Why do you hate morgana?

Why do you hate morgana?

Because her root last way too long to be fair.

You mean The House in Fata Morgana?

Nigger extermination when?

Nigger & cat extermination when?

>cat extermination
Yes please. Just bought a new house with me and my wife only to discover 3 weeks later the old bag across the street feeds feral cats. At any given moment, there's at least 9 of them on her front porch and another 4 wandering around my yard. Everything outside smells like cat piss and I have to pick up at least 4 or 5 shits daily. It's been 2 years and there's about 8 more cats than when I moved in

Because you cat romance him

Poison those shits.
Realize that you can't even have a garden with those thing s around they will dig up everything and treat your place like a litterbox

Rockin' those suburbs there, dad?

Unironically kill yourself. If you're just a little bitch poisoning animals instead of taking the issue up with their owner you deserve to be publicly executed and your own pets should get brutally defanged and raped to death by abos

>just bought a house
>it's been 2 years
call animal control you passive aggressive fuck

If that were my cat i would have actually tried to cut their throats

He said they're feral cats you idiot, they have no owner.

>stray cats
Do you read?

Morgana is cute and I like how he stays on topic and a lot more serious than Teddie.

I do agree that his "You need to go to bitch!" lines are annoying but honestly it's not that bad and doesn't distract from his character.

He's also a great mascot, cute and recognizable.

>killing yourself ironically

black ''''''people''''''

He's not as fucking horrible as Teddy was.
I fucking hated Teddy with a passion.

black """"""humans""""""

I want to kill that african american.

Did someone link this thread to PETA or something?

>being this new

>Sup Forums poster
>of any value whatsoever as a living being
Change your hikkikomori ways.

Are cats easy pets?

I'm lonely and don't want to have to pay my apartment's pet fee, so something easy to hide is nice.

Not for you.

fuck off racist



Get a dog with a strong prey-drive. Let him eat the cats in your yard.

It's perfectly legal.

>and cried

I hate stupid white people

>Change your hikkikomori ways.

Good. Fuck i hate cats.

Anyone got the great Cat and Geese war


>implying crying means only shedding tears.

be honest user, would you feel safe around those ''''people''''?

morgana's pretty cute when he's in your bag walking around town huh

>it's male
The fuck?

Safer than you. That's why I let De'Quan shove his ten incher up all my holes all the time.
Feels good too.

Go to bed you little shit

Let's not do that today.

>Its a sociopath thread

>tfw forced my gf to give her cat to her parents who live like three hours away because it was annoying me and my dog in our new house

Cats are shit unless they literally get their food by hunting pesky rats which are worse

How was the breakup.

yes i would, how is that even a question?


Cats are felines.

>your own pets should get brutally defanged and raped to death by abos
>Pretends to love pets
>Wishes someone else's pets suffer

Do you eat crayons?

>tfw my mom is that lady
I keep telling her to stop and that she's not doing any good, but she never does. You'd think she'd listen to her son that works with animals, but I suppose it's not in a mother's nature to listen.