Take a step back sometimes and appreciate how far we've come

take a step back sometimes and appreciate how far we've come

Trip was a cunt. Fuck her.

>Fuck her.
Gladly, since she's actually attractive

You're right, eyebrows have come a long way.

Not everyone irl is a top-model, and I'm glad that trend in video games is finally over.

What kind of sick society is repulsed by its own concepts of beauty?

Why are you glad? Don't you like pretty things?

Yeah because human beings are fucking retarded. Why restrict our fantasies by our limits in the real world?

I like both for different reasons

why does right look like a guy in a wig?
that's a guy right?

not him but I share his opinion.

There are quite various reasons. First it improvs on immersion since its "more realistic". Second uglyness can add characteristics and adds depths to the characters (there is always some sort of solidarity and admiration for the underdog who overcome all the bad faith despise his uglyness. See Tyrion,Freddie Mercury, Stephen Hawking, Franck Ribery, Father Nier...etc.). Third: There is and always will be a certain fascinating aspect in uglyness (Its often something new, exotic or unique).

That works when theres attractiveness to play off of. The problem is certain games want every female to be 5-6/10 so that ugly creature you want to root for really doesnt seem so ugly in contrast.

the fuck are you talking about

graphics have gotten better
left is PS3/360 era while right is PS4
left you can tell is a 3D CG Image, and right is near photo realistic

>left is cute, right is hideous


A godless one.
We killed God, we were better than it anyways.


>aloy is ugly meme

uh huh...

Who's that striking man on the right?


Yes yes we get it you don't like Aloy

Yeah I'm glad I have to look at ugly people all the time instead of just in real life.

Who is the man on the right?

What about every day when you look in the mirror? XD

lmao that's a dude wtf

Buzz her hair and she'd make a great spess marine

Kys fat cuck


Haha I hope you learn to read one day.

what game is that girl from on the left

Enslaved Odyssey to the West

really middling action game

With superb facial animations and mocap. Like seriously, only a few games even come close.

>Freddie Mercury

Why is that things head literally shaped like a fucking egg

Ninja Theory is good like that

super hyped for Hellblade

>those teeth

stop looking in the mirror

because humans have oval-shaped heads

Is this a thread mocking Aloy's ugly man face or is it actually serious?

it seems like one retard

Someone trying to force a meme

Let me guess, you're American?

get out phone poster

He grew a mustache for a reason.

Cool sequitur bro

I'm all for putting ugly people for a change, but you can't just place them as socially proactive protagonists. That's not how life works.

I really hope this is like heavenly sword. though I wish they'd just make a sequel.

No, that's not how YOUR life works, because your an inept shut-in. Pro tip: your life would be just as shit if you turned 10/10 overnight.

pretty sure Hellblade is unrelated to Heavenly Sword, HS was a Sony owned IP, and Hellblade is multiplat

yeah I admit he is boarderline. But I always thought he looks kinda funky considered that he is loved by so many in a biz where looks is important. Maybe its because his boarderline gayclub fashion style.

That's one cute nigger monkey irish crossbreed on the right

>but you can't just place them as socially proactive protagonists

This isnt happening at all and you are just exaggerating. Dont worry we will have our game faps till end of time. There will always be a strong market for beauty and erotic.

She was a horrid fucking cunt, but she takes a hell of a screenshot.

How did we go from Liara and Benezia, or even that Thorian chick, to this Shrek monstrosity?

Search your feelings, you know why.


>left you can tell is a 3D CG Image, and right is near photo realistic

One far gone into depravity, I fear.

Y'know I think Aloy would look at least 50% better if she had a hair style that wasn't a literal rat's nest just chillin' on her scalp. I get she's a post-apocalyptic tribal or whatever the fuck but it's incredibly unappealing. Anything that hides more of her face is just a plus.

These anons is visual, unarguable proof that Sup Forums is quickly becoming tumblr. Honestly, worse than Sup Forums ever was or will be.

>straightfags legitimately think a plain looking teenage boy like aloy makes for an attractive girl

>at least 50% better if she had a hair style that wasn't a literal rat's nest
She does. Stick the helmet on her and she already looks better.

What the fuck is going on in that picture?

Not sure, but I think those white people are trying to visually "apologize" for the enslavement and treatment of black people.

>they said, even though they would immediately pathetically fall in "love" with a girl half as attractive as Aloy if she looked at them for more than 0.5 seconds at the grocery store

White people thinking they need to apologize for the slavery that they had nothing to do with.

>fall in "love"
>implying love is real

What makes a person like this make such wild and assumptive claims?

Sincerely held beliefs and maybe a little projection.

you hate arguments dont you?

fucking Sup Forums-populists blaring their airy claims

I've always looked for where these came from but could never find out

Nah. The hair is a huge red flag. I don't want to get a disease. I don't have health insurance.

But you're not even arguing. You're just stating your preferences whilst spouting political claims just as bad as Sup Forums but on the other end of the spectrum. It's hilarious, this double standard. If you hate Sup Forums for bringing in politics, don't bring up politics. Otherwise you're just as bad as them.

The Sup Forumsfag is right about this one. Realism fags are the cancer killing video games.

Iam the user. So I brought up arguments for pro-uglyness without any political intention behing it

Dont see any double standart here, neither Iam a tumblr fag just like you claimed.

horizon a bad game just because you cant fap to the protagonist?


Can't say I like looking at the right one much, but I am impressed by the place where the lower eyelid connects to the eye, looks properly moist and fleshy. that's genuinely impressive detail work.

Seems like the next bound in MUH REALISM for games is making the hair not look like hay glued to the cranium.

Like, shit dude, use a little bit of texture there to make the transition not so jarring.

These people don't think they're bringing up politics.

Nah it's a bad game because it's derivative open world trash. The horrible "realistic" style just means it has absolutely no redeeming qualities.

If you think being unattractive is realistic, then really that just says a lot about you. Most people can achieve a level of attractiveness if they actually try, but most don't and simply say that it's unrealistic to make themselves feel better about being lazy. And alot of amazingly written characters are attractive and much, much better written than the ugly character trend we're seeing in this horrendous SJW era.

Go on, how should Aloy have made herself more attractive?

You actually think Aloy is attractive?
Autistic samefag.

Not them but if Guerrilla got rid of the shitty hair she has, I think she would be fine.

She's a fucking robot. It wouldn't be "realistic" for her to be ugly in the first place. Oh and "realism" doesn't automatically improve a game retard. Plenty of realistic changes would make most games play significantly worse.

not the sharpest tool in the shed

>She's a fucking robot
You clearly didn't play it.

Please tell me why would robots logically be ugly? How can you honestly believe a game with dinosaur robots can be realistic? Why do you consider realism to be something that improves the game in anyway?

Canada or UK

>If you think being unattractive is realistic

Ok, I think you yourself has become the strongest enemy in this discussion.
I dont blame you for loosing touch to reality.

Have fun with videogames you like anyway user.

Aloy looks like tribal Tintin

weakest bait

She's not a robot you moron. She's a clone of an equally ugly woman.

t. doesn't know shit

She could clean up her eyebrows for one. She looks like a caveman. Lots of women pluck there eyebrows to give it a cleaner and sharper look. Also, for some reason, even though she's supposed to be physically fit she has a very fat face. And lastly, like so many other people have said, her hair is a rats nest and she would look better with any other hair style.

t. the actual autistic samefag

UK is an island full of ugly, ugly people user.

Source: I'm a bong.

>Genetic Engineering
>Ugly people still exist
Nope still not realistic

>You've become the strongest enemy
What did he mean by this?


>She looks like a caveman
>in a game about pretty much cavemen

your horizon shit looks like a 13 year old boy man fucking christ I hate her face

>Please tell me why would robots logically be ugly?
Why would a robot adhere to your notions of beauty