>Hire someone who is promoting child porn
what is Nintendo of America end game?
Censore polygons/sprites
Nintendo wants to please both the children and the manchildren.
Smart move, considering those two make up 99% of their market.
Never happened
Please stop making this libelous thread
repeating that over and over doesn't make it true
God I'd fill her with so much cum
can I fuck her instead
So Nintendo didn't hire someone who is asking for child porn to be normalized since 2012?
>Still beating this dead horse
Why are you such a faggot OP?
as long as mods don't delete Sup Forums threads I'll keep posting Sup Forums and SJW material because it triggers people like you who shitpost 24/7
OP, did it take you months to post this?
>Its this fucking thread again
Fucking an hero yourself op nobody cares.
Could always post it on the correct board, Sup Forums, where it belongs. Actively contributing to the problem specifically to "trigger" people is part of the reason why Sup Forums got so bad over the years.
Horribly shaped breasts and proportion.
why the fuck does she always take pictures from this super creepy angle
creeps me out more than brianna wu
Mods allowing Sup Forums threads is the problem. They even allow gay porn almost every day
>people like you who shitpost 24/7
>While he's shitposting
Man you live in a strange world in your head
>I'll keep posting Sup Forums and SJW material because it triggers people like you
I can smell the aspergers on you
More like they stopped caring, because the second mods take action, the userbase rebels even harder.
I don't get it, she looked like a normal person the first times she appeared in treehouse streams.
What drives a person to devolve into such degeneracy?
>nose piercing
>fringe haircut
I didn't even care.
She's right, child porn laws are garbage.
I also agree that Nintendo had the right to fire her if she is going around promoting this shit linking it to her job.
In retrospect, are you satisfied Sup Forums? Because once again, all you've done is given literally whos the publicity and attention they wanted.
>but we got her fired
And she got job offers in the industry the very same day. She declined though. But why would she do that? Decline job offers when she was just fired? Probably because the attention you gave her filled her patreon, or more accurately, whore pockets to such an extent, that it was simply not necessary.
Mission accomplished.
Friendly reminder that Zoe Quinn still makes 2.5k a month on patreon for no other reason than getting harassed online, thanks to your efforts.
At least it helps us spot them
she has sad boobs and being cute doesnt save them
>Sup Forums now hates loli
Nigga you've gone full contrarian
>They even allow gay porn
>gay porn
you sound like such a freedom hating faggot
To be fair, she is a woman.
It's less creepy and therefore less criminal for a woman to be a pedophile, you know.
I post like 1 thread every 6~7 days, you are here every day making Sup Forums threads and *blocks your path* memes
Who is she and why do people care?
>to be fair
How does gender make it "fair"? There's no line drawn between genders when it comes to something like wanting to fuck kids. It's bad either way.
>you are here every day making Sup Forums threads and *blocks your path* memes
that's wrong. Sup Forums mods has always been very selective with their bans. Some threads are deleted in less than 30 seconds while click-bait whores are allowed for hours.
Sup Forums didn't do anything it was Kiwi Farms
Doesnt that huge bridge between her nose and forehead kinda signify some kind of defect like aspergers or something?
She kinda looks weird as fuck
I want to say how disgusting you fucks are but then I realized your perma virgins who've probably never even gotten a hug from a women.
>never even gotten a hug from a women.
the only hug I want from women are from my mom and grandmother.
Female pedos don't hurt and kill kids like male pedos.
You're retarded
I take it you've only been here a couple of years at most, then? There was a point in time where off-topic garbage like this would get pruned very quickly, and tripfags who started blatant shitposting threads would cop bans and their threads would get deleted just as fast. This all eventually stopped because you can't really prevent anonymous from doing what anonymous wants to do.
Googke is your friend
>tfw you realize your grandmother and mother have gargled cum and choked on many dicks
I'm busy play persona fuck you
Most posters on Sup Forums are phoneposters now. Thus they can shitpost non-stop.
>promoting child porn
This isn't one of those retarded as fuck canadian faggots who think loli is child porn is it?
nigger, problem is that shit like what OP posted attracts more idiots who care about non-videogame garbage, having the opposite effect of say, someone dumping gore or gay furry porn across the board.
even videogame related smut and porn is healthier for the board, since it's more topical to discussion than politics and twitter posts will ever be.
>promoting child porn
She never brought up loli at any point you raging newfag.
Female pedos and castrated male pedos usually use objects to do the fucking.
we should seriously do something about these aspie Sup Forumstard undesirables posting on our image board.
Maybe make posting anti-SJW sentiments a bannable offense?
>b-but breitbard jewish media lmao alt-right hitler kkk!
I don't even know who the fuck she is and I don't give enough shits to google it so I can shitpost with you guys. If you want people to talk about your irrelevant shit make sure to provide a proper backstory to why anybody should care
I wonder how big her shota folder is.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying. This trash belongs on Sup Forums, but idiots are obsessed with (You) farming so they come here to Sup Forums where other idiots go "Oh man I'm so clever and witty for pretending to be outraged at this off-topic thread!" and you end up with 500 Posts and 300 Images omitted. Click Reply to view.
