Asking honestly... What's better? Sup Forums or reddit?

Asking honestly... What's better? Sup Forums or reddit?

I think some subreddits on rebbit are better than Sup Forums by far, but the big mainstream boards are terrible. The ethos of reddit is still pretty aids though with the voting system... But Sup Forums is also fucking disgusting in its own way. 2bh both are total shit.

Feel free to leave and not come back. That is an option.

I can hear specific subreddits---especially for less discussed games like flight sims, realistic racing titles, and the like---are more useful than anything Sup Forums could muster up about those topics. But for general gaming "discussion" and tomfoolery, Sup Forums is king, baybay.

It's too late

You do know why people here call reddit a 'hugbox', right? It's because when people go there, they begin to homogenize their beliefs and opinions to the point where they lose the ability to argue. There's no point to discussion cuz you can just read the most upvoted post, and the layout of the site makes any actual attempts at debate impossible. And whenever someone comes along with a dissenting opinion, it's downvoted.

If you don't like Sup Forums because a couple people here called you a fag or posted something nasty, then you're probably an easily triggered fag. The fact that you're even asking this of anybody, especially Sup Forums itself, confirms this.

Eh dumb weebs

>Penalty point for the fatty

what's the point this ruins the fetish aspect for me

Lel Sup Forums has a hivemind too newfriend

I don't love either. I don't care that Sup Forums is abrasive, I dislike how off topic it is. People here genuinely love memes way too much and I think they're probably mostly teenagers.

If I ever found somewhere better to discuss video games I'd be gone in a heartbeat.

just visit both

none of them are best girl


But they're both fucking awful. I really wish I had something better to do 2bh.

None, Sup Forums is already too popular that normies from both reddit and tumblr has dilluted this site

boards and subreddits are as cancerous as the people that use them

Reddit, solely because of the content boards.

We got rid of /rs/ here years ago, and the place has been shit since.


When will we fight those redcucks again anyway? Faggots.



>Want the nerd because she plays vidya
>She's submissive

>Want the class rep because she's dominant
>No vidya

>Want the Dumpy one
>Provably is a submissive that doesn't play vidya

>Want the "nerd" because I like dfc thin girls
>Don't want to be a sjw

The struggle is real. Rolling for 0.

Depends on what you're looking for. Reddit is good at giving information and sharing amusing content of/about games, but due to their flawed voting system, opinions often homogenize. Sup Forums is better in that you're anonymous, all posts are given the same priority, and conversations are much easier to read and feel more authentic.

Barring /r/gaming and the other biggest ones, reddit is currently much better for discussion. There's just way too much shitposting here.

OP that's stupid so I'm gonna drop off some CYOA's before the mods delete this.

Fuck it.


What a fuckin' mess! Losin' your own shit at your grandparent's silver wedding and killing everybody was fucking amazing but now you're chassed by the cops! Hidden in a shabby students flat in the centre of town, you spent days drinking like a whore as your memory fade away and now you woke up in your bed near to a gutted and disemboweled foreign girl. At least it seems you have put your dick in something! Your housemates left you alone, but who cares, it's Christmas!

>7 - Tomboy

Fuck yes.


here we go

Rolling for uppity


rollin for golem

Reddit can be pretty god damn based at times. They certainly have less shit posting not to argue one over the other. The only good reason to browse Sup Forums is for the console wars and political debates.

Obviously Sup Forums. Subs on reddit always devolve into echo chambers and the user base make sure any offending comments are downboated in obscurity. Even worst, the mods take part in it too. You can't really do anything to combat it.

Sure, Sup Forums can get pretty off topic, but that just proves that no can keep your discussion in a box, it can go whatever direction it takes you, mods or redditfags be damned.



If i get a 6 I WILL kill myself and stream it



I've only been to reddit maybe 5-10 times in my life and posted about 3 times. In my limited experience, some posts there 100% no bullshit truth which is something you never get on Sup Forums. People are too worried about being funny or cool on Sup Forums to tell it as it is. That said, I'd say 30% of the posts here come off as at least somewhat genuine while the majority of reddit is too worried about fee fees and upvotes to generate actual discussion.

This is legit a difficult choice. At first glace you'll want the towel with the best absorption because that's why you're using a towel in the first place, but then if you consider long-term uses (ie just wearing/sitting on the towel) not being comfy can be a huge problem, and if you are going to be using a towel in the long-term you'll probably want one that doesn't look like ass.


They're faggots.

But Sup Forums is full of faggots too.

Really, it depends on which flavor of faggots you prefer. You're not any less shitty for liking either or.

>he's been on reddit before

nerd #9 pls




I never went on reddit but Sup Forums is nice because it's anonymous and people can't judge me for my past posts or thumb me down to hide my post for disagreeing.
I probably make hundreds of posts a week you guys are my only friends.



Don't peek into the mystery box unless you already chose something, okay?




>Work off fat quickly, get a little buff
>Start living a bit better.

Yeah, I'll go with that.


>people that have jobs and families lost to people that live on the computer
who'd have thunk

ples be 2

Tomboy pls




this is true. The gaming subreddit is a fucking cesspool

ask away


Making her a slut is good too.


well a rolls a roll

Oh boy, I can't wait for redditors to come crawling out of the woodwork proclaiming their shitty site is better, despite it being so shit they're not even on it.

Jokes on you I already got 00 in real life.



Want to talk about For Honor strategy? There's a place for that, it's called /r/competitiveforhonor
One might think that /r/ForHonor would be the best place to talk about the game itself, but the way reddit works is that anything that attracts even a small amount of memery is instantly flooded with shit tier, low effort, twelve year old memes and ruined. It's the worst thing about reddit, it splits communities. People who might think the standard subreddit is a good place for discussion would get turned off by the lack of meaningful content, and the lack of anything funny in the subreddits dedicated to discussion makes them dry and boring. It simply can't handle a happy medium between jokes and discussion.


tomboy pls

This is a personal favorite.



Incorrect. In fact, given anonymity, the dissenting opinion would be more ideal because of (you)'s. Arguably, there's a need to constantly stick out, so there's a constant rotation of opinions.

rolling for qt nerd

Do video games have a future?

stop bumping the thread retards. Just report and move on.

For what?



rollan the bones

What are these called and where can I find more? i remember people used to post these all the time, those treads were great.

This shit is gay haha I don't care about this