Post your vidya bae
Post your vidya bae
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Serana. Modded of course.
Vanilla's pretty fine on her own.
your shepard looks like a faggot
Considering Bethesda just generally likes to make below average females I just use mods and pretend that's the canon. Besides in ESO they finally have vanilla good looking females so its not like they don't exist.
I will always be mad that we didn't get a romance.
And it would be great if it wasn't a touchy-feely bullshit Bioware romance too, but more of a "soldiers-trapped-on-a-ship" desperate release of tension romance. But that would never happen because Bioware's writers are ascended fanfiction shipping authors.
I wanna get shitfaced with Dr. Chocolates and probe Uranus.
No romance because he has a canon gf.
Muscle girls are top tier taste
Eternal waifu forever tier, Tali
ayeee, I see you nigga
Fuuka is my one and only.
best girl.
I said I see you. Not much love for .hack these days, ya know?
>female seal
fuck off normalfag
I love Reisen!
There's a lot of love on Sup Forums for .hack// apparently. I see posts about it all the time. Why are you posting these weird pictures?
Want me to post more? Call me Kite bb
About to play through Mass Effect original trilogy for this first time in a long ass time. Renegade or Paragon?
Just try to imagine the smell
was coming here to post this
glad I'm not the first for once, good taste user
How can white/nip vidya girls even compete?
He does?
At least you could rape him
I'm still mad.
good taste
as for mine OP, pic related
got anymore rare gifs? bigby a cute
Please refrain from typing in ebonics in my board. Thank you.
Where does one find this sperm wyrm? Where can one acquire this fluid druid? Where does this semen demon spawn?
>Season 2 never
It hurts
i'm glad you asked...
Literally who?
>ywn find a guy like this irl
hey, fuck off she's mine
superb taste, my fellow negro
ok i'm dry, bye
marry me bigby
Not a big fan of Miranda as a character is ME but man do I wana fuck the shit out of Yvonne Strahvoski