Your favorite game is now old enough to have sex with

>Your favorite game is now old enough to have sex with

What's her name Sup Forums?

Third Strike, soon.

>released april 2005

Is there anywhere where 12 is the age of consent?

Several parts of Mexico

it was release on april 19 so technically she's 11

Kingdom Hearts is 15, and that's the age I lost my virginity so there ya go.

Majora's Mask is still a minor.



Pokémon RBY. Pic related because I'm sure there's a great Pokémon/sex related picture out there that would be perfect for this post so I'll just post my reaction

I mean technically you can have sex with anyone regardless of age




Pokemon Blue
>Red is old enough to fuck now


dont judge

>Psychonauts was made in 1999

This explains u/Hecho of Voat.


Yeah, like wtf. Why even have an age limit at all if you're going to have the age of consent below double digits?


No one can stop you in Oman. Go crazy.

>Loli fans start making plans to the pink zone once they see this picture

I think Yemen's is mostly symbolic because Muhammad took his youngest wife's virginity at 9.