This game is on sale. Looks kinda interesting. How similar to DQ would you say it is? Particularly VIII...

This game is on sale. Looks kinda interesting. How similar to DQ would you say it is? Particularly VIII? Loved that game and if this is similar then I'm sold.

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Bumparoo, was wondering the same thing

Its most like DQ6 I guess. Job system and shit.

Its similar in themes and art obviously but it doesn't really nail the charm in the same way despite trying so hard. Its an alright game but I'd sooner play any real DQ game over it, even the ones most people don't care for like 6.

Yeah, it's a '90s JRPG through and through. If you like DQ, early FF, Breath of Fire etc. etc. I can't really see you disliking it.

Also Ian Gillan sings on the boss theme which is like, a really really shitty pastiche of Deep Purple or Uriah Heep.

Well the reason I asked about VIII in particular because so far its the only game in the series I've played. I do plan on getting to the others eventually, but most of them are on handhelds and I'm looking more for a big screen console experience. Which is why I'm so hyped for DQXI.

So it's a bit similar to FFIV? Only FF game I've played, but I liked it because it has exploration and a going from town to town buying new gear.

Yes, it's like old JRPGs. Though it sounds like you could play old FFs and DQs first.

cant directly answer your question, sorry.

Theres this calls called the generalist, as you level up this class you gain new "generalist" equipment slots and new skill slots that both carry over to other classes. grinding isnt the worst cause you get to mix it up, but switching classes during grinding is discouraged by a temporary debuff.

the secret bosses and side quests are a good time

way way too slow and shitty it is like the worst parts of all the old SNES rpgs without any of the good
you are much better off playing a good jrpg like Terranigma
Secret of Mana
Shadow Hearts
Vagrant Story
whatever anything like that not this it is just infuriatingly slow

I thought that said bad Dragon for a sec...

Final boss theme was overwhelming, both the 360 and DS "plus" version.

Fucking uematsu

Oh I plan on doing that sooner or later. I already chose FFIV on my vita for this summer since I'm going away. The problem is that those games are so long and it took me nearly 2 months to clear DQVIII just to the final boss. Didn't bother with the post game stuff as I never do. So 2 months for not even 100%. Now I have Persona to get through so you can see my dilemma.

Mix it up how? I'm guessing with a job system I can customize my characters to a role rather than have them set to one?

Play any Dragon Quest game and replace the boss music with this.

Well, FFV and VI are short. You could beat both in the time it takes to do Blue Dragon. And DQ1 and 2 are short as well. Though 2 will be confusing if you haven't played it before.

>I can customize my characters to a role rather than have them set to one?
ye. also, the attacks effectiveness is timing based, with different attacks having different games and timing. so theres a concrete excuse my diction difference, even if it is small

It's the quintessential jrpg. Lot's of I WON'T GIVE UP and other muh feels writing, stats and strategy.

Around level 30 one of your squadmates is taken and the back to back boss fights to get them back boss fight to get them back are level 70, but the preceding action makes you think you're fine at 50. I realized this mistake and had no saves for hours before. Made me drop the game. Other than that I recommend it.

Mind going a bit more in depth about this? Why would save files from hours ago accomplish?


The 4~5 hours of lost progress in addition to the prospect of grinding for a week was critically demoralizing.

>makes you think you're fine at 50
fucking this. got stuck on the ship before the last boss trying to fight the boss before the end boss and kept getting wrecked.

had no way of going back to level up since I didn't have a save in the right spot. and that last area has no saves either.

Best boss theme in the entire series.

It's pretty fun. Plot and characters aren't anything special but I thought the world was pretty expansive and there's a lot of charming and silly designs. Gameplay offers a lot of customization and enough to keep you interested even though it's turn-based. Tons of side quests and secret bosses too, some of which are actually pretty challenging.

Only thing that sucks is that the game runs like ass on the original 360.

>doing DQ2 completely blind