I don't even really understand the point of the porn dumps because you can just go to /e/ or /h/ and get the same, but at least it's vidya.
>Sup Forums didn't do anything it was Kiwi Farms
>Sup Forums didn't do anything
what alternative universe are you from? Sup Forums had rapp threads round the clock at the time, with anons posting how they're bombing her twitter and complaining to Nintendo about her, etc. cripplechan had whole threads dedicating to her doxxing even
>Kiwi farms
>female pedos are allowed to promote cp
>nothing happens to them because they are women
imagine living in a society where women can jail men for not allowing their children to wear make up and have anal sex...
Come back when you have a source at least as credible as dailymail.
>what alternative universe are you from? Sup Forums had rapp threads round the clock at the time, with anons posting how they're bombing her twitter and complaining to Nintendo about her, etc. cripplechan had whole threads dedicating to her doxxing even
You are not even trying. All her threads were deleted in 2 minutes that's why they don't exist in archives.
god i want to eat her asshole so bad
Holy shit let it fucking go it's been like a year or something.
>posts blacked screencap
if you click there you'll find the two links showing her pedo activism
>b-but I won't click that
Then go fuck yourself.
Gee, I wonder
crossboard posting happens because new people come into the discussion, which makes everything fresh, like an original general being posted for the first time. things stagnate and get outright hijacked, over the years, just go to the sc2 /vg/ general for the perfect example.
>but if you dive into a septic tank, you'll find a path into sewers
Post the links here, nigger
>All her threads were deleted in 2 minutes
No they weren't. They were deleted eventually for obvious reasons, but that didn't stop Sup Forums from making new threads or derailing other threads about it.
As said, there were threads round the clock.
And yea, I'm not trying. I'm educating you. Because you're either delusional or an idiot.
>Nobody ever called breitbart's credibility into question until Donald Trump shilled for them
Really activates the almonds
I think he was sarcastic mentioning the daily mail, mate
you probably can for the right price
if you pay extra you can probably even do it while her husband watches
This. And we're still having Brianna threads as well.
Yes they were that's why you won't find in the archives.
>And yea, I'm not trying. I'm educating you. Because you're either delusional or an idiot.
Neogaf post of the day.
>say that they were deleted EVENTUALLY, but not within 2 minutes
>b-but the a-archives
So stupid it is then
But given the fact that boards are separated by interest (this being the videogames board), wouldn't it be, y'know, logical for cross-board posters to observe that guideline? I'm not saying "people must stick to one board only" but cross-board posters ignoring guidelines is another reason for Sup Forums's current state. They think "oh, this isn't my native board, I can shit it up for a while and be epick" but I'm sure you know the saying about real idiots finding good company among people who pretend.
the existence of this very thread proves you wrong
They were deleted in minutes that's why you don't even have screenshot of those so-called threads.
She didn't get fired for advocating cp, she got fired for having a second job as a literal whore under the alias Maria Mint.
majority of crossposters are/were active posters or lurkers on more than one board, who ended up migrating for one reason or another. anons who stick to one board, across a lifetime of posting and lurking, usually haven't been here for very long.
Not those guys but sites like those have always been questioned regarding credibility and/or agenda. What, you expect conservative and out-there assholes are gonna bring about legitimate news sites with no agenda whatsoever?
I'm talking about Sup Forums, not the world in general.
why are you lying?
>thats why don't even have screenshot of those so-called threads.
Ah yes, the old practice of taking screenshots of every stupid thread that exists.
You're getting dumber with every post
And you're still wrong, the threads stayed up for quite a while sometimes. Definitely enough for Sup Forums to sperg out and share images in infos. You're just wrong man. On all accounts.
>reurgitates that threads were deleted within minutes
>spamming porn to get the thread deleted
I've no reason to argue against that since it's true for me personally and no doubt true for many other people. Having a variety of views does promote healthy discussion, but it's just like in the real world - healthy discussion soon breaks down if people don't observe the guidelines in place in different areas. It's like going to a library and trying to be as loud as you can on purpose, or going to a coke factory and openly drinking pepsi. That second example is particularly disgusting. What kind of person drinks pepsi?
It really is funny how you can tell the source site just by the lighting. What's the deal with that?
I've been on Sup Forums since late 2008 and I don't know what the fuck you're on about. Anything conservative was criticized and mocked. It's like saying Fox News was taken at face value since forever, or that Sup Forums has always been around.
She wanted to decriminalize possessions of drawn loli in her research paper, not real CP. Sup Forums fell for the tumblr SJW ruse to jump onto the bandwagon to get her fired. Still baffles me how retarded people have to be on Sup Forums to actually group up with SJW's.
I don't know.