What's the point of making multiple playable races if they're not going to be relevant?
What's the point of making multiple playable races if they're not going to be relevant?
Because making them all relevant is harder than just a select few.
Because #OrclivesMatter
>Humans are everywhere
>Night Elves have lore all over the place
>Gnomes are guilty of being irrelevant
>Draenei a core of BC/WoD
>Worgen have a starting zone then... nothing really
>Orcs are everywhere
>Trolls have dungeons/raids/zones dedicated to them
>Tauren have some bits with the Cenarion Circle
>Undead have zones dedicated to them
>Belfs are a core of BC then just sort of fade in obscurity
>Goblins are wacky comic relief
>Entire xpac dedicated to them
>Entire class based around them
>Obscure after MoP
Why can't Pandas be death knights?
Also why can't Worgens be monks
Lich King is dead by the time pandas were discovered
different woman to masturbate to
>Also why can't Worgens be monks
That's an odd once since both Worgens and Goblins have monk animations in the files.
>Why can't Pandas be death knights?
I believe that's why private severs were made for.
>Why can't Pandas be death knights?
Lore, Lich King was dead before Pandaria was discovered
>Also why can't Worgens be monks
Lore wise player worgens, and goblins, start out in Isolation before the Cataclysm, well before Pandaria was started, so there could be monk NPC's for them but it doesn't work for player ones
The same could be said for Worgen and Goblin
Why not add different races to the game if it doesn't effect gameplay too much? Sure you could argue it's taking resources from somewhere else, but it obviously gets people excited and makes them happy.
Play what you enjoy. If you enjoy cosmetic new races, cool!
Before Legion there were full animations for tons of races but it's a bit more complicated now.
Of course they can just re-use skeletons like they've been doing for the past decade though
>what are transformation items
Pointless when I can just modelswap whenever I want.
>Burning Crusade we return to their broken world
>Cataclysm Orcs main man Thrall is the hero
>Mist of Pandaria the main antagonist is an Orc and the current Warchief, last raid is all about him.
>Warlords of Draenor we go back in time following the previous antagonist back to the home world of the Orcs before the Draenei dicked them out of their world, in the end we got to kill a lord of the Legion Archimonde for good.
Most expansions, plot lines, and success are caused from THE best race and the facts are there and any argument against them is irrelevant
What's the point of any race but Human, Draenei, Blood Elf and Orc?
What's the point of not having wildhammer dwarves, dark iron dwarves, forest trolls, black orcs, brown orcs, fel orcs, half ogres, high elves, undead elves, etc.?
Because they are either not directly a part of the faction as a whole or don't make sense to really have.
Fel orcs are too bloodlust for continuing to "double dip in that fel shit" that is pit lord blood.
Brown orcs pretty much only exist in Draenor/Outlands and then you run into fucking up timelines and the fact that Outland orcs can turn green by either leaving through the portal and even if they aren't they were mostly loyal to Garrosh and hes fucking RIP.
Undead elves could be a thing but Garrosh during the Cataclysm basically told Sylvanas that raising our own dead is wrong.
Forest Trolls haven't really sided with the Horde for a long ass time and then you get conflict between them and Belfs.
High elves I think would just make normies confused in PvP and shit.
And for dwarfs I don't see them adding dark iron ones but they could easily do wildhammer since the only difference is really just tattoos and the way the models work is everything can be used on anything so in theory you can have a Tauren with a demon hunter Tattoo and the new Legion Tauren moose people horns.
Also black orcs are just a can of bullshit. no one knows why they are black people think its most likely their connection to the black dragonflight or that they are like half way between green and red orcs. regardless they tend to be apart of the dark horde which are just anti thrall people.
generic and boring
for fags and need to be eradicated
>Blooof Elves
for fags
literal niggers'
>Everything else
why can goblins and gnomes wear plate?
It's a fucking cartoon.
???? it's smaller and adequate for their size?
It's the same gear with the same stats as armor worn by a 8 foot tauren.
They have the same amount of strength and everything. Gnome warriors were one of the greatest offenses against lore that existed at the start of the game.
Gravewalker Gie is as close as you're getting.
Come to think of it, a Mistweaver with their powers corrupted to channel death instead sounds pretty awesome. We have a Nelf paladin, maybe there was an unlucky wandering brewmaster or a few back in the days when they were just mercs
>Gnome warriors were one of the greatest offenses to lore.
Ok defend this shit then Tauren supposed to weigh like 700-1500 lb so tell me how they can do a flying kick.
>Ogre everywhere
>No Ogre race
What if we make it even more irrelevant by letting people pay cash to change race on the fly?