that my friends bought this shit. I thought they would be better than that.

People who pay full price for it trick themselves into thinking it's good so they don't realise they wasted that money on a broken, shitty, unfinished games.

Early access should be stopped.

Reminder to report marketing threads.

MSI gtx 970

Runs like shit

I played two hours today. In those hours, I got in two firefights in which both players exchanged shots.

If you like running across a eerily quiet map for 20 minutes hoovering up loot only to get one-shotted by a sniper cheesing a 3rd person cam behind a rock before you ever fire your weapon... go nuts.

needs a first person only mode

and like basic optimization

>3.5GB of ram
wow. sounds like you're a moron, tbqh